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  • Songs that get you Emotional?

    Mech__Warrior - - Chat Box


    Stone Sour - Through Glass

  • Lucius videos song at the end

    Mech__Warrior - - Help


    Lost in Hollywood - System of a Down. And Pewds needs to start putting that up at the end of the song or something.

  • What is YOUR story ?

    Mech__Warrior - - Real Life


    Well, in West Philadelphia, born and raised, on the playground....Pffstch, I'm sorry, I had to do that. My story? Hmm....I could probably write a novel here but I'm not going to. My childhood was alright; my dad worked second shift and I hardly saw him while my mother worked third shift. She basically raised me. Being both factory workers with secure jobs, I had it good, but my parents always punished me severely. It would not take them much to have them threaten to wash my mouth out with soap o…

  • Ring of Red. A turn-based strategy game that involves managing mechs, infantry, and their respective abilities. Was fucking awesome.

  • Songs that get you Emotional?

    Mech__Warrior - - Chat Box


    Quote from Rune: “Quote from Mech__Warrior: “The Last Time - All That Remains Two Weeks - All That Remains Hold On - All That Remains Days Without - All That Remains ” I'm glad someone likes ATR as much as I do Hold On used to get me really emotional when I was in a relationship (over a year ago now) because it was just a song about everything that was wrong with us This is a nice inspiring one: [Youtube][/Youtube]” Used to like them, I don't listen to t…

  • Well, you represent one of the few stable things in his life and while listening to him whine and giving him attention certainly wastes your time and annoys you, I think cutting him off completely would drive him into a depression I don't foresee him getting out of. Everyone craves attention, it makes us feel wanted, desired and important. I think a lot of his problems came from his grandparents passing away and his father as well, the fear of losing his mother would certainly change the way I a…

  • Songs that get you Emotional?

    Mech__Warrior - - Chat Box


    Oh yeah, I forgot some more but I'm not going to list the reasons why this time. I don't have the time to right now; The Last Time - All That Remains Two Weeks - All That Remains Hold On - All That Remains Days Without - All That Remains The entire Toxicity album by System of a Down, specifically Atwa. That one I will make an exception on. It basically describes how that lack of attention my ex gave me drove me crazy. I may have misheard the lyrics, but specifically the part of 'I don't sleep AN…

  • When I was younger, I pondered what would happen after death quite a bit. I certainly don't want to just be given a black screen for all of eternity, nor do I want to be burned for not believing in any one religion's God. I did come close to figuring out what happens, but my thoughts kept hitting this barrier. I don't know how else to describe it other than this barrier that prevented me from thinking beyond this physical world. (Maybe my thoughts and consciousness were ready to ascend to the ne…

  • Guess I'm going to mention the same things that people already have, but I can see why he didn't enjoy Ghost Hunt 1 and 2, or Ghoul's Forest 3. There really wasn't that much material there, it was just jump-scares most of the time and the games are meant to be enjoyed with multiple people. Since he was the only one playing, he got bored and tired of being startled. For some others, he probably lost interest in it and/or didn't like the material that he produced. He's a human being, he does have …

  • National Text Your Ex Day

    Mech__Warrior - - Real Life


    I'd text mine, but she probably wouldn't reply. Wouldn't be surprising, actually. Also, she just quit smoking, so I'm trying to not stress her out because that shit is hard.

  • Youtube as a job?

    Mech__Warrior - - Help


    Quote from KrimboPlays: “Without tax and machinima taking their cut, pewdie makes between $2000 and $15000 a DAY on average. Which makes $620,000 - $5,800,000 a year... So yes, you can become a millionaire. But the chances are 1/1000000” Quote from KrimboPlays: “Without tax and machinima taking their cut, pewdie makes between $2000 and $15000 a DAY on average. Which makes $620,000 - $5,800,000 a year... So yes, you can become a millionaire. But the chances are 1/1000000” I find that very hard to…

  • Quote from Cirno: “The only reason why people even should consider BO2 is due to zombies. nothing more.” $60 for half of a game. Worth it?

  • I played a game before Bad Company 2 was out and ruined the Battlefield series forever, it was Battlefield 2142. It took place in the future, where the world was undergoing a second ice age and the two armies had to fight to survive. And while it may not have had a story campaign with cut-scenes or anything, you felt like you were fighting the war and you were your own person, not this soldier a story-writer created. Everything was intense; you had tanks, battle walkers, APCs, drop ships, jeeps,…

  • I'd say skip it. They just keep copying and pasting the series, nothing really changes. And while we're on it, skip Battlefield 3/Homefront/Medal of Honor/Most modern shooters, they're the cancer of gaming and what may end up ruining the industry.

  • Worst way to go?

    Mech__Warrior - - Real Life


    I have a fear of pain and the unknown after death than the event of death itself, but still... Falling; the event of knowing you are going to die and every second that passes while you are falling brings you that much closer to your end. It doesn't help that my family hasn't had a good history with heights. Drowning/Asphyxiating/Bleeding out; Same thing as falling, the end is inevitable and you can't do much other than pray to God that there is a way out of it. Burning; More painful than the oth…

  • Youtube as a job?

    Mech__Warrior - - Help


    Quote from Noirproxy: “To be honest it is incredibly hard these days if not impossible. The only reason to even bother making youtube videos now is for the sheer love of gaming itself. Youtubers have grown to stick with people like Pewdiepie and Tobuscus because well they made the whole thing pretty popular. If you try and copy them then the fans will call you out on it, so be warned about that. On making it a job though you would need to sacrifice a lot and hope that the luck fairy is shining o…

  • Well, some days more than others, I feel like I'm just alone, I mean I still have people that like me but I just get lonely. That loneliness and isolation makes me feel unwanted or un-needed, which is similar to what you feel. I know I stated that so fricking much to people, but I don't think they honestly understand when I say I get my strength and confidence from friends and when I don't get that back, I wither up and stay isolated. I guess part of that comes from my friends and I going our se…

  • Meh music

    Mech__Warrior - - Real Life


    Quote from Swiftkillswitch3: “Quote from Lucifer: “well, first, respect and support real music, and second, don't listen swag music, and third there's my list which i'm listening, and you probably should start liking some of these, for now start listening The rasmus lucifer's angel B Black Veil Brides Blink 182 D Disturbed E Eminem ” Respect and support real music, you say... and yet you list BVB, Blink 182 and Disturbed. I see three major flaws. I know you were replying elsewhere, but I'm perso…

  • Quote from blackboard2893: “Thank you for everyone's help but unfortunately, the worst has happened to me. She asked me to tell what had happened between me and her to all of our friends and I did. She said it was the right thing to do. I told her to tell her viewpoint and our friends said that they will not make any serious judgement about the situation but unfortunately... I predicted that if she said her story to them, they would all abandon me and I was correct. They all abandoned me by disc…

  • Hobbies Anyone?

    Mech__Warrior - - Real Life


    I'm going to be getting into Airsoft, you know, shooting at each other with realistic guns and being like a soldier. I'm actually a bit excited because it's something I've been wanting to do my whole life.