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  • Looking for YouTube Partner :D

    Xirena - - Find Player 2



  • Episode on a show that made you cry

    Xirena - - Chat Box


    This FMA ep: and Also the final chuck episode, that pissed me off I never wanted it to end then it ended like... GAH.. this too many feels for me.

  • Welp, I was originally just trying to make sure I don't get myself in a shit ton of trouble but it's like I said not that i'm going to bash him or something of that sort. Literally just someone speaking of him and quoting something he said. Annnnyways, thank you.

  • You need permission if its a widly known person, as such Pewdiepie is, there for if you do it then ninechances out of ten they can come back and sue you BUT i do suppose if he does have a problem with it he would get hold of me and hopefully he wouldn't. It's nothing negative at all in the end.

  • How amnesia multiplayer could work out...

    Xirena - - Other


    Really not a bad idea, needs work of course though but would have potential, I say it needs to be done at some point. Gotta admit that'd be interesting as hell to end up playing, Amnesia's already pretty messed up.

  • Well that I do realize but i mean to have someone say "Like Pewdiepie once said" Yadda Yadda Yadda, it'd actually need his approval. And somehow.. i was actually having a feeling that it was going to be impossible like that. This suuuuuuuuuucks.

  • I'm a writer, and to use actual stuff like quotes or anything of that sort from people means I have to get their permission something I want to do so I can have one of my characters quote Pewds. But, in all honesty i'm not sure what's the best route to get a reply from her or how hard it's going to end up being, I mean what do you bros think? I was thinking snail mail, but things have a tendency to get lost in the mail at times and on top of that take forever to get to where they're supposed to …