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Credits to DreamSelf.Me, GCrest, @games.jp and TinierMe.

This is risker360 and he is the mod that keeps an eye on bros and at the same time, reaches out to them. He is always with a laugh and a crazy personality, and it shows through his actions. He loves music very much and he makes remixes for the uni. He is always approachable and ready to help anyone in need.

Message for risker360: Thank you for being that awesome big brother (already? haha) that i always wanted. You are awesome and always have a lookout on us. Thanks for being concerned about all the bros and well, anyone! Don't ever lose that smile on your face! You are awesome always, big bro~

Message from risker360 to the bros: "Itee, hows it gannn?"

"Who made cheesecake? it's like someone saying "You know what this ice cream needs? Potatoes."
~ risker360, 2014

"If you cant sweg a butternut squash, then why would you choose Gucci over Prada"
~ risker360, 2014

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