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Credits to DreamSelf.Me, GCrest, @games.jp and TinierMe.

This is eddielikespie and he is a confident, yet funny guy in the forums. He always asks people, "do you like pie?" and it is his awesome conversation starter. He's a really nice and crazy friend that is always there for you. Remember to smile at him and say "hi!" Because he will always ask, "do you like pie?" (awesome! It rhymes!)

Message for eddielikespie: Thank you for being that awesome friend and you know what? The "do you like pie?" question got stuck to me right now. Just stay awesome and be a pie maker! You never fail to make me laugh with that question and thanks for everything!

Message from eddielikespie to the bros: "Welcome, Do you like pie?"

"When in doubt, eat pie"
~ eddielikespie, 2015

Comments 1

  • Semi -

    i could swear he asks me instead to go to hell, nice guy xD