Impish Looter X

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Credits to DreamSelf.Me, GCrest, and TinierMe.

This is impish looter x and he is always at the Roleplay room with Bonnie, Milkman and the rest. He is cheerful and fun to be with, and also fun to talk to. Remember to say "hi" to him, okay? He will be ready and willing to help you!

Message for impish looter x: Thanks for being a bro Imp! It is fun to do your PTY because of the choices and stuff. It is fun to see you smile and get more enthusiastic about it. Well... stay awesome, bro! Be yourself always and smile! If you need anything, you may ask. I'll help you in a jiff!

Message from impish looter x to the bros: "Hey bros, come out and play..... i promise ill be nice....XD but really get ready, get hyped and get prepared to deal with a bunch of crazy and awesome people!"

"Theres good in everyone and everything..... except spiders."
~ impish looter x, 2015

"Must acquire all loot!"
~ impish looter x, 2015

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