Milkaholic Milkman

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Credits to DreamSelf.Me, GCrest, and TinierMe.

This is Milkaholic Milkman and he is that bro who is wise. He gives quotes to people about life and its joys and sufferings. He is calm and assertive, yet has the strength and willpower of an eagle. He could be weird and insane, but he cares deeply about everyone in Bro Army.

Message for Milkaholic Milkman: Thank you for being with us and for being that awesome person we all know! Stay awesome and be awesome! Even if it is already tough, continue to smile and be yourself! You know that in anything and everything, it will be alright. Smile always.

Message from Milkaholic Milkman to the bros: "Heya, How R U? Welcome To Broarmy "

"I am The Illuminati. I am The Milkman"
~ Milkaholic Milkman, 2015

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