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Credits to TinierMe, DreamSelf.Me, GCrest and!

Note: This is the very first project that uses a new and completely different sets of items merged from @Games and Dreamselfy. It is one of the most difficult projects to understand since the basis is the Japanese language. It was slightly easier to understand since I read KanJi (HanZi = Chinese Characters/Words) so the project is done faster than expected. Also with the merge of Dreamselfy, the design is made faster too. But the difficult part still is the frame rate and the shots taken to catch that perfect wink.

So, without further ado...

This is Mystery. That name in itself is a mystery to anyone who goes in BroChat. Mystery is a kind and passionate person. If you see Mystery in the BroChat, don't forget to say "hi" and "hello". Mystery is sure to answer back and help you with certain problems you encounter in BroArmy. After all, Mystery is "Ritual's Kitten"!

Message for Mystery: Hey Mys! Thanks so much for being that awesome friend ever! Like, you talk about the basics of BroArmy the first day I went there. Now, look! You made a confident bro out of a simple question, "How are you?"! Stay awesome and remember to do the same to other bros! Those three simple words ("How are you") can really change a bro's life!

"Even though we may never meet, we will always be the best of friends."
~ Mystery, 2014

Comments 8

  • Semi -

    OMG i see mys! btw #mysux 2015 :D

  • Xavy_Aawesomee -

    demmet its so sugoii

  • bearybearbutterfly -

    oh my god D:

    • CopyCat -

      indeed :D

    • -

      well this is the one with the LONGEST description. lel. Gonna give a current record soon on who we made, and who made contributions

  • Mystery -

    <3 I will keep doing that. Always.

    • -

      ^^ cheer more people! Well that is what bros do, right?