Not the Nope Ghost

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Credits to TinierMe, DreamSelf.Me, and GCrest.

This is Not the Nope Ghost. Usually he is at the brochat chatting with people. He is really nice when you get to talk to him.

Message to Not the Nope Ghost: Thanks for being an awesome bro and finally it is done! :D You are the first one to get a foreground and you are lucky to have one! Anyways, make sure you make people happy in brochat, okay? Always be awesome!

Comments 12

  • Horta Woof -

    Your work's extremely cool. Very interesting, madam.

  • Isaiah Kun -

    Dat looks amazin

    • -

      it was the most difficult project! ><" We only communicated through the chill room!

  • Kyle The Ghost -

    You are the best sir