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Credits to GCrest, @games.jp, TinierMe and DreamSelf.Me

This is OgoMaster. The guy with the cucumbers. He usually pops by and stuff even if he's busy with school.

Message to OgoMaster; Ogo!!! Here is the photo!!! (ooh! it rhymes!) Anyways, thanks for making me laugh Ogo at those times you say cucumbers and stuff. I don't know why but your sense of humor is awesome! So I hope you get to make people laugh too sometime, and don't be a stranger to us!

Comments 4

  • OgoMaster -

    Wu..oh... Sorry I just had an Eye-gasim on how epic it was.. *munches on cucumber*

    • fluffeh.monster -


    • OgoMaster -

      Yes its when the human eyes feel pleasure after seeing something they like. Gosh do you even science?

    • fluffeh.monster -

      erm.......... whut?