Conspiracy Cyperpunk Roleplay (join whenever you want)

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    • Conspiracy Cyperpunk Roleplay (join whenever you want)

      This roleplay is basically a lot like deus ex.But let's get on with the story.

      The year is 2035 a time of conspiracy,disease and terror.A disease known as Dark death is spreading quickly around the world and it's only cure "Anti-death" is only handed to the govermental people and the rich.And it's only vacaine is avaible for the goverment.In new york ATFW was founded to take care of the terrorism but not everything.........Human Augmentations are also beginning.


      No killing others
      No spammming
      Remember you are in new york.
      Be underpowerd.
      You can be augmented.

      By the way you can join the roleplay whenever you want.

      click the image above to see my channel.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by legoulbik ().

    • Name:Zuperx
      occupation:Member of the ATFW as augmented spy.

      *Fighting the terrorists*
      Well you asked for this to happend.
      *grabs a minigun*
      *Kills the terrorists with a minigun*

      click the image above to see my channel.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by legoulbik ().

    • Name: Jack

      age: 25

      Job: Theif/underground illegal fight club member

      Augmentations: Eyes: Night vision Arms: Strength boosts Legs: running speed enhancments, sound retardent, jumping boosts and better landing capabilities

      Appearence: Semi shaggy mid lenght black hair, unkept goatee, Dark blue jeans, black 3/4 leather jacket with hood ( insiede of jacket is red), and a beanie.

    • I saw Jack getting arrested and said.
      "Hey!This is ATFW.I need to know what did he do wrong."
      The cop said.
      ''He was breaking the law.He was aware of our conspiracy.As such he will be in death row."
      Then I said
      "Stop this!Or I'll shoot"
      THe cop said.
      ''The goverment wants me to do this.And your gonna die first.''
      I pulled out a Assault rifle as he started to shoot me.Then I killed him with my assault rifle as his blood fell on the floor along with his dead body.
      "Something must not be right."
      Then I freed Jack.

      click the image above to see my channel.
    • Name: Marcus 'Brutus' Blake
      Age: 29
      Occupation: None. Is currently leader of terrorist/rebel group The Liberators.

      I watched as the person who killed my comrades entered the police building. The bastard had gotten a minigun somehow, and torn my friends to pieces. The others looked at me, wondering what to do. I said,"Lets wait until they come out, and then we shoot them. We'll bury our dead later."
      Just then, gunshots came from inside the building.
      "What the fuck?", I said, wondering what exactly was going on. This idiot kills my men, therefore ruining my attack on the goverment building, then goes in there and starts a firefight?
      Take solace in the rain, my children. It only means I'm near.
    • Name: Chet Kerensky
      Age: 29
      Occupation: Augmented ATFW Squad Leader
      Augmentations: Night Vision, Thermal Vision, Augmented Strength, Augmented Weapon Accuray, Sound retardent, Wireless communications, Landing Augmentation (Like in DX:HR), Heavily Armoured (all body parts)

      I had been dropped off at the helipad on the roof of the Police station, my squad were inside, dealing with the firefight, giving me enough of a distraction to search for the Terrorist leader and interograte him. It had appeared that another ATFW Agent was in the building, according to new intel. This wasn't planned, but I was just glad for the help. It had not been long into my search when I encountered one of the guards fighting a fellow ATFW agent, this must've been the other guy I heard about. I didn't want to kill the guard, so I pulled out my handgun and shot to miss at the guard, "Need a hand?" He asked to Zuperx. It hadn't helped that the guard had pulled the alarm, if anymore guards would come, it would've hindered the situation.
      Famous quotes throughout history:
      "What a shame."
      ---JC Denton, Former UNATCO Agent, 2052

      "I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favourite store on The Citadel."
      ---Commander Shepard, Alliance Commander, 2185

      ---Colonel Campbell, FOXHOUND Colonel, 2005

      "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads."
      ---Doctor Emett Brown, Scientist, 1985

    • "Jesus! These guys look like soldiers, are they that one group I heard about one time?"

      *Starts shooting blindly, and misses each time*

      "And if they are, that first guy isn't very tactical, he just bloody decided to free a criminal in the open and start a firefight."

      In head: "Ambushed eh? Better find another way out."

      colonel, we managed to avoid drowning!
    • I turned to Zuperx, "Freed a criminal? What's this about, Zuperx? Look, I am on a mission here, this little firefight stirred up a bit of trouble and now my mission isn't going as according to plan." I approached the guard cautiously, "Don't do anything you'll regret, if you stand down, deactivate that alarm and answer some of my questions, then you can walk away alive. Or do you think you stand a chance against 2 ATFW agents? One has their own squad they could call into this room right now." I turned back to my fellow agent, "You're just running away? I could use your help on this mission, I heard that my target is a tought son of a bitch."
      Famous quotes throughout history:
      "What a shame."
      ---JC Denton, Former UNATCO Agent, 2052

      "I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favourite store on The Citadel."
      ---Commander Shepard, Alliance Commander, 2185

      ---Colonel Campbell, FOXHOUND Colonel, 2005

      "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads."
      ---Doctor Emett Brown, Scientist, 1985

    • "Listen Chet!This criminal was arrested when he entered the building and he might have not even commited a crime recently."
      As I told Chet that I ran away and shoot the goverment offical and turns out he was augmented.Then the goverment offical said.
      ''Well the ATFW does not want someone like you to killl a govermnet offical.''

      click the image above to see my channel.
    • I sighed, as I realised that both of them ran away, "He's not worth it. I'm not going to find the terrorist leader by standing around here." I ripped off the air duct cover and crawled inside, hoping to be able to sneak around. I didn't want my target to know I was there. Suddenly, I spotted the guard ahead of me, I ripped the vent cover off, then blocked his escape, "Talk. Now."
      Famous quotes throughout history:
      "What a shame."
      ---JC Denton, Former UNATCO Agent, 2052

      "I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favourite store on The Citadel."
      ---Commander Shepard, Alliance Commander, 2185

      ---Colonel Campbell, FOXHOUND Colonel, 2005

      "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads."
      ---Doctor Emett Brown, Scientist, 1985

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Ghosty ().

    • *Sprinting down the hallway and dropkicks another officer in the chest and scoops up his pistol* " Hey Thanks mate if you are ever in the streets and in a jam i got your back" *Pounces through window and goes into a stealth mode and dissaoears from sight*