Well anyway I have this small channel where I upload videos whenever I can (let's plays), I love making my videos and so on. I just bought a webcam and an editing software so I can have a facecam in my vids it cost about 160€ for me(both editing software and facecam). But now I really find my money somehow wasted because I realized there isn't too many people to watch my videos I have a funny 41 subscribers and no more. I just find doing videos a waste of time when you pretty much know there's pretty much none to see your videos. DON'T get me wrong I still like doing videos but sometimes I find it a little well: It's like I would create them to my self spend hours on editing, rendering and uploading. I only have about 20 videos but yeah still :/. Anyone got any tips or help for me? (I've done a game giveaway doesn't really work lol.)
Amnesia Custom Stories , Home, Dead Space, Amnesia: Machine for pigs.
Silly/Weird/Scary Moments Montage!
Silly/Weird/Scary Moments Montage #2