Need some advice/help

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    • Need some advice/help

      Hello, some of you may know me, some of you may not, anyway I'm fisto.

      I make videos on Youtube, but I rarely get any feedback, most likely because I'm doing something wrong or something else, and I'd like some good advices to get better at commentating and such.

      Since I'm mainly doing Fallout 3, please watch a minute (or more if you so desire) and tell me what I should do better. :)
    • ok now first, You need to speak a bit more and a bit louder.
      2.try to be funny, every joke doesn't need to be funny and do something funny. are playing pretty much just boring games to watch, like Sims 3...
      now im not saying you should not do or saying not to do those, but you really should play something that is popular these days like Slenderman.
    • My Advice would be this,

      1) Speak LOUDLY and CLEARLY
      2) If your not having FUN, neither will the viewers
      3) DON'T FORCE YOURSELF TO PLAY - As a Viewer I can tell if your not having fun
      4) DONT try and be FUNNY - If you can't think of anything funny to say, Tell us a story? Personal or Imaginary
      5) I'd rather watch 2 - 10 MINUTE EPISODES, than 1, 20+ Minute Video, People don't have that much time, Its better to leave people wanting MORE than Getting BORED
      6) Get a Facecam
      7) Get an Intro (
      8.) Try Choosing a Topic or a Theme - PER EPISODE
      9) Watch more TV, Find out what makes TV interesting, Cause YOUTUBE is exactly the SAME

      Good Luck :)
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    • Then you should try getting some new games, or play games you enjoy

      Talk about what you do in life - School/College/Uni - Events Parties Outings - Funny Stories - Sad Stories - Secrets -

      Think about it like this, If you could ask PDP about some aspect of his life what would it be?


      I hope that makes it clearer, be confident, don't worry about what other people say or think, cause your TRUE FANS will find you :)
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    • Anyway , as stated before. You need to like what you are doing even if people are hating it. When I'm uploading things to youtube I actually have a "Fuck you , I do whatever I want" mentality, meaning that I do it to entertain myself and not specifically others. And again you might be like : "but I want to entertain people." Then again the above said can clearly work out (the you need to have fun part).

      Imagine this (not taking you as an example)

      Person A : Randomly mumbles things , plays and talks like its a chore , tries to be correct every time (wrote a script to talk etc. etc. etc. , is afraid to make errors).
      Person B : Loves to do it , Talks excited about stuff , keeps talking , makes a lot of errors but covers them up with goofy stuff.

      Then obviously people would choose for B due to the entertainment factor. Also for me , I suck with commentating. :3

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Kneesocks ().