Ib Roleplay

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    • I love Ib. Let's do this.

      "Hey mother! Let's go to this art gallery. We have nothing better to do."

      "Is that so? Don't you have homework?"

      "Well yeah, but let's go for a bit anyway! It sounds kind of interesting! It has works by some artist called Guertena. Come onnn!"

      "Fine. Get your coat on, we'll go to the gallery, but only for a little while!"


      "It is sky that allows the cloud to move about freely. But someday, I will even bite up the sky itself." ~ Hibari Kyoya
    • *on bed ready to fall asleep..*
      cousin: Pet,have you done your homework??
      me: DONT CALL ME PET,YOU RETARD!yes ..i have...let me..sleep....(yawn)
      cousin:sry,pet,i cant, im told to take you with me.
      me:just...oh fahk..ok,were to...?
      cousin:Guertena art gallery ...pet
      me:ok....lets go.... AND MY NAME IS GEORGE,DIMWIT!
    • "Me: Mom! Can i go to the art gallery please?"
      "Mom: Ok"
      "Me: Thanks!
      *goes to art gallery*
      "Me: Well, thats some nice art."

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TheDauphin ().

    • ( something more like
      Amanda walked up to the door, wondering what on earth was making that noise. She knocked several times, before timidly saying "H-h-hello? P-p-please don't put peanut butter on my cat..."

      More like that.)

      Now come and see divinity
      Where night turns day so far away from heaven
    • The young brunette woman walked at a brisk, but not hurried, pace into the art gallery. She had earbuds in her ears, connected to a music device of indeterminable origin, but took those off and stuffed them into her pocket upon arriving.
      Not even acknowledging other people so far, she zipped up her jacket and began to simply... observe. That is what art is for, after all.

      Now come and see divinity
      Where night turns day so far away from heaven
    • Freya walked through the Guertena art museum the day of its opening, looking through the artwork. Some pieces she found interesting, some confusing. Some beautiful, some disturbing. Art is an amazing thing, she thought to herself.
    • (OOC: Is it alright if I join in...? :D)

      "C'mon Viv! This'll be fun!" Zen tugged Vivi's sleeve lightly, his lips cracking open into an excited grin.

      "What's so fun about an art gallery?" Vivi scoffed, crossing her arms and heaving a light sigh.

      "Well, we're already here. And you haven't been to an art gallery before, have you?" If possible, the brunette's smile became wider. "Now come on!" Zen grabbed Vivi's hand with enthusiasm, and marched towards the counter, where a bunch of brochures sat. He took two, and handed one to Vivi.

      Rolling her raven-coloured eyes, she snatched the paper from her friend, and skimmed over the columns. 'Lady in Red', 'Lady in Blue', 'The Hanged Man'... there was really nothing that caught her interest. 'Fabricated World'. Interesting title, but she couldn't care less.

      To Zen, this was the best day of his life. To Vivi, it was a total waste of time.

      But if Zen was happy, maybe she was too.

      "To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved."
      Thank to Vaporz3K for making this! c:
    • The murmur of more voices entering the gallery struck the woman's ears, as if an unwelcome intrusion. Mumbling something nervously under her breath, she pulled up the hood of her dark brown jacket, once more closing herself off from the world.
      The jacket was long, a deep shade of brown, and had colorful embroidery covering the edges and parts of the sleeves. It was line with some kind of tan, and obviously fake, fur on the inside, making it very warm.

      And very good at muffling things.

      Now come and see divinity
      Where night turns day so far away from heaven
    • "This way, this way!" Zen cheered, hand gripping Vivi's tightly and pulling her along. "Zen, look where you're-" Vivi's sentence was interrupted as Zen crashed into lady with a pretty, long brown coat - sending all three of them sprawling to the ground, and out of the corner of Vivi's eyes, she could see a music device with earphones connected a few feet away, suffering the same fate.

      "S-sorry!" Zen immediately apologized, sitting up and rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

      "To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved."
      Thank to Vaporz3K for making this! c:
    • Out the corner of her crystal blue eyes, Freya saw the events and end result of an accidental collision between 3 individuals. She thought to herself for a moment, before walking over, choosing to be a good samaritian and help them up. "Everyone alright?" the black haired girl known as Freya asked as she approached the three. "Should be a little more careful. You definitely don't want to end up paying a fortune for either each other's medical bills or for any pieces of art in this place." she said offering Zen, Vivi, and the brunette that choose to "seclude" and or "isolate" herself from the world a hand.
    • Zen shot up quickly, gladly accepting the hand Freya offered, while behind him, Vivi slowly got up and dusted her clothes.

      "T-Thank you!" Zen stuttered, while Vivi rolled her eyes. "Sorry about him, he's an idiot," She stated, with Zen crying out a few moments later an indignant 'Hey!'. "Sorry to you as well, miss in the brown coat," Vivi said as well, turning towards the aforementioned woman.

      A short moment of quiet passed, before Zen decided to break it.

      "This shorty here is Vivi, and I'm Zen. Nice to meet you two!" He grinned.

      "To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved."
      Thank to Vaporz3K for making this! c:
    • The woman fell to the ground with just a small 'oof', landing sideways onto the ground. She looked rather alarmed at first, but looking up it was simply regular people...and not the very person she'd come to avoid. With a small smile, she sheepishly said "That's alright, no harm done."
      Nervously, she tried to scurry back to her feet, taking a quick look around. Good. They still weren't here. Turning back to the three people, she said in a very quiet tone of voice, almost a whisper, "I'm Irene."

      Now come and see divinity
      Where night turns day so far away from heaven

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Eurydice ().

    • "Good. Everyone is alright. I am Freya." she introduced herself to the others. "By the way, Zen, try not to be so loud." she said with a small smile. "Anyways, I would ask what brings you all here today, but I think it is apparently obvious." she chuckled lightly.