Announcement The end of Pewdie n' Friends
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The forums have been archived. Please read this thread for more information.
Thank you for this site and yeah, it has been a while that I haven't come back. But then, the Project Thank You will still continue for those who could still keep contact.
Just join the WPC and then we can settle the PTY requests there.
Will miss this place! Goodbye~~~
PS: The Dancing Pikachu will now disappear too. I crie.
PSS: Links to Discord Servers:
WPC (Weaboo Protection Center)
INVICTUS (Comeback)
DiscordThe post was edited 1 time, last by ().
Well, it was a damn good run! Being here since the beginning, i can honestly say that this was better then some roller-coasters I've seen.
But seriously, time goes and we move on, it's only natural. Still, coming back here made me feel all nostalgic and stuff, damn.
Before the end, i feel that i should thank the staff for their incredible job (i feel like I've said this too many times in the past, but eh), i can only imagine how stressful it was in some occasions.
Also, i could be here enumerating the people i consider as friends, but you know who you are.
See you guys some other time, somewhere else!
D.E.D. ❤️
I bet you can't click that dancin' Buu
To be honest, I haven't been here for a long time, I mean I was here in just October 2016 because I need some friends on Tuber Simulator but this news somehow makes me sad too.
Reading through the comments and witness the changes in the community throughout the older posts here make me realize how the Bro Army has changed dramatically. We could see that not only PewDiePie himself changed a lot but also this community even with the lack of communication for these recent times... From some of these very cool and awesome fan arts of Amnesia Pewds or some of that nostalgic barrels jokes to the day that the community made a comeback with some Tuber Simulator related threads...
Everything gonna goes to its end someday and to this beautiful community is this April 23rd, 2017. It has been a great time, not only for long-time bros but also to some smaller and latecomers like me. This sounds almost too fake but this 100% from my heart since I was a bro since 2013 without knowing this community and I now kinda regret it. Thank you all for great memories and hope for the bro army never die and stay healthy on other websites!
And as always, stay awesome bros! *brofist* -
I'm pretty confident I know the answer to this, but just want some confirmation- None of the private conversations will be lost when the website is archived, correct? There are some messages that I don't want to lose in there, and I will go through and copy them all to Microsoft word if they will be lost.
Ahhh, the nostalgia... I wasn't here for the most part, but I was definitely hanging out here when it started. Reading the posts make me feel pretty bad for not checking in as frequently; however, I can tell that a great community was built over these past years. Sad to see it go and stay awesome bros~*brofist*
TylerSC wrote:
I'm pretty confident I know the answer to this, but just want some confirmation- None of the private conversations will be lost when the website is archived, correct? There are some messages that I don't want to lose in there, and I will go through and copy them all to Microsoft word if they will be lost.
mKeRix wrote:
TylerSC wrote:
I'm pretty confident I know the answer to this, but just want some confirmation- None of the private conversations will be lost when the website is archived, correct? There are some messages that I don't want to lose in there, and I will go through and copy them all to Microsoft word if they will be lost.
Well, it's sad to see this site close down, but I'm sure most of us saw this coming.
There were tons of memories created here, and I am grateful that I found this magnificent place 3 years ago. I have met great people, and I would like to thank you all for being here and in my life. There were ups and downs between us, and there were some who just left...but overall this was a great journey and experience to me.
I would like to thank Fluffeh, Isaiah, Livi, Noise, and Leontyne for being there for me when I needed someone the most. You guys are the best, I know sometimes I'm such a drama queen, but you guys still helped me get through those times.
I would like to thank Peeps, Lee, Semi, Copy, Cha, Kyle, Sky, Neko, Mystery, SapphireNeko, Leia, Beary, Imp, Eric and many more of my dearest friends. You guys are awesome people, and I am really glad I met every single one of you here on this site. You guys always know how to make my day. I am sure every one of you is sweet and kind. (Tho sometimes we do go through some shit, but let's not go into that). Keep in touch y'all~
There are a lot of people that I am not that close with, but I do hope we could get close and chat with each other. I also hope you guys will all have happy lives and hopefully we can keep in touch.
I really need to thank the moderation team, Dano, Max, Heiko, Vics, Lobo, and all mods, for moderating and keep this community up for 6 years. I am not close to most of you, but if it weren't for you guys, I don't think this community would be as eminent as now. Fantastic job you guys! Thank you guys so much.
I do miss the fun times in the past and where most of us are in close contact, talking through Skype and video chatting all that, but sometimes things just have to end. I will certainly miss this place, and I really love you guys so much.
This community has been a big part of my life, I got to meet so many talented and wonderful people that I would never expect to meet! This is certainly a cozy place for a lot of inspirations to assemble here.
Last but not least, I have to thank Pewdiepie for bringing me here to this outstanding community. I am thrilled and grateful that I am a part of this community
Thank you, for bringing me to these special people I've met in these years and for bringing me the most phenomenal experience I have ever had.
Peace Out People! Brofist to every one of you here!Support Pewds 4EVER~Female HongKong Bro!!
Hey Guys!
Well, I saw the email, and I'm pretty surprised and sad about the site closing.
I haven't been around for a while now, I come and go from time to time whenever I can but I've been pretty busy etc.
But I can remember a lot of amazing times on here, amazing people, friends I made, people that got me angry, some made me sad, but the majority made le laugh during the hardest part of my life!
I'm really thankful to everyone from the time I got here and stayed everyday on the chat (I think it was late 2014 - early 2015), I'd like to stay in touch with you all to try and talk to you !
Special thanks to Shadow, Fluffeh, Ethanol, GorkyR, Mystery, Forsaken a.k.a Miko (hope you're good, bro! try to reach me, it'd be fun to talk again!), Ritual Lobotomy (we didn't talk much but everytime was a real laugh), Terrion, Rae, Skizjo, Svannah, Alva, Mairym, Vicsyyy (the sweetest thing ever), DanOS for being the sadistic hammerhead dictator he has always been but we always loved, schummpje (my lil' Alex, we never stopped talking on snapchat since then :D), and all the people I can't remember right now because I'm really tired and I have to sleep! Just know you are all in my heart! ❤️
Oh and thanks to Pewdiepie, mKeRix and all the moderators too for creating and making this website run as it did! It was always fun, from the calm times to the times of seeing you guys silence and ban people!
I joined the Discord servers Fluffeh linked to, I don't really know how to use it but I'm going to try!
I hope everyone is good and as happy as they can be! And I hope we'll be able to keep in touch
See you all soon!
MehgoThe post was edited 1 time, last by Mehgo ().
So it's the last day today, huh?
Well, It's been a good run, cant say I've been very active over the years, but I've enjoyed the time I've spent on here!
Thanks for keeping the forums up and running for such a long timePeace
I spit fire, im a real snowman. -
A lot of memories here. Good, bad. The friends I made here, both old and ongoing, have helped me grow in unimaginable ways. And still do. I don't regret a thing.
But I'm sorry for being such a pain in the ass, heh. But all you wonderful users and mods(especially mods lol >>) dealt with it, and I appreciate that. But seriously, I'm sorry if I ever caused anyone any issues. And please, never doubt that I cherish the days I spent with you all. It was a great run.
If anyone wants contact with me, my Skype is project.misfit or [email protected] on Discord. I wish everyone the best. Thanks.
-Misfit -
As one of the last reply and a decent farewell:
<--- Oh, you hate me son?
one last word: Fuck u maxCool kids don't turn around when there is an explosion behind them.
And if they're wearing glasses, it's even cooler.
what she said.When someone dies, and everything like videos and posts stay, it's like seeing a ghost that you once knew before they died...
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