RPG MAKER competition

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  • Title: Back to Felix
    Genre: Psychological Thriller/Inappropriate
    Synopsis: a usual day for Pewdie - at home, he tries to clean up after Marzia while she's trying to bake salmon cupcakes. Suddenly, Pewds mom emerges into town, without any notice. She believes that her son has a mental decease and tries to put him into a psychiatric clinic. While Pewdiepie doesn't agree with his mom, he tries to figure out her motives. At the end Pewdiepie has to face a life changing decision and sacrifice everything he holds dear for the people who love him.

    How is it going bros?
    This game is turning a little bit more ambitious than I planned - drawing custom graphics, animation and writing music. I seriously didn't sleep much :)

    I will not meet the deadline, so I just decided to share a little bit of my progress:
    Video Trailer:
    (sorry I compressed it too much)


    Custom Sprites:

    Gif: imgur.com/wyCBkvm

    I will update this thread with a finished game, if it's not going to be closed by that time. Otherwise, I'm gonna post it somewhare on this forum.
    Subscribe to my mailing list and I will send you a notification when the game is ready (only once). ;)


    The post was edited 13 times, last by Olia Vilchynska: trying to embed the video ().

  • a small beginning

    :) :) here is my small game guys, if u find any bug just let me know. i am gonna add more content and story to it in future as i learn more about this software as well as improve it. you are free to edit it if you want . hope you play it pewds. its really small game hardly 10 mins of play.even others play it and let me know all the improvements and idead anyone have.
    sometimes it may lag,or show a error so just reload the webpage ,or download and open the file in rpgmaker or windows and it should work .
    here,s the link -- googledrive.com/host/0ByZ6q1IOULk0UU44SV9iLUtnTWs
    open the www folder in browser firefox recommended and it should work.
    :) :) :rolleyes: :brofist:
  • Dragon's Soul

    Hey Pewds and Bros. Here is my game, Dragon's Soul. Inspired by many great games and animes.

    Follow the story of a young man who loves adventuring as his live change completely when he encountered Dragons which were said to be extinct a long time ago. As a young adventurer he has no such skill or experience in battle. How can he survive his encounter with the Dragons? Find out yourself and play the game

    -Story based game with 2 types of game play: Peaceful and Aggressive (Yeah you know it, inspired by Undertale).
    -Game play of approximately 30 min, if going through Peaceful play through.
    -Rather than killing enemies, you can choose to ignore or distract aggressive enemies and get away.
    -There is a hidden power within you.

    Advice when playing:
    -Listen to the story so you will know what is actually happening.
    -Peaceful play through is highly recommended. Aggressive play through take a lot of farming to get through one level in the game.
    -Save a lot. Who knows you make a mistake and the play through change from Peaceful to Aggressive.

    Play through (Peaceful):
    -In this play through you must not kill or even harm monsters.
    -Ignore all non-aggressive monsters and find ways to distract aggressive monsters using Tactics to get away safely.
    -Save a lot. Accidentally hitting a monster will directly change your play through from Peaceful to Aggressive.

    Play through (Aggressive):
    -In this play through, kill all your way to the finish.
    -Level up and buy weapons and armors to help you defeat your enemies.
    -A lot of farming required to get stronger to be able to get pass stronger enemies.

    Well I guess that's it Pewds and Bros. Hope you will enjoy my game and feel free to give me some advice or critics about my game. I would love to learn more about Game Making. Bro-fist :brofist:

    Download link: Dragon's Soul

  • Hey bro. For some time now, our team and I have been developing a story for you to try out. The world of The Edge of Darkness is a hostile land, filled with terrifying creatures that will not hesitate for a second to kill you. It's also a world filled with life and interesting characters, with a story that will have you on the edge of your seat. The game counts with a bunch of amazing puzzles and insane missions that'll make you question everything you know. The Edge of Darkness is an experience you cannot pass up. (Or perhaps you can, but we'd like it very much if you didn't.)

    In The Edge of Darkness, you are a soul who enters the Limbo to be judged. But something terrible is happening in this world, and the whole place is falling appart. You have no memories: the only thing you know is that you don't belong here, and you must escape no matter what.

    This game has been developed by the indie group GreedLizard. This version of The Edge of Darkness is a demo of the actual game, which is still being developed. We trust you're good enough to get through the game fast enough. If not, you'll probably end up deleting it. Are you ready for this challenge?

    Link of the game: MEGA

    Link of the RTP (RPG MAKER VX ACE): RPG Maker RTP Downloads | RPG Maker | Make A Game!
  • Ahmad The Muslim

    Hey everyone,

    My friend and I spent a month to make a game called AHMAD THE MUSLIM.
    Download link for windows --> Dropbox - Ahmad the muslim.rar
    Download link for mac --> Dropbox - Ahmad the muslim [MAC].zip

    The game centres around Ahmad, a young Muslim teen growing up in a hilarious part of western society. Much of the game revolves around making the right choices--act and perform righteous duties as a Muslim, or stray from the path of Islam by eating pork and playing pranks on your neighbours. The choices you make dictate the way the story ends, so start collecting those Islam Points, or take the easy way out and lose them all if you wish to take the path of atheism!

    -Collect or lose Islam points to enter specific areas and change your ending!
    -Silly slapstick humour!
    -Custom Muslim sprites!
    -Eat pork or halal food!
    -Original soundtrack!

    DISCLAIMER: The creators of this game are not poking fun at Islam. It is a light-hearted satire depicting how some Muslims behave in the western world, and is by no means a representative of the entire Islamic religion, or any other religion.

    The post was edited 8 times, last by Jahash ().

  • Hi Pewds!

    So you're looking for an awesome game? It just so happens that I've been designing one, Onna Bugeisha, for a little while now. Expect a unique experience rich with a dark comedy, epic adventure, and unforgettable characters. I've taken a different approach to the norm on the storyline... You'll see what I mean! In the link below is a nice little demo I've polished up.

    This is just a demo. The game is still under development, so expect MUCH more content in the near future! :)

    Have a blast!

    Onna Bugeisha - PewDie's Demo
  • Hello!
    My friend and I have created a game in RPG Maker VX Ace!

    To Thea's Rescue!

    It's a simple game about a young man given the somewhat challenging task of rescuing his Princess.
    It's short, story-focused and light-hearted!

    Hope you enjoy!

    PLEASE NOTE: included within the rar file linked below is a font file. this font HAS to be installed for the game to work (and look nice) so please install the font if you don't have it already!

    Download link: To Thea's Rescue!


    The post was edited 1 time, last by azaleali ().

  • I know I’m pretty late with this and you’ve already started playing some of the winners of the competition, but I figured I’ll just post it anyway, since you never really know, yolo.
    The game I made is called Attack of the Fab Team and it incorporates the youtubers Markiplier, Jacksepticeye and Pewdiepie into one game.
    There are references from each youtuber, so fans of any one of the youtubers could spot some references in the game. There is also A FUCKING CRAPTON of cursing, like damn, I think I actually MADE UP my own curse words at some point because I felt the regular ones weren’t good enough.
    There are ALSO a lot of puns and jokes in the game, and sometimes the puns and/or jokes I come up with were surprising to myself. The game also has SO MUCH fucking sexual tension between Mark and Sean…Cry also later comes along, causing some tension between him and Felix. There’s also a narrator in the game, and that guy is just one sassy son of a bitch that will judge you on like everything you say, which is fun.
    Basically, the story is this, Felix is making Breakfast and after telling Mark and Sean to go and eat, he starts to wonder where Edgar is. He finds Edgar in a room that he didn’t even know existed, pretty wounded. After a long conversation, they found out that he was apparently attacked by a serial killer who calls himself the Dream Killer. He is a serial killer that targets the loved ones of one individual to then also drive that one living person mad. He is also very controlling, keeps victims under control and uses various methods to get people to do things he tells them to. The cops never believed the guy existed and just assumed it was a hoax people came up with because there has been no living evidence of him over the past decades. Therefore, the cops couldn’t help them because they wouldn’t even believe them, which means they were waiting to die. That’s when they decided that instead of just waiting to die, they’d go on an adventure to find this bitch’s lair and find evidence against him to prove that he exists, saving themselves and future victims. The group travels through various areas and there are various things incorporated into these different areas. There’s some battles, puzzles and just exploring. As the group explores each area, they start to find ominous things that could relate to the Dream Killer, meaning that the story ends up connecting in most of the areas. There are two endings that aren’t TOO different and overall Attack of the Fab Team is just one complex story in video game form. Depending on the time you take when playing the game, the length of the game can be anywhere from 3 to 7 hours, I know, what the fuck happened to a short game? In my defense, you didn’t really tell us what “short” meant. :P I recommend having multiple save files, incase you mess something up and need to go back a bit further.
    Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the stupid game I made ^^ Boy I practically put my blood and tears into this fucking thing…and I was terrified cuz I was just barely starting to near its finishing point AT the 30 day mark.

    I will put the download link here once it has finished uploading: mediafire.com/download/7xsl1g8…ttack+of+the+Fab+Team.exe You have to launch the program and then it'll extract the files needed. This may take a while, so just do something else while you wait. Once it's finished, check your exporting folder and launch the game by clicking Game.exe
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    The post was edited 1 time, last by The Most Fabulous Bitch ().