Represent your Country

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    • Represent your Country

      HEY! Well being quite a cultures and languages geek, i wanted all of you to tell me all about your countries.
      If you don't know what to write you could write about:
      • The food, cause we are all love getting fat
      • Some interesting historical event, or shortest version of your history
      • Entertainment, favorite movies from your country, artists in general
      • Language, scripts, general linguistic traits of your country
      • Town you live in, anything interesting about it
      • Anything you think is relevant

      Serbia is located on the Balkan peninsula, where Serbs settled around 6th century on the territories of Byzantium (East Rome) . They spend next period of time trying to take those territories from Byzantium, which they succeed , and so they become a kingdom. Over the next period they grew in size, and at it's maximum, Serbia becomes an Empire, tho for really short time, since when the first emperor died, during his under-aged son's rule, the Empire fell apart into smaller parts controlled by many lords. Then the Ottomans came, Byzantium falls, and Serbia is next. The 2 armies fight on Kosovo field , and the small Serbs succeed to kill the sultan, and drive back the Turks, but not for too long, since even the Serbian rulers were mostly killed. Turks conquer Serbia, and it stays under Ottoman rule for 5 centuries. In the 19th century Serbs have two revolutions for independence from Ottomans. The become a principality, then a kingdom. They play a huge role in WWI and then in WWII have one of the most successful guerrillas against the Nazis , then after WWII , Serbia becomes a part of socialist federation Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia resists to join Cold War and strongly resists Stalin, and they participate in making the political union of nations who do not want to join the cold war despite the pressure from both sides. Bloody wars of the 90ies end up in the fall of Yugoslavia, and Serbia is where it is today ,still recovering.

      The food of the Balkan peninsula is[u][/u] for the most part similar in most parts so it's hard determining what food comes from what culture.

      Nevertheless , most foods of Serbia was influenced by Hungarians and Ottomans, with some foods distinct for Serbs.
      Some foods that you might find in Serbia are:
      • Stuffed peppers: Peppers filled with beef mince and rice, flavoured with paprika.
      • Sarma: Sarma is a dish of grape, cabbage, monk's rhubarb or chard leaves rolled around a filling usually based on minced meat.
      • BuzzFeed has a great video on the food of Balkans i recommend watching their video for faster and more graphic representation of the food ()
      In order to make this tread smaller, i'm just going to recommend some Serbian movies, i am not sure if all of them are available in English, but most of them are public domain now so you won't get into trouble just downloading them from the internet and finding english subtitles.
      -Seven and a half
      -The Marathon Family (Really filled with Black Humor and weird humor in general)
      -We are not Angels
      -The woman with a broken nose

      Slavic language uses Latin and serbian Cyrillic script(Ћирилица). Sounds like other slavic languages (Russian , Polish...), and is closely related to Croatian. It's generally easy to learn to pronounce but the grammar could be hard to learn.

      My town, Pirot , is a small town in south east Serbia. Fist settlements are around 2000 years old. Thacian horseman used to live on the territory of my town around that time, and when the Romans came, they named it Turres , which is Latin for Towers. The town was of great importance cause it was on a very important trading route , and it holds that importance to this very day. The rich history of this town is symbolized in the fort very close to the center on the town.

      Now im waiting for you to tell me all about your place. You can do it shorter , longer, weirder , however you wish.