Shoutout Competition

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    • After all those years...
      It's all coming to an end...
      I just realized I am writing a trailer for the last movie of an any sequel

      You are not going to believe your eyes!
      On a mission they weren't expected to survive..
      They probably going to survive because this is a shoutout competition.
      From the people who brought you the brofist
      Based on a true story.

      I used every cliche line I know, at this point I am just going to sit down and wait in my dark room until competition is over.
      Funny and kind of funny videos in one channel, can you believe it?!
      - YouTube
    • AHHHHH THIS IS SO EXCITING!! I wish good luck to everyone who participated! and Congrats!!!! to the winners! Its finally coming to the end, and its been a journey. I feel like we all learned from each other on here. And to those who don't win, your futures are bright. Don't let this get your motivation down, this will open your eyes to many more opportunities. AHHHH IM STILL SO EXCITED TO SEE WHO THE WINENRS ARE.
    • I've been following this for sometime with curiosity, it'll be really interesting to see where this goes and I am excited to see who wins. I am also curious if SeasNanners and Syndicate will potentially merge their network with Revelmode in the future. Good luck to everyone and congratulations to the winners. I am sure you are all extremely deserving. I know I'm not going to win, despite the work I put into my channel, but this won't stop me working hard towards my channel and making it as awesome as I dream.

      Keep safe all x
    • Tbh I almost shat my pants watching his video. I know the chances are below small to win this but just the fact that I was able to enter makes me so excited :D
      Well anyways I'm still gonna work hard on my channel as long as it makes me happy and so should you all as well! :)
      Congrats to the winners! :)
    • everyone is so excited just like me, can't wait to see the winners, they must be some talented people who really know how to entertain their subscribers. i am sure it wasn't easy for Pewds to choose 10 or 15 Channels out of +2000 , that's HUGE.
      So CONGRATULATIONS to all the Winners, and better luck to the rest, just don't give up, follow your dreams and they will come true :D
      Stay Awesome Bros :P
      Hello guys, my name is ZetEichAr . You want to have fun :?: You can check my YouTube channel :D
    • I have a question Pewdiepie.

      Since the competition my channel has had huge improvement and I edit like crazy to become better. My question is: Have you already checked the channels participating? Because I am pretty sure I won't be one of the winners with my old low quality content. I want this more than anything in my life, I am trying so much and becomes harder and harder.

      Thank you for reading!

      The post was edited 2 times, last by SteliosGame ().

    • SteliosGame wrote:

      I have a question Pewdiepie.

      Since the competition my channel has had huge improvement and I edit like crazy to become better. My question is: Have you already checked the channels participating? Because I am pretty sure I won't be one of the winners with my old low quality content. I want this more than anything in my life, I am trying so much and becomes harder and harder.

      Thank you for reading!
      I don't think you are alone with that. It has been 3 months, and I'm pretty sure 90% of the people who entered produce "better" content than they did 3 months ago. So, maybe that is also one of the reasons it takes a while for him to announce winners? Heck, it could be that he checks the video in the competition, and also looks at the channel. So don't be discouraged, and just keep on making content that you enjoy to make.
      Want to know more about me? Ask me! :D
    • SteliosGame wrote:

      Yeah Jjust I have some awesome friends with channels and we have great time together making videos, but life is hard and full of obligations.. So its hard to be consistent. :/
      I feel the same way, I used to be consistent with my videos but each video took around 7+ hours to make when they were 3-6 minutes long in the end. It's so hard to find the motivation and the time as a high-school student. My dream was to be a Youtuber and to win the contest but I'm afraid I'm not as active as needed. Hopefully when I graduate, I'll have much more time ;D

      Enough about me though, your videos are amazing, you can clearly see the work put into them and the good editing. Keep it up and you'll get there one day :)
    • Saw that the minimum is at least 300 subs or so, well... I got 64, that probably means I'm unqualified for the contest, even though I got the other requirements.

      I guess I'll have to wait for a new contest. Wrote all that stuff on this thread a for turtle poo.
      I'll just keep working on my channel as I am currently, even though this contest could be life changing for the winners.
      An early congratulations to the people that applied with good statistics on their channel.

      If there could only be an exception, :P

      My channel - Michael P
      - YouTube

    • To the people who seem discouraged in "not having enough subs", "quality isn't good enough", etc.
      Remember you cant make Great stuff with out making Good Stuff, you cant make Good Stuff without making OK stuff, you cant make OK Stuff without making Bad stuff, and you cant make Bad Stuff unless you've made the Awful stuff. It takes time, so don't think you have to rush it. Take your time learn all the things. You don't need the best equipment so make good content.
      Like Markiplier Once said in his first panel. YouTube is Hard, but you must have the motivation to really want it. Even if everyone around you says "nay" you must fight through all the obstacles. Upload video consistency is important, interact with the comment section. Don't be brought down by Hate comments. Let them be the strength and motivation to become better.
      Instead of getting sad about hate comments, give yourself a high five "YES MY FIRST HATE COMMENT", get a new subscriber "CELEBRATE" It may take time, but all the hard work will make it worth so much in the future.
    • nb1299 wrote:

      SteliosGame wrote:

      Yeah Jjust I have some awesome friends with channels and we have great time together making videos, but life is hard and full of obligations.. So its hard to be consistent. :/
      I feel the same way, I used to be consistent with my videos but each video took around 7+ hours to make when they were 3-6 minutes long in the end. It's so hard to find the motivation and the time as a high-school student. My dream was to be a Youtuber and to win the contest but I'm afraid I'm not as active as needed. Hopefully when I graduate, I'll have much more time ;D
      Enough about me though, your videos are amazing, you can clearly see the work put into them and the good editing. Keep it up and you'll get there one day :)
      Aww thank you NB this is really kind and motivating, much appreciated! Wish you the best on your journey too and may your dreams come true :)
    • SteliosGame wrote:

      nb1299 wrote:

      SteliosGame wrote:

      Yeah Jjust I have some awesome friends with channels and we have great time together making videos, but life is hard and full of obligations.. So its hard to be consistent. :/
      I feel the same way, I used to be consistent with my videos but each video took around 7+ hours to make when they were 3-6 minutes long in the end. It's so hard to find the motivation and the time as a high-school student. My dream was to be a Youtuber and to win the contest but I'm afraid I'm not as active as needed. Hopefully when I graduate, I'll have much more time ;DEnough about me though, your videos are amazing, you can clearly see the work put into them and the good editing. Keep it up and you'll get there one day :)
      Aww thank you NB this is really kind and motivating, much appreciated! Wish you the best on your journey too and may your dreams come true :)
      Anytime Stelios :) I'm glad you're motivated! Thank you for your kind words as well <3