Pinned Shout Out Competition #3

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  • Shoutout Competition

    Name: Winter Loseby
    Channel Name: WinterXanne
    YouTube Video: Funny gaming compilation I made to celebrate the launch of my new channel :)

    Quick Description: Hey Felix. I'm just a girl who loves gaming, cups of tea and above all, making people laugh at my derpiness (that's totally a word, right?). I started this new channel just over a month ago on my personal account, which is why it says I joined in 2011! I have been doing YouTube since February 2015. I take pride in my editing but I have so much room to improve as I'm always striving to make as high quality content as possible. I'm a law student so I'm either studying that or making YouTube videos for my Winter Soldiers!

    Thank you for taking the time to watch the video and read this submission. *Brofist* <3

    The post was edited 8 times, last by winterxanne ().

  • Name: Madison Allan
    Channel name: GetMadz
    YouTube Video:

    Quick Description: I started my channel back in 2012, but back then everything I uploaded was pretty much awful (probably due to the fact that I was twelve at this point) but since the end of 2014 I have been feeling really positive with all of my content!
    I try and put as much effort as I can into my videos and try and make them, you guessed it, funny, with editing as well as trying my best to say some random stuff that people will hopefully find amusing. I do pretty much any game but most times when I do something other then minecraft none of my subscribers watch it, so then I am like, oh dear, I better start doing more videos on the super ultra amazing block game and the peeps go crazy about it!
    I have some really creative ideas up ahead on how I can get my audience to watch more of my content which I feel more passionate about and enjoy making more, but after hearing about this competition I thought it would be a great opportunity to show what I have been doing! ^^
    Really appreciate that your doing this Felix, thank you for being so kind to us smaller youtubers and best of luck to all!
    Thanks again - Madz

    Just realised this is supposed to be a "quick description"
  • Name: Albin Malmberg
    Channel name: MalmbAHD
    YouTube Video: Fooling around in Far Cry 4. Im playing some games in these series and give games reviews if they are good or not!
    Quick Description: Im a Swedish fella who LOVES make videos, i post mostly game videos. I´ve done youtube 2 years. My hobby is making youtube videos, and see all other peoples reaction, i love it so much. I had got many new friends thank to my YouTube channel.
  • Name: Jamie Pearce
    Channel name: JimmiePop
    YouTube Video:

    Quick Description: I've been doing Youtube for around a year now, alongside working a full time and part time job to be able to fund the equipment I use, I try and upload 2-3 times a week and feel I have something to offer, maybe it's not the most original but I think it's enough to be considered entertaining. I work hard and will continue to do so until I'm where I want to be. All the best Pewds!

    The post was edited 3 times, last by jimmiepop ().

  • hey pewds love your videos :thumbsup:

    name : shenya
    youtube name : diamond girl
    my youtube video :
    i started youtube because i make fan videos and edit them i also got 1k subscribers and i make videos every 3 days ... i wanna be a youtuber when im older and im gonna do gaming :)

    BROFIST :brofist:
    i know i edited 20 times X/ X/ :barrel:

    The post was edited 20 times, last by diamond girl ().

  • Name: Roos Busink
    Channel name: Saviroosje
    YouTube Video

    Quick Description: I have a youtube channel for a couple of years. I LOVE art and being Creative! I show speedpaints, tutorials, vlogs and DIY and I do collabs with other Youtube Artists! I will talk about my hobbies, strange things, and other nerdy stuff! Randomly I will make some animations too! Here and there, there will be some gaming!^^ Oh and I am from the Netherlands! ^^ I will make at least 3 to 5 videos each month!
  • Name: Brimrún
    Channel name: BrimRun

    Quick Description: i have been making youtube videos for a year now. I make fan art of youtubers, animations of youtubers and also just random drawings. I'm planing of doing a "how to draw" videos and short animations that i'm at the moment working on. I try to upload videos ones a week to keep my channel active. I have allot of ideas in my mind that i want to make in the future~
    Thank you for giving me this opportunity :brofist:

    YouTube Video:
  • Name: Linnéa Johnsson
    Channel name: Papperzize
    Youtube video:

    Quick Description: I've been making serious video content for about 2,5 years now, I used to post videos once a week but I am now posting twice a week, my dream is to have youtube as my job because I really love creating and editing and thanks to youtube i've made friends all around the world (which made me love youtube even more!!)
    Thanks for wanting to help us btw c:
  • Name: Konstantin Kanev
    Channel name: TechTuber
    YouTube Video: []

    Quick Description: Ive been on Youtubefor almost 3 years and I've loved it,i mainly do tech related things and some games here and there,i plan to do more gaming when i can afford a much better pc but for now i do unboxing reviews and lots of how to and guides all on tech,somedays i even upload and edit 5 videos so i am trying hard.I like the editing process and making the videos,for me its fun and i am passionate about it,sure the first couple years were slow going and i didn't make as good quality content but now i have really tried hard,i have cameras setups and proper editing software so i am trying hard,but my views and subs are just not high enough and they are creeping up really slowly.Anyway thanks for the opportunity and good luck to everyone.
  • Name: Giorgio Saroli
    Channel name: Snakebaby fc
    YouTube Video:
    Quick Description: I have been doing YouTube for nearly a year, I am 16 years old and have found a big interest in making gaming videos just recently. I like to think my channel and videos are unique to others and try to stand out with more original content? I enjoy to playing a variety of PC/ Console games such as happy wheels/ Fifa and other trending, plus random games. I don't have the best equipment and software to create amazing content, but i try my hardest and do the best I can with what I have got. I spend hours a day editing videos and would love the support of even more viewers, than my already amazing 550 subs, to enjoy my content. I hopefully plan on uploading daily soon but it is difficult for me at the moment, but if i was to win this awesome competition I would most definitely upload daily videos. [b]I would like to have my videos spotted and appreciated after the effort I put into them, this opportunity would change my life for sure. You are a huge inspiration to me and one of the reasons why I started YouTube. I also understand that this is meant to be a QUICK description, but I just needed to say it all! Thank You for reading.

    The post was edited 4 times, last by snakebaby fc ().

  • Name: Kim
    Channel: Kim
    YouTube Video :

    Channel description : Hey guys, my name is Kim and I'm a German girl. And yea my channel has German content. But maybe you give it a try. And yes English Content will follow. So my channel is about comedy most of the time. I like to try lifestyle too but I'm way better in comedy I hope so. I love doing videos and I do stuff life "expectation vs reality" or "10 things I think before I go to sleep". And for all of you who just understand English content will follow :) okay thanks for reading. And pewdiepie thanks for being such an inspiration for me <3 good luck everybody
  • Name: Loïc Lacourt (Yeah it's a weird French name, you can pronounce it "Loweek" when you'll be annoucing the winner o_o)
    Channel name: JustAnotherLoser (there goes my self esteem...)
    YouTube Video:

    Display Spoiler


    Quick Description: I've done YouTube for a bit more than a year, posting at least 3 times a week. I mostly do let's play with a bit of acting inside and a lot of Special Effects and of course a bit of Vloging (I'm so deep and interesting... trust me o_o). This being said, I'd like to remind you that you're hot, kind, incredibly intelligent and...okay okay, but still as you can see I'm pretty good at licking so feel free to contact me even if I don't win... More seriously, thanks for everything. Have a nice day!

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Just Another Loser ().

  • Name: Clark Williams
    Channel name: OSN
    YouTube Video:
    [b]Quick Description: I started youtube last december due to alot of different financial and family matters. Im currently almost at 85,000 subs. I post gaming videos as well as comedy vids, and stories about my life. My most popular series is the stories about my life series. The video I tagged(realest video ever uploaded to youtube) in my opinion can have a bigger positive impact on people lives than any other video I have ever watched. I have been through it all man, youtube is literally all I have. No youtube then no car, no food, no nothing. Thats why I try so hard everyday making content. Anyways thank you for the opportunity I doubt I get picked I never get picked for stuff like this :/ but I remember watching a jacksepticeye vid when he first started saying you helped him out so I figured it was worth a try man. Cheers[/b]
  • Name : Raen Hasbani
    Channel Name: Pedildol
    YouTube Video:
    [b]Quick Description: [/b]i started youtube like 4 years ago... but i opened so many channels and never had hope and even my best friends didnt belived i would be succsesfull in youtube ever... but im still thinking maybe i actully can make my dream come true and make people smile and laugh each video i make :D i bough new microphone and monitor and i fixed my computer (it was crashing all the time) and hope for the best :D :brofist:
  • Name: Simen Larsen Johansen
    Channel name: SimenGAME
    YouTube Video (That best describes your content): Jumpscares & Funny moments from Five Night at Freddy's :)

    FNAF Compilation

    Quick Description: I started this Channel back in June 2015 and i post 3+ videos every week. I play mostly horror games but also many other games that are entertaining. :D

    Good Luck to everyone else!!! :D
  • Name: Jake Evans
    Channel Name: Schmishell
    YouTube Video:

    Quick Description: I have been doing YouTube for the past 3 years but haven't really done it as anything other than a hobby up until recently where I am trying to upload as much as possible (I don't have the best internet so I can't upload much) but my channel is based around loads of things, including let's plays, montages, overedits and small gameplay videos to show you what a particular game is like (see TotalBiscuits WTF Is... Series for a little comparison as to what I am going for) but I am getting fibre optic soon and am planning on uploading about 3 videos a week minimum. Thanks!
  • Name: Jordan SaintClare
    Channel Name: SaintClare Entertainment
    YouTube Video: This video is a part of a series I'm doing on the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

    Quick Description: I've been doing YouTube for about 8 solid months and I focus mostly on gaming and comedy content, with a small handful of political videos. As for gaming, I try to focus on two main areas, classic gaming and fantasy RPGs. I'm trying to develop a unique style and personality to my videos and I personally hope you enjoy it!