Why is everyone copying Pewdiepie?

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    • Why is everyone copying Pewdiepie?

      A lot of people start gaming channels and play the exact same games as Pewdiepie, that's okay but they are even saying hes exact same words and jokes claiming "its their own" and that makes their fan base hate Poods! Why?
    • I think it's because PewDiePie is the number most subscribed YouTuber and everyone else wants to be in that position with the 'easy lifestyle' (not that it's easy at all). So they copy what he does thinking that people will like them for the same reason.
      What everyone doesn't realise is to grow your own fanbase you need to be unique. Not copy the perfection that is PewDiePie. Pewds has the fan base he does because when he came about on the YouTube scene he was original and unique and he still is, constantly reinventing himself.
      Basically people copy him because they think he has a special secret that gets fans quick - he doesn't, hes just funny and original.

      Just my thoughts :)
    • I feel like stabbing myself every time...
      It's like this, if you do youtube, and you are nothing similar to pewdiepie, you are going to be accused of copying somebody else. No matter what one does, his style is going to be similar to somebody else either by influence or by mere coincidence. As for the games , well pewds does play a lot of games that are popular at that moment, so any youtuber that is trying to keep up with newest games is going to play the same stuff as pewds. And copying isn't that bad as long as you are copying something good. Even pewds took the photoshoping idea from smosh.

      Point of all this: There is a difference between "copying" and influence... And when done right "copying" isn't bad for anybody.
    • When you say "copy", do you mean the gaming side or every single one of his videos? If it's a case of the latter, then nearly every channel on youtube copied Pewds.

      On a serious note, there are only so many games you can play because that's how many there are. There will be people playing the same games. Heck, you could even say Markiplier copied Pewds when he played Five Night's at Freddy's (despite Mark's video being released 10 days before Pewd's attempt)

      All I'm saying is that there will be people who play the exact games Pewdie once did. That's okay. I mean, youtubers produce content for our enjoyment and not to fight over in comments.
      I'd rather live with broken bones than lay here all on my own like a lovesick fool.

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