Talk About Yourself Thread

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    • Sup? I'm a 14 year old, soon 15 year old normal guy from Finland. I love gaming, sleeping, drawing, singing and playing guild.
      I watched anime some time ago a lot, but I haven't watched so much lately... hmm, what else? ah, I hate school a lot. :p
      I work out probably once a week, not that much... I'm about 170 cm tall, so that would be probably 5.5 feet I guess?
      My weight is 57 kg if I remember right. I don't smoke. I've never tasted and never will...

      I guess that's enough about me.

      Awesome thread btw. :)
      Le Doc.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by D o c R a g e ().

    • Hey Guys :^D
      My Name is Robin Huth (i hate it wenn somebody call me "Robin Hood")
      I'm from Germany and live in a village which is called Großjena
      I'm 13 Years old and turn 14 at 14.July ^^
      I'm 173 cm big (or small) and I'm a huge Nintendo Fan ^^
      but I'm not a Nintendo Gamer who's just playing jump n Runs i like Horror Games, Action-Adventures and beat 'em' ups. which kind of Games i don't like are First Person-Shooter......ok but Team Fortress 2 and Halflife is kinda Awesome xD
      Hmkay so that was all what you should know about me ^^
      oh I forget that I'm doing Let's Plays xD (in german)
    • I'm Jacob or Jake, I'm a paid firefighter in a small town in Kentucky. I actually hold a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. My current hobby as of right now is working on my new car project I'm building for Drifting. I'm pretty boring and I have a horrible southern accent lol. Thats about it.
      Drifting is an art composed by a man and his machine.

      BRO F'N ARMY!
    • Hi there! :D
      My name's Sofia and I'm 15 years old. I also come from Sweden!
      I come from a small town called Borlänge, here in Dalarna.
      I like music and I play the guitar. I play with the school orchestra.
      A long time ago, I was watching anime + reading manga, but now I'm concentrating on my studies,
      cause I want to be a doctor. LOL.
      I don't really play video games (cause I suck at them) , I just like watching people play.
      I'm a girl. Just so you know. <.<

      Yep. That's it, i think.
    • LOL. same concept with the thread "Tell me who you are" thread.o.O

      I'm Karl
      15yrs.old, will be 16 next month. BOOOYAGH!
      I live in the Philippines
      I'm a gamer, not really that hardcore since I don't do multiplayer gaming.-.-
      Studies? Meh, what's that? Kidding, I used to be an awesome student but I took games in my PS1/PS2/PSP/NDSL/PC.xD
      And I hate outdoors activity except if I'm with my girlfriend.:D
    • Wazzzzzap bros!

      My name is Ina and I live in Svedala (near Malmö), south Sweden. I'm 15 and turning 16 in october.
      I spend most of my days reading, drawing, listening to music, watching PewDiePie videoes and just doing things I like in general. I'm really lazy and it can take hours to convince myself into doing my homework. (And yet, I have the best grades in my class? It honestly doesn't make any sense.)

      Aaaaand... I have loving parents, two younger siblings and a dog (chiuaua/papillon) called Jatzi. I drive an orange moped car, which actually broke down today! My father is currently working on Öland, which is a few hours from here, so he can't fix it until he gets home.

      Also, if any of you recognize any of the stuff I just wrote, you might have seen the posts on my other account (D0NK). Made this account just for the lulz, but now I actually prefer this one. XD

      Ao Oni is just too sexy. <3
    • My name is Patricia but i like to be called Emi.
      I recently turned 14.
      I read manga/normal books, write, draw, sleep, watch anime, play the cello.
      I dont really like school right now, it boring, everything is the same.
      I have a dream of living in Japan, so ill accomplish that!
      I will probably be gettting a new cello.! :3
      I love techno, visual kei, screamo(kinda), mostly J-rock or stuff like that.
      im a gamer.
      And yeah.. thats it.
    • My name's Katherine,
      I'll be 16 quite soon,
      I live in Toronto,
      I want to work in wildlife care and I'm also an artist/animator as a hobby,
      and I actually suck really hard with scary things but I'm curious, haha..

      Bang bang you're dead!
    • My name is Nancy, often called Nashi.
      I'm 18 years old, 19 in May.
      I live in Nyköping, Sweden.
      I watch anime/read manga.. listens to j-rock. And.. playing games.
      I'm a.. shoe-addict D: and like to draw/take photo's.
      Studying art.. and.. chilin' xD

      Anyway, my goal in life is to live in Japan. Which I will do.. later, cause I'm planning on study art there too.. xD
      Anyway.. that's from me :3