Do you think Pewds knows how enormously he is being copied in the hispanic side of YouTube?

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    • Do you think Pewds knows how enormously he is being copied in the hispanic side of YouTube?

      And I'm not speaking about the games. I'm speaking about the same editing, thumbnails, series' names, even the same Pewd's titles translated to spanish. And the bad part, some of those channels have even more than 10M subscribers positionating themselves at the Top of Spanish YouTube, by literally being a spanish PewDiePie.

      Do you Bros think he knows about that?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Alonso Guerrero ().

    • I dont think he knows, but its true, for example JuegaGerman and fernanfloo, you can even see that they make the funny moments videos which contain some of the same gameplay footage with the same reactions (not directly copy but from the same game and moments) (btw I know spanish), also they are not really funny or even seem that scared at all.

      Am pretty sure they guy with the 10 M subs you are refering is elrubius, he is actually very original, his content is unique and very funny, of couse he is inspired by pewdiepie but not that much, though he is a pussy, he cant handle horror games.
    • DaveBro wrote:

      I dont think he knows, but its true, for example JuegaGerman and fernanfloo, you can even see that they make the funny moments videos which contain some of the same gameplay footage with the same reactions (not directly copy but from the same game and moments) (btw I know spanish), also they are not really funny or even seem that scared at all.

      Am pretty sure they guy with the 10 M subs you are refering is elrubius, he is actually very original, his content is unique and very funny, of couse he is inspired by pewdiepie but not that much, though he is a pussy, he cant handle horror games.

      I'm hispanic but I know english. Being honest, I met PewDiePie thanks to ElRubius, which I thought was the original one (old times ignorance). I saw every-single-one ElRubius' videos at the times he had less than 1M, but when I actually got to watch PewDiePie I noticed that, well, series and other stuff was actually being shamelessly copied (I'm not one of those who shouts out every time a YouTuber plays an already played game, silly that would be) but hey, it is the same content, translated to spanish. When Pewds made the ''Reading fanfics with Cry and Ken'', guess what, two more weeks, ElRubius makes the same thing, reads a gay-ish fanfic with even the same background, lol. Pewds takes out ''I react to my old videos'', two more weeks, this guy takes out ''Reacciono a mis videos antiguos'' (Same title as Pewds, translated to spanish) with the same goddamn thumbnail, rofl.

      He could be funny, but I won't say original.