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    • So.... S.W.A.P is a game that was at the EB Expo in Australia last year, from what I've found it's not massively popular is isnt really much more than a tech demo at the moment, but it's wickedly fun.

      ( )

      - The following is taken from the developers website for the game.

      "S.W.A.P (Subterfuge Weapons Assessment Program)
      is an indirect first-person shooter for PC and Mac. It features competitive multiplayer with an emphasis on strategic thinking and cooperation between teammates, where players take control of robots without guns or any way to directly harm each other. No guns?! No direct harm?! How is that an FPS?

      The gameplay revolves around one central mechanic: swapping. Swapping involves launching a projectile that allows you to exchange bodies with an opponent that it comes into contact with. You don’t exchange teams or names - only your physical bodies, and when combined with a multitude of traps in the environment, this allows players to disorient and destroy enemies, as well as traverse the arena with greater swiftness.

      The online multiplayer supports 2 to 8 players in 2 teams, who star in a sporting-event inspired arena where they must compete to deliver virus fragments to the opponent’s base, eventually crashing their server (a modified capture-the-flag game type). It also includes a level editor, allowing players to develop their own arenas that are automatically sent to all players when they join a match, making it easy to play together using custom content.

      We do not have any plans to monetize S.W.A.P and are offering it FOR FREE, no strings attached. We’ve worked hard to make it the best experience possible, and we just want people to enjoy it."

      The game is being developed by Chaos Theory Games and the link to their site is:

      CTG | S.W.A.P

      P.S. I just reckon it would make an awesome video with Pewd's, Minx, Jack, Ken and Cry playing. xP