PERVERT HORROR? - Corpse Party: Book Of Shadows - Part 2

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    • First of all, thank you for putting so much time for us fans to enjoy, really. But my wish is that you play another game instead of this crap because in my opinion this game is f**ked up in the way that it's poorly made by some old pervert with some child fetishism that should be locked behind bars.

      I loved "corpse party blood covered" since that game was centred around the horror of the story and the development of the characters and their struggle of surviving and so I looked forward to this game but wow how disappointed and disturbed I am. Most of the game so far is scripted literally like some porn novel, almost like if the person who is behind this game have some weird inner child molesting thoughts. And the game pattern is so linear. Ok so every character that died from blood covered is gonna die but just a bit differently. Then where is the excitement if you know who's gonna live and die? It's nothing new compared to blood covered... We already know the story and about the characters, evolve the story and the development of the characters instead of repeating the same Shit from blood covered but instead this time it's the porn novel version.

      I probably like porn just as much as the next guy but it doesn't belong in this game. First you get involved in the story of a cursed school where a terrible murder took place which now is haunted of their vengeance spirits to some Porno where 2 very young girls is soaping each other in. Dafuq happened there? Can we please have just one damn good horror game which doesn't have to be centered around sex just to sell the game? Ugh... I get so tired of media.

      And how Nana died was just ridiculous, who the fudge walks off for a bathroom break by themselves in a situation like that? Who would leave a party with people in a cursed school with murdering spirits around? A normal person would just pee in some corner or something just to stay safe. I should sue the people who made this game for destroying a perfect horror story... But all of this above isn't towards you pewds. You are awesome and are doing a great job and I love your videos and I'm now gonna ditch this crap to watch some of your better videos :). Im probably gonna keep watching the rest anyways to see where this ends. Brofist :))))))!!!
    • Poppeloppiluss wrote:

      First of all, thank you for putting so much time for us fans to enjoy, really. But my wish is that you play another game instead of this crap because in my opinion this game is f**ked up in the way that it's poorly made by some old pervert with some child fetishism that should be locked behind bars.

      I loved "corpse party blood covered" since that game was centred around the horror of the story and the development of the characters and their struggle of surviving and so I looked forward to this game but wow how disappointed and disturbed I am. Most of the game so far is scripted literally like some porn novel, almost like if the person who is behind this game have some weird inner child molesting thoughts. And the game pattern is so linear. Ok so every character that died from blood covered is gonna die but just a bit differently. Then where is the excitement if you know who's gonna live and die? It's nothing new compared to blood covered... We already know the story and about the characters, evolve the story and the development of the characters instead of repeating the same Shit from blood covered but instead this time it's the porn novel version.

      I probably like porn just as much as the next guy but it doesn't belong in this game. First you get involved in the story of a cursed school where a terrible murder took place which now is haunted of their vengeance spirits to some Porno where 2 very young girls is soaping each other in. Dafuq happened there? Can we please have just one damn good horror game which doesn't have to be centered around sex just to sell the game? Ugh... I get so tired of media.

      And how Nana died was just ridiculous, who the fudge walks off for a bathroom break by themselves in a situation like that? Who would leave a party with people in a cursed school with murdering spirits around? A normal person would just pee in some corner or something just to stay safe. I should sue the people who made this game for destroying a perfect horror story... But all of this above isn't towards you pewds. You are awesome and are doing a great job and I love your videos and I'm now gonna ditch this crap to watch some of your better videos :). Im probably gonna keep watching the rest anyways to see where this ends. Brofist :))))))!!!

      You've only seen two chapters out of the eight in this game. Probably shouldn't judge it so early, but you're free to have an opinion. (Unless you've already seen a playthrough of this game from somebody else). There have been a few descriptive scenes, but a lot of the game does focus on the struggle to survive; it's not all about sex in this game.

      The story is pretty much the same as the first time around in chapters 1, 2, 5, and 6, with some differences, of course, but chapters 3, 4, 7, and 8 have somewhat separate stories, different from the first game. And one purpose of this game is to provide additional background information of the characters in the first game. There's actually a lot of characters that you might not know anything about in the first game that you actually get to meet in this game.

      The "two young girls soaping each other" are 16 and there's nothing actually wrong with the scene. Seiko is perverted and has strong feelings for Naomi so that scene shouldn't really be surprising, and they didn't even do anything except bathe with each other. There was some descriptive text, but nothing of the sort actually happened.

      You don't have to watch this series if you don't want to. Corpse Party isn't for everyone. It's a game from Japan. It's not uncommon for some perverted scenes to be in it. But that's not what this game solely focuses on. The horror story is still there, and is what majority of every chapter focuses on. There actually isn't as much perverted scenes in this game as one might think.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by doyoulikecheese ().

    • Wanted to say a couple of things 'bout this.
      First of all, Pewdiepie's voice acting is THE SHIT!
      Second of all, I ship Morshige and Mayu so fucking much. Then they died.
      And then I cried.
      And third of all(Is there such thing as a third of all? There should be), I always thought Shig was fucked up in the head, before they did the sachiko charm. Think about it. In a situation like this, anyone, even someone like Morshige, would be flipping out. And no normal person would take pictures of dead bodies.
      I feel for Morshige.
      "Oh, it's the blonde guy! I like the blonde guy!"

      Jumpscares be scary
    • I have no doubt that he has quit playing the game. Any games in which
      he just doesn't end up liking. He stops playing them. There are many
      games in which have not been completed by him. Even if they were nearing
      the end of game for some reason he doesn't finish the game. Then every
      time you will see that he makes a whole lot of unrelated game uploads
      loads of them in short amount of time. In which none of them are
      relating to any game series just random game-play's. That he uses to
      simply bury the series. He never even started a playlist for the game.
      Also it has been 36 video's from now since he has played Chapter 2.
      Which all this always leads me to believe at least that it's seemingly
      he does this to get people's minds off the game he has just recently
      quit. The more he draws them away from the series and the quicker he
      does it the less likelihood of it becoming a major issue amongst his
      fans. It's just a method he has been using for a long time with his

      ~Hello bro's my names ~PewDieQuit~ and I am not for f***s sake
      finishing Book Of Shadows... like seriously bro's it's f***ing
      disgusting.. like seriously WTF is wrong with you. I can't believe
      anyone would ever want me continuing that game. Instead Bro's today I
      will be playing *Insert game name here*.
    • Corpse Party Book of Shadows part 3???

      Its been nearly a month now since the last upload, I love this game so much and have been checking every day for the next part like a kid waiting for something important to come in the mail. I'm really scared that he's not going to continue the series at this point, and that makes me a sad panda ;( I wish we at least had some kind of hint that pewds is still going to play it. Pretty please with a brofist on top?? :3
    • Well, since he uploaded that "Life is strange" video, which is 1h35m long, i suppose he's not gonna play Book of Shadows anymore since finding the time to record is not an excuse anymore. It's a pity though, i was really into it, he could have at least told us instead of quitting like this...
      But hey, his channel, his choice..

      Anyway sorry guys, I'm probably blind (or just stupid), but how the heck to i like a comment/post here? I can't find the like button anywhere, the little pop-up at the bottom-right corner of any post just shows the dislike button and other stuff.