THIS GAME IS BASICALLY A PORNO... - Corpse Party: Book Of Shadows - Part 1

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    • FINALLY MORE CORPSE PARTY!! Ive waited forever! Thought I dont really get it, the beginning doesnt make sense to the gameplay. Is it a dream, or a memory or does she travel back in time? I think that its a memory and thats why you get to hear Naomis thoughts, and that the gameplay is like a backstory but im not sure. Someone who can explain? And why are they there more than once? Its a confusing game for me
    • i love corpse party a lot, specially that Seiko and Naomi YURI relationship XD
      anyway, did you already play it with headphones at 3:00am? it sounds very good ¬w¬
      and did you notice that? at min. 54:50 ...... Seiko have marks on her throat, like Nana in her legs
      and where Seiko ends Hanged

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Merry Sarahi ().

    • Best Corpse Party Episode Pewds! I Gotta Agree That Book Of Shadows Is Indeed More Thrilling Than The First One...I Dunno Maybe Even More Thrilling Than Outlast?? Well This Is The Very First Episode Pewds Made That Makes Me Feel Anxious Like I Was Really In The Game...For Real, Dunno Why But Really This Is Really Interesting Corpse Party Episodes...Maybe Sitting In Front Of My Laptop For The Whole 2 Hours Was Worth It...Please Make More Of These I'm Sure The Others Also Agree That They Wants More Corpse Party Dont'cha Agree? And By The Way, That Voice Acting Really Makes Me Laugh Especially The Part Where Seiko Was All Like "Wheeze, Gasp, Ahh Etc" XD Keep It Up! Ill Be Looking Forward For The Next Episode! Thank You For The Show Pewds! You Really Are Something! (PS:I Never Play The Game But I Watch The Anime, Short Anime Only 4 Episodes I Recommend The Anime To The Other Bro's That Still Don't Know About The Story. The Anime Explains Everything, About What Happened In The First Corpse Party, So I Recommend To Check That Out) Stay Awesome Bro's! *Brofist*
    • I think this new game of Corpse Party is a little boring compared to the first one, but I still want to see how it continues... So thumbs up for it :thumbsup:
      But can you make this videos shorter? It really make me lost time finding every time the point when I stopped watching before, and I can't watch all the video together... So please! X/

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Nirvana99 ().

    • GG to everyone that voted for this game, this is going to suck. Some weird SEARCH MODE and a looooong story introduction + it's more like a porno. Why wouldn't you vote for Murdered Soul Suspect?? Obviously it's more enjoyable to watch since it's almost like Heavy Rain or Beyond Two Souls just with more gameplay and interesting story. You Bros just fucked up..
    • Actually this game is the sequel to the other ending where the remaining cast did escape the other world, problem is the time reset the moment they got back to the real world so they ended up doing the Sachiko charm again. You get this ending by not collecting all Naho's notes. So the real ending to the first PSP game is Corpse Party : Blood Drive, which just got released in Japan.
    • Where is chapter 2 demise , finally? i cant wait for pewds reaction when the real horror finally starts.
      Also please pewds, leave the voices on and do maybe commentary inbetween, the voice give it a kind of cooler feeling.

      Also to all those who dont want to watch him play corpse party, we waited also when infamous was chosen and did not moan about it.

      The game has maybe fanservice in it , but is certainly well done in my opinion. Also to those that might have asked what time it is during the game.
      The game is based on a bad ending from the first one, where Satoshi comes back and is the only one to remember what had happened in Tenjin , his fears (as you already see in this episode , came back as they basically going through the same motions again.) The kids come back to tenjin and are presented with a worsened fate. Sachiko basically gave them a second chance or life and had let them die again
      or simply said, its no matter how much you escape death , you will die, and the next attack will be even more cruel.

      But in all honesty , pewds shouldnt do chapter 4, or if then play it for himself, there arent any search mode moments in it, might be bad for some people.
    • semliss wrote:

      I dont really get it, the beginning doesnt make sense to the gameplay. Is it a dream, or a memory or does she travel back in time? I think that its a memory and thats why you get to hear Naomis thoughts, and that the gameplay is like a backstory but im not sure. Someone who can explain? And why are they there more than once? Its a confusing game for me

      First off, have you watched the first one? It's important if you want to understand this one. Basically, in the first one the "normal" ending is the following: the boys and girls who survived manage to escape from the haunted school but, once in the "real world", they find out that nobody can remember anything about the ones who died in the school... they simply had no memories about them. But there was a wrong ending in which they escaped from the school entering a time loop, so they woke up in the same morning of that exact day. Only Satoshi seems to remember what happened, so he tries to stop them, but they don-t believe him and do the charm again. Here's a video: Corpse Party: Chapter 5 - Wrong End 6 ★8 - YouTube.
      So this game is a sequel to that wrong ending, but it starts from the end, in which they escaped again, this time in the "correct way", and Naomi can't deal with the fact that nobody remembers about Seiko. Then Naomi has a flashback, as you thought.
      At least that's how I think things go.
    • {[SMILEY]} wrote:

      Can anyone tell me what exactlys happening???? Is this Naomi's flashback or a pararel universe????

      Its the sequel of a parralel universe. You might remember the wrong ending that included the cast coming back , but no one else then satoshi remembers that they were at tenjin. In this game , satoshi has to face the same happening against and as you probably saw, he desperately tried to hold them back from doing the charm, failing at that.
      Long story short, Sachiko gave them another life or round to satisfy her sadistic side and pretend there is hope even that there is not. Cause every time they escape a death scene, the fate worsens and the next attack is going to be even more cruel, keep that in mind with what happened to goes really hardcore this time...
    • MsWannabeGamer wrote:

      It started out so cheerfully, but went to shit as expected. I think this one is even more terrifying than the first one. Revisiting a terrible fate with hopes it might change, only to have those hopes crushed. What happened at the end is not all that surprising, considering how it was Naomi who hanged Seiko in the first game. So Seiko just ran away out of fear for Naomi. It would be a little hard to believe that Seiko could all of a sudden trust Naomi again after all of that.

      I'm only wondering how this all happened after they returned home. Did they even return or was it just a cruel hallucination made by Sachiko?

      In regards to the question, the answer is that they did return - but in the previous game. Please listen to this:
      Book of Shadows consists of several chapters which take place before, during and after the events in Corpse Party. The first chapter is an alternate timeline - a separate story- to the first Corpse Party, and relates to wrong end 6 of the first Corpse Party (check the wikipedia corpse party endings) where they do the appeasement wrong in the end causing the to fail and Sachiko sends them back in time with no memories apart from Satoshi who keeps his memories, who joins in the ritual again in the beginning to see whether he can change his friends' fates.
      Since I haven't played through Book of Shadows and I am watching Pewds play through it, I don't know how many more of these chapters are part of the alternate timeline or whether it was just going to be the first chapter - we are going to have to see.
      As for the other chapters - taking a guess - that are to do with events before and after the Corpse Party events will probably not be part of the alternate storyline but a part of the original storyline. The event during though could be either events in the alternate timeline or more detail on the events on the original timeline.
      I've read the wiki without trying to spoil the story for myself - which I lickily didn't - but the next thing that I'm about to say might be a bit of a spoiler - though I don't think so - but read on if you want to...
      Display Spoiler
      After Pewds plays through, he should finally get to an extra chapter (prologue) which relates to after the true ending of the original Corpse Party rather than in the alternate timeline in Book of Shadows. The prologue chapter is called BloodDrive - which introduces us to the next game Corpse Party: BloodDrive. I do not think of this as much of a spoiler since I haven't actually told you what happens in this chapter - and I also don't know myself. All I know is that BloodDrive is a new Corpse Party game set after the true ending of the first game

      Thanks for reading :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by jay11kpt ().