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    • I was thinking

      -Pink boots-They allow you to doble-jump for 25seconds.
      -Maya and Edgar-Little cute bombs,you can place infront or behind of you to deffend you're self from enemies.
      -Enemies-I was thinking for enemies like-Angry Mazria with a chainsaw,Ducks,Barrels,Grunts,Zombies,and other that the bros suggest.

      So far that's what i think!
      what do you think bros?
    • You should add flying pews faces and running dickbutts, you moves should be: Kawaii Punch (Brofist), Kawaii Kick, Kawaii Fart, and Kawaii Punching Glide. Oh and every 50 kills you get a care package and the items will be: Nuke, Kawaii, Swag, Weed, Pokemon, Mountain Dew, and Sanic. Oh also make it colorful and the word Fabulous in the backdrop! Oh and you should have a super power every 30 kills where you turn into a Giant Edgar, Giant Edgar's moves would be: Paint Bombs, Kawaii Fire Balls, and Kawaii Rainbow Lightning strikes! This is my Idea!!!!!! Oh this will be sooooooooooooooo amazing!!!!!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Viral Drax ().

    • I'm thinkin it should be a game where everyone that has been shown on your channel plays a part in it. Instead of having you as a the main character, you could be the damsel in distresses, captured by cry/ken/edgar/barrels/ducks or something. And then it's up to martzia/ken/cry or whoever to go through stages rounding up all your other friends like ken/cry/edgar/maya because you need all of their super powers COMBINED to defeat the thing that captured you. martzia's superpower can be fab and ken can shoot fists out of his beard and edgar can shoot fart missles. :brofist:
    • Okay, definitely falcon lover should be an enemy or something. And maybe he's trying to steal all of your subscribers or something - and maybe he's turning them all into ducks and barrels! - oh, and your abilities should DEFINITELY include stuff like parkour Pewds. You should also have the power of fab, and use your fabulousness to demolish enemies. Edgar and Miya should be an ally you call on in times of desperate need. Yup. Just some ideas. Keep it fresh Pewds!
      • Well, I'd love to see a game beat in stages
      • (Like magicite but with puzzle's from your old gameplays included.(Goat sim, Sim's, Amnesia,Gmod,Included characters from the stick of truth ect.)
      • definitely Include some fan based and old "lets Play" weapons that could be supplied by Npc's youtubers in village stages, or various optional quest's from said characters. (Cry,Mark,Martzia,Ken,Falcon Lover, ect.ect.)
      • a duck boss perhaps?
      • if possible a multiplayer mode so we can get together with other bro's and co-op and or even pvp.
      Oh yeah and I want a RIDEABLE EDGER & MAYA!
      I can't wait I'm excited :D
      With Much Bro Love :brofist:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sir8Bit ().

    • I think the character should have ability pick ups kinda like mario and one of the pick ups should be like the star but in stead of the shiney type thing it does to mario it should give pewds a pink skirt and a fairy princess wand so he can be maximum fabulous or just have a fab-bar on the side that controls what other ability types he may have like maybe he can fly but only until his fab-bar runs out but it should slowly regenerate over time and you could possibly pick up stuff to make it regenerate faster
    • Story: Pewds as a secret agent, his boss, Edgar and Maya send him to hunt down Evil King Barrel that has kidnapped marzia. Through the story, pewds made new friends such as Mr. chair, Duck and ect..

      though even after Secret Agent Pewds rescued Marzia, the Evil King Barrel managed to escaped. He will be plotting more evil plans back at his HQ... so what will be in for Secret Agent Pewds and his friends? (That will be up to u bros to think again xD )

      Well the skills and action i still didn't think too in depth yet, i only thought of the story that's all xD LOL
    • So my idea is CinnamonToastKen goes mad and takes over the world whilst under the influence of a mysterious super villain genius, possibly FalconLover. PewDiePie and Cryaotic have to restore the balance, restore what little sanity Ken had before his shenanigans, and battle the Falcon Lord and all his glory.
      Along the way, Pewds and Cry should meet significant characters like Mr. Chair, Piggeh, Jennifer, Stephano, Bengt the Ball, Edgar, Vespa, Sanic etc. that could give them tasks. The tasks could steer the player further away from or closer to completing the overall goal, depending on how Pewds and Cry handle them.
      Enemies around the world could include cinnamon toast, toasters, barrels, giraffes, falcons, Satan.
      Weapons could include toy guns that shoot crappy styrofoam balls, magic fairy wands, ducks, brofists, bazookas, and after completing each character's tasks there could be Mr. Chair himself used as a weapon, Jennifer and Stephano's sword which makes Pewds glow gold.
      Speed powerups could be Vespas and Sanics or something.
    • Name:
      PewDiePie: Trapped!
      Story line:
      Oh no! PewDiePie has been trapped in a game! All of his enemies have joined forces to get him! How will he get out when a character cannot move without it's player? Help PewDiePie escape his worse nightmare by controlling him like you would in a normal game. But be careful! The Barrel King has an army guarding the great bro crystal! Fight in different levels until reaching the Barrel King! But be careful! His sunglasses are his greatest weapon.
      Mega Brofists: Punch enemies to get an effective blow.
      Deutchland!: As you walk along you find Edgar, pick him up, lift his tail and unleash his toxic gas.
      Marzia's kisses: Marzia can randomly appear as health (E.G. she kisses your cheek and you get more hearts)
      STEPHANO!: Pick up Stephano and he reacts like protection.
      Chairmode Activated: When ever a bro or something goes to attack you can chairmode to confuse them. Eventually they would give up looking and walk away.
      I'm Pumped!: Find Piggy to give you super speed.
      Jenifer no!: Pick up Jenifer and crush an enemy.
      Bro: Tries to chase you and attack.
      Barrels: Explode in your face.
      Un-trusted Knights: Throw stuff at you
      Barrel King: He's the boss. He uses his Sunglasses as a weapon.(I hope this is good enough ^w^")
    • I have a new idea!
      Story: Internet is in danger! You have to save it. The hub of the stage will be Google.com and you will travel among YouTube, Twitter, FaceBook, the Forum, etc...
      Allies: Marzia, Stefano, Lizy, Cry, Ken, your pugs, the Bro Army and more!
      Ennemies: Virtual Barrel, Kim K, Shrek, Timmy and more!
      *Fabulizer (the best): Kill every ennemies on the screen in a huge explosion of rainbow
      *BroFist (basic attack): Kill the enemy with your fists
      *Email (summon your friends): You can summon an ally for the level. After you finish a stage (a website) you have one more ally.
      *Kawaiidoken: A rainbow shiny hadoken
      Stage: Stages (different website) are formed by many little levels.

      I hope you enjoy my idea!
      BroFist from France!! :brofist:
    • For me the...
      Enemies- ducks and the bro from amnesia
      good guys- stephano, jennifer, pugachan, edgar, and marzia
      good guys' abilities for stephano just like in minecraft it explodes but hes only limited- for jennifer since she a rock she will roll with you in a limited time only too- for pugachan she says help!!! and a lot of pugachans will come with you for a limited time too- for edgar he will fart to the enemies and the enemies will get dizzy and you'll twerk or give them a powerful brofist to get rid off them- for marzia she'll give you a brofist, kiss, or a punch according to your score.
      brofist= perfect
      kiss= good
      punch= bad
      and addsome shoutings if you die or win
    • Here's my ideas (Be prepared, I have a lot):
      This is going to be something like an RPG game, you're going to collect party members, fight enemies and solve difficult puzzles. Except unlike most RPG games, instead of entering a fighting stage when you encounter an enemy, you just fight them on the spot.

      There will be 3-4 party members that will join you on your quest.
      Just to make it clear, party members will stay with you for the rest of the game after they join you, but other characters that help you in the game only stays with you in a specific level or area.

      Only one party member can be switched out at a time, each has a special ability to deal with enemies and puzzles:

      Stephano- he's like a walking wikipedia, he can give you hints on how to solve puzzles and give you info about the enemy, such as name, health and what's the best way of attacking it. He can also use his golden sword to aid you in battle. I'm not saying you have to, but it'll be nice if you include him, it's been a while since I've seen Stephano D': or Mr.chair and anyone from amnesia.

      Marzia- She can use her innocence and cuteness to stun enemies/ catch them offguard while you beat the daylights out of them. She's not exactly the fighting type but she can heal your health and boost your stats. Sometimes she brings light to dark areas.

      Edgar and Maya- They stay together when switched out, they can be thrown at enemies at a far distance and they'll bight the crap out of anyone you throw them at. The more damage you take from an enemy the more their attack stat will increase. They can also climb in small places and sense invisible enemies or treasure. On a rare occasion, when Edgar is thrown you can hear pewds say 'DEUTSCHLAND"

      These are only my ideas, there will be more options and characters to choose from

      Pewdiepie- Well as for pewdiepie, he has higher stats than the others, he's also the 'main fighter' of the group. At first he will start out with normal controls and everything, he can punch, jump, kick etc. you know, normal stuff. But as the game progresses, we will encounter characters that help you (Not a party member, see below, I refer to the 'other characters that will aid you on this level') . Each character you encounter will teach you another move to use in battle, and over time pewds will start to have more variety, for example, Mr.Chair teaches you the combo for 'Chair mode' so you can defend yourself and hide from invincible enemies, and Lizzy teaches you to dash and wall jump.
      Pewds also has a 'fabulous gauge' which is required to perform some moves, it's like the'mana/magic' alternative from other games. It takes a while to recharge but Marzia can fill the gauge faster if you have her switched out
      At the final level Pewdiepie will learn a move by himself. Basically it's a specially charged brofist, which he will use to finish of The final boss (To see who the final boss is, keep reading)

      Each level should be based off a popular series/game that Pewds have played before. Each level's boss should be an enemy from the game it's based on, but to make this game more interesting, I suggest that we add a twist to some of them.

      The bro, barrel, and Piggy has teamed up somehow and created a monstrosity
      Party member you gain in this level: Stephano
      Other characters that will aid you on this level: Jennifer and Mr.Chair

      The king/leader of the whole cannibal tribe ambushes you while bringing his whole army
      Party member you gain in this level: Marzia
      Other characters that will aid you on this level: Sasha (that drunk shark I believe?) and Lizzy

      Boss: That monter thingy AKA the drunk mother that you are trying to get away from attacks you
      Party member you gain in this level: Maya and Edgar
      Other characters that will aid you on this level: Gandalf (That elephant), Teddy and maybe the baby

      No level idea for corpse party because I didn't watch that series sorry D: but there will be a level of it

      Party member you gain in this level: Additional characters
      Other characters that will aid you on this level: characters from the walking dead series?Clemmy and Lee?

      Santa and his elves have kidnapped other people from happy wheels and held them captive, it is up to you to free them!
      Party member you gain in this level: Additional characters
      Other characters that will aid you on this level: Segway guy and irresponsible dad(The only two that didn't get captured)

      JOURNEY (This game needs more attention, it's really good)
      Boss: One of those huge Cyclops serpent monsters from the game, but it'll be like 10 of them merged into one
      Party member you gain in this level: Additional characters
      Other characters that will aid you on this level: Bengt of course XD

      Yes, after you have reached this level you realized that it was Falconlover that did all this! As you enter the level your party members will be captured, while you transform into a half duck, and all your stats go down.
      You walk through a long hallway by yourself until you reach this ballroom where you find Falconlover sitting in his throne, you confront him, then found out that he has brainwashed all your party members. He will unleash them at you one at a time at you starting from stephano, and the hardness of this fight will depend on how much you levelled them up
      After you beat a party member they will regain their senses and rejoin your team, after collecting them all back you will face falconlover. After you beat him you will find out that it was the ghost all along! (By ghost I mean the one that always kills you when you try to collect the bananas in the 3rd level) you will revert back to you normal self and stuff will happen.

      Of course there will be more levels, these are just the ones I've thought of

      That's all my ideas, too much? Well for the story, I'm not sure ^^; I'll leave someone else with that

      The post was edited 2 times, last by stuffedbarnowl ().

    • Well you definatley must put in the classic Stephano, Piggeh, The Bro, and Barrels. However I also think you should put Marzia and maybe Cry and Ken which could give you bonus points for a certain amount of time depending on who you get. Stephano might be able to help you find hidden items and barrels draw Bros near.
    • It should be like a classic Megaman game with a pewdiepie twist! Pewds would shoot stuff with his oculus rift like laser beams in the style of Megaman! Enemies could just be enemies where pewds has fough in the past such as different types of barrel monsters and duck monsters. There should be a boss at each level where pewdpie gets a new power up from. Nicki Minaj,