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    • I was thinking why not make it an RPG and have it all medieval with skeletons and things, but instead of having like real swords and things you make it some kids screwing around at school, kinda how it was done in "The Stick of Truth" but put your spin on the game. Please try not to make the game something like "pewdiepie's adventure" make it a game not a marketing scheme.
      :brofist: and thank you if you took your time to read this.

      It should be a Halloween Hairy style game expect its Kwanza Pewds. Instead of rockets he fires kittens, instead of bullets he fires brofists. All the enemies are from horror games he has played, obviously loosely based off of them. Instead of random sluts that are entrapped by aliens, he saves Marzia. Fina stage he rescues his dogs by killing Satan with his impressive face stubble. You're welcome Pewds, no need to send me royalty checks.
    • It should be a horror game with all of pewdie's friends and enemies making an appearance, like Barrel should be the mastermind behind everything or at least an enemy, Jeremy and Martin should be in it, Stephano should be an ally and guide, Mr. Chair, Jennifer, and Piggeh should be allies pewds can use in the game to progress! Plus Bengt should be in there! It should be a game that's scary to you pewds. Idk, that's all I got for now! XD Maybe Cry and Ken should be in there too. Thank you very much pewdiepie if you read this!
    • I Think the plot of the game should be that there is a monster that suddenly takes over your webpage, and claims it as his own. He also tries to take over youtube and everyone elses web pages. So now you have to get together Ken, Cry, yourself, and all the rest of your friends to put together a Bro army. One special attack: (Mya and Edgar can turn into little balls and be thrown at enemies) Anouther Special Attack (The Fabulizer! this attack can turn enemies into unicorns, flowers, make them wear pretty pink and purple dresses, and ducks.) You can also play with other characters which have special abilities and attacks.

      To save him, you must go to different parts of the world, collecting the clues to where the barrels are keeping him.

      Along the way you meet different youtubers who help you on your quest.

      Unlock different character skin including but not limited to:

      What if each level was in a set of.. I don't know, maybe twelve or something and each set was located in an area. Each area would be located in one of your let's plays.
      For example, there at twelve levels located in the "last of us" area (the name can be changed because of copyright) and in that area, you can find clickers, who will melee you, or humans, who shoot you.
      Within each area, there can be a character, like Ellieoo for the last of us, or Stephan, for Amnesia.
      These characters could teach a specific "fabpower" whatever you guys can pick a better name. These powers could be ghost ally, from corpse party, or brick throwing, from the last of us.

      Those are just my ideas. Feel free to change them or use them if you want, just please mention me if you do.
    • You, Marzia, Edgar, Puga and Stephano should be at least some of the characters. The ''Epic Brofist'' should be a power up where you just drill through your enemies for a limited time and are invincible. Oh and of course, gotta have random barrels chillin' throughout the levels :D.
    • Story: Marzia has been kidnapped by the ducks, and you need to save her. However, the story should evolve into something more complex. Not going to push anything, but the game should end with the universe being saved by a galaxy-sized brofist.
      Characters: Pewds, of course, is the main character. Marzia starts off kidnapped, but eventually communicates with you to give you advice. Some of Pewds' friends should play similar roles (Cry, Ken, etc.) Falcon Lover is the anti-hero character with a sad past of his brother unsubbing him. He has the power of noscopes, mountain dew, and doritos.
      Abilities: After seeing the video, I immediately thought "MegaMan" so, I think that Pewds should unlock powers by defeating bosses. At the start of the game, pewds should have two weapons. A brofist, which does a lot of damage but can only be used at close range, and a brofist gun, which fires weaker brofists which have a larger range. He can also use Edgar and Maya as powerful, screen-clearing attacks, but they require energy pickups.
      Enemies: Duck lords will be the first major bosses. They're like the robot masters in MegaMan, and after lowering their health to zero, you need to get close to them to deal a finisher. The finishers can be things like being impaled by a skateboard (Skate 3), being crushed by a wheel, (Happy Wheels), and other things relating to his videos. Later, you'll have other enemies, like sniper clans, grunts (Amnesia), and bros that have been converted to evil.
      Also, guys, if it ends up being a rage game... You have no idea what I'll do.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by GamerGuardian ().

    • A Giant Evil Robot Barrel Boss With A Nuclear Symbol On His Chest Called KingSmasher His Attacks Are Explosive Barrel Cannon Explosive Fist Smash Titanium Mega Sword Slash AntiPewdie Grenades And The Ripper A.K.A A Super Powerful Minigun Please And If Barrels Aren't Your Enimies Anymore Then You Can Slap A Evil Looking Robot Head On Him

      The post was edited 2 times, last by TheUnstoppableTrain ().

    • how about, the main character is not pewds, but instead its stephano. his quest is to rescue the missing pewds from illuminati (or whatever), jumping from one game to another, from every playthrough pewdie ever played ( amnesia, slender, fnaf, twd, journey,tlou, happy wheels, etc. ) to find his missing friend, he will receive help from pewd's friends, like mr.chair, piggeh, jennifer, bengt, lizzie, etc.