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    • And a few ideas from me :3
      The enemies should be barrels.They can just roll into you so u can jump over.
      The game sholud have levels.The goal of each level would be to get to a giraffe with a long neck and climb up to get to the next level.
      Goal of the game should be something like saving Marzia or s topping Edgar from pooping on the carpet x)
      The background should change with each level.
      Super-Pantsu:gives u the ability to jump higher
      Unicorn horn:shoot enemies with the unicorn power
      Donut:regen health
      Characters and their abilities:
      Marzia:throwing pies
      Edgar:Death stare
      Maya:Tounge punch
      And how about customizable characters?
    • A cool idea would be a Scribblenauts game type with Scott pilgrim saves the world type graphics, arcade style action but uses youtube references & pewdiepie references and maybe urban dictionary? :D it would be like the GTA of side-scrollers but with tons of easter eggs!
    • Im no good with plot but I'll try my hand at gameplay!

      The 2-d side scrolling is perfectly fine!

      Store: It'll appear either within each level or right after each. You can purchase upgrades here for your health, bar refill speeds and weapons. Upgrades for such have only 3 ranks.These upgrades cost "Bro-points" which are your logos that are scattered through the map and enemies have a chance to drop it (really low, like 1-3% chance). Abilities are upgraded through usage and have 5 ranks.

      Abilities(All can be upgraded of course!):
      Double-jump(Makes you uh.. jump.. twice and stuff)Triple Jump, Quadranipple jump.
      Surgeon Throw(Knocks down MOST enemies by throwing a tomahawk[The surgeon simulator one] at enemies feet horizontally )Distance traveled and last rank lets you knock down the other enemies not in the "MOST" category
      Bro-fist!(Punches enemies away) Distance and power increase each upgrade
      Piggeh-Slide(You do the splits at an awkward yet sexy angle and knock enemies off their feet.. and into the air) Knock up height increased each upgrade
      Chair-Mode Activate!(Ability that lets you throw a chair that attracts enemies to it, long CD after Mr. Chair "dies") Health of "Mr. Chair" increased each upgrade

      Weapons(Upgrades here too!):
      Barrel Shooter(Shoots barrels that explode and do AoE dmg) Explosion radius and dmg increased each upgrade
      Duck Beam(Shoots a "duck" beam with constant Quacks)Size and range increase each time upgraded
      MLG360noscope!(Shoots a high powered shot with a high reload time with 12yr olds yelling!) Penetrates to hit more enemies and even more doritos... damage each upgrade
      Stephano(You throw Stephano, who acts like a guardian of sorts and shoots enemies near you like a turret) Time active and damage done increased each upgrade
      Happy Wheels Gun(You shoot a random happy wheels character [Except for Irresponsible dad cause you know, super..] and cant shoot another until the last one goes off the screen) Can have 1 more character on screen per upgrade.

      List of character actions for Happy Wheels gun
      Wheelchair Guy: Goes into the middle of screen and then his booster turns on spinning him around constantly all around the screen before flying into space.
      Segway Guy: Hops onto enemies' heads until his segway breaks.. again..
      Effective Shopper: Eats enemies (Does decent damage to bigger enemies) until she explodes from too much.
      Moped Couple: The couple ride into an enemy killing it(Unless its a bigger enemy or higher) and then Vespa goes around knocking into enemies until its time runs out.
      Lawnmower Man: Flies forward horizontally with his lawnmower facing the enemies dealing heavy damage to each hit. (Lawnmower breaks when it hits a bigger enemy but still does damage)
      Explorer Guy: Flies around the screen with no control or pattern scooping enemies into his cart and then slamming into the ground dealing damage to each he put into his cart.
      Santa Claus: Throws presents from his sleigh at the top of the screen down at enemies. Random effects such as small explosions, anvils, teddy bears, that elf he doesn't like.
      Pogostick Man: Bounces from one side of the screen to the other aiming at enemies. Deals modest damage each hit until he hits 5 times.
      Irresponsible Mom: Hits enemies until both her kids fall off ( so two hits) and then does that spastic leg dance while doing backflips in one spot.
      Helicopter Man: Picks up enemies and drops them dealing heavy-ish damage, then falls with the 5th one picked up and explodes on top of it.

      "Supers"(No upgrades here, jeez! But you get 3 "super" bars that all get taken away at once and make a different thing happen):
      Synchronized Dance 1 bar(That damned son of yours makes you dance around the screen with him dealing light damage multiple times and then you kick him into the screen shattering the enemies and screen for more damage)
      Fabulous! 2 bars(You turn into your fabulous true form and shoot at enemies, fabulizing them... with extra sugoi!)
      Maya&Edgar 3 bars(Maya and Edgar show up and turn into raging pugs who are still somehow cute that follow and take down any enemy in your way!)

      "Ultra"(You have to fill up an extra bar for the ultra, this bar is twice as big as the others. Can only be used once per level):
      Bro-Army(You summon the bro army and we demolish the next couple screens of enemies. Heals you completely and gives you a bro-point at the end of it)

      Enemies are a bit tricky.... But just make wimpy ones that die easy, medium ones that take a few hits, and big ones that take a long time to kill. With mini-bosses and bosses of course. But for level design......

      Its easy actually. Take all of your most popular games (Happy Wheels, Amnesia, etc) and make a level with the famous characters from them as enemies/bosses. Oh and the main villian should be Falcon lover who steals Marzia.. You can meet other youtubers like Cry, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Ken and whoever else along the way too! But that's all I got :P Hope it helps create some ideas for ya!
    • Here's an idea:

      Stephano should be the main character with a powerful Brofist attack. Edgar and Maya are working with the barrels to take over the world.. Stephano needs to learn the ways of the BroForce. It has a light side and dark side and he is the Chosen One.
    • Here's some ideas for some common and super fighting moves in the game. First the common fighting moves:

      Brofist - A given, honestly. It's a super-powered punch move that damages enemies. Probably the defacto punch move in the game.

      Brokick - A kick that knocks enemies on their ass. Not as powerful a move as brofist, which does more damage. But it is a move you'd use to knock an enemy down and make them helpless as you pummel them, or to break armor that gives enemies extra defense. Like a monster that uses a barrel as armor that would be immune to brofist at first, because they have super armor on. So, in order to damage their barrel armor, you have to kick them first, which also knocks them over and makes them vulnerable and helpless while floundering on the ground for a few seconds. Kicking the enemy enough finally breaks the armor, leaving it a helpless target for brofist. Wow, once the ideas start coming, they flow like a river. lol

      Now, for some super moves. These should only be available like magic moves in other games, with the help of a magic bar. Only for Pewds, it would be called, um, a "bro-bar" I suppose.

      Super Brofist - I think this should be a super move. You kiss your knuckles before administering the brofist punishment, but it's even stronger than before, doing more damage and even in some rare cases making your enemy explode when you hit them. The explosion effect should be an RNG thing.

      Fabulous Finale - Yet another super move, probably the strongest one in the game. (Would probably take at least half of the bro-bar to pull off) Pewds poses like Sailor Moon and everything on the screen is moving on slow motion as a rainbow-lazer zips around, killing all enemies on the screen. Once all enemies are dead, the rainbow arches over Pewds and the word FABULOUS is displayed on it in giant glowing letters.

      I hope at least one of my ideas makes it into the game. I'd totally shit bricks if it did! 8o Either way, it should be a fun game to play. Stay awesome, Pewds!
    • BARRELS. BARRELS EVERYWHERE. Don't forget Stephano and Binct. And zambiez. AND ALPACAS! much jumpscares #wow. And maybe something Christmas-ey since it's near the holidays #treateverydaylikechristmas #muthaeffinhashtags. yay suggestions :D

      It would also be AWESOME if there could maybe be a side character, a yellow sheep, named Shep. He looks cute and soft. But he's a badass that likes to destroy everything. In the band Smokehouse Sheep. #ShepisLove #ShepisLife #Shepwillfuckyoshitup

      ^^ Have a lovely day