Dealing with a crappy bestfriend

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    • Depends what she did really, and whether it was a deliberate calculated betrayal or circumstances that just got out of hand.

      I would suggest talk to her about it (if that's possible). It can be really hard to ever trust them again, and with good reason, even if a friendship carries on there will be suspicion, so it will be a decision on if you think that's worth it or not or you can still be friends with someone without trusting them 100% (I never trust anyone, but that's my personal issues xD)

      Deliberate betrayal often means they will betray again but that's not always the case - if they were so horrified with what they did they might learn from that and never want to do it to anyone again. It depends on the person and you know your friend more.
    • Ugh that's low. I hoped you kicked him to the curb pronto. Something like that I think it really is on how you feel - whether your friendship with her is worth more than what happened with the guy or how much you loved him/how long you were together and all that. But if you stay friends I wouldn't let her around future boyfriends or trust at all very much after that.

      I had someone who did that once and we stayed friends for a long while after it. But then... I didn't really care about the relationship I was in too much anyway, it was really new and my friend probably saved me some trouble of getting in with someone then having them cheat, which they would have done with someone at some point, and actually ended up doing to my friend about a year into their relationship (I secretly thought "ha, karma").
    • yeah you're right Jellystripes, thank you for the honesty I really needed it. Haven't really had anyone to talk to about it so thanks for helping me on what to do. The relationship wasn't far in at all, maybe 3 weeks and she did save me a lot of trouble because he was a douche, though it really hurt that she had done that. My cousin did that twice to me before and my friend knew about my past experiences with relationships and yet she still did it, even though she has a boyfriend AND was also trying to go after my (ex)boyfriends friend. So she cheated on her boyfriend twice and then didn't even tell me. i'm still pretty mad about it, but I think that you're right and since I was going to break up with him anyways, that I should just calm down and be friends with her, though watch what decisions I make around her. I'm glad you replied, you give great advice! and Anusman, im sorry it happened to you too, its a crappy thing to experience. It sucks being a person...time to be a cat. lol
      Such Bro. Much Amazing. So Wow. Yasssssss. :thumbsup:
    • Well then, time to become lesbian!
      Wait what?

      Point is, when so many people hurt you, and it makes you really really sad - Fuck it.
      Seriously, they are just not worth your attention ;)
      It may be hard to say that you don't need them, but if they are betraying you that way they are just not your best friends anymore.
      A best friend wouldn't do that, a good guy or friend neither.
      Have great day without them, look for a new best friend and have an even better day.
      All those relationship/ friendship problems do just hurt, try to fix it or leave them alone.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Elve ().

    • Thanks guys, this was such a hard time for me and I'm just really glad that I have people to talk to about this! And totally, Lesbi-honest the girl that did it and I are still friends, but I can tell that we are slowly growing apart, and I'm sort of okay with that, cuz I have other friends as well, plus I gotz all youz lol :)
      Such Bro. Much Amazing. So Wow. Yasssssss. :thumbsup: