Do you consider yourself an Extravert, an Introvert, or an Ambivert?

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    • It's interesting that there would be so many changes in your -version. I wonder, did you feel overstimulated during your high school and those college years? Did you really love having company and felt recharged during that one year of college?I don't mean to pry so answer to your comfort, of course

      I don't mind at all. I'm always down sharing experiences :)

      High school was too stimulating for me to get out of my shell. Having to deal with being a foreigner and the language barrier along with the usual high school drama, the different personalities, and keeping my grades on average was difficult. I did get bullied a bit when I was 12 and first started school in the Philippines because I couldn't speak the language and I was wearing a back brace for my scoliosis. I felt like a loser. I just felt so bad for myself because I couldn't fit in with anyone. I guess that stuck with me throughout high school.

      When I was about to enter college, I told myself it's a new chapter and this is my chance to make up for the confidence I lacked in high school. So I built my confidence and my energy up. I met a lot of people, say hi to them when I see them, and went out with them in between classes (sometimes skipping class). During that time, I thought knowing a lot of people and talking with them would fill the void. But as the months passed by, I realized with 98% of the friends I made, the friendship was superficial. They were all about partying, drinking, and who's hooking up with who and I couldn't have a mature conversation with them. It was great having company around me but I realized the people I needed was not friends who just keep me company but friends who I can confide to and who would confide in me and share who they are to me. I needed friends who I can grow with and learn from. I felt like I created a persona that wasn't me at all and I slumped back to being an introvert.

      During my first year in Nursing school (I had to shift to nursing from another course because of mum), I was so introverted to the point where it amazes people when they hear me say a word. I felt like I'd rather be alone than be with people whom I have to adjust my personality to. Eventually, I told myself that I wouldn't know other people if I never gave them a chance to know me. So I started to open up very slowly during my second year. By the time third year came, I smiled a little more and I was opening myself up to my classmates. I have those days where I'm quiet and my friends would know and would not overstimulate me. Before I graduated, the Dean had a one-on-one talk and told me that she was amazed and happy on how far I came along and how I took a complete 180 degrees personality and performance wise.

      Sorry that my answer is too long! :D

      The post was edited 1 time, last by yookaj ().

    • I consider myself an introvert person, though I'm kinda "good" at making it seem like I'm ambivert (or something like that). I have no problem being all by myself for days, it's awesome! I get that being social is important so it's not that good I guess, but sometimes I feel like it's really hard to be around people. I feel so awkward and I think that's the main reason why I seldom "hang" with people and spend like 99% of my time (free time) by myself.

      Oh, this got longer than I thought :/ Long "story" short, I'm introverted.
    • I'm an introvert, maybe slightly an ambivert since ambiverts tend to listen more closely and read people easily. That's why apparently ambiverts make the best sales people since they are not too obvious or pushy when pitching a sale and pay close attention to how the person reacts to what they are saying.
      The only way to truly escape the mundane is for you to constantly be evolving. Whether you choose to aim high, or aim low. Enjoy each day for what it is.
    • Once again, I apologize for the late reply. But thanks to everyone who participates in the thread :)

      yookaj wrote:

      I don't mind at all. I'm always down sharing experiences :)

      High school was too stimulating for me to get out of my shell. Having to deal with being a foreigner and the language barrier along with the usual high school drama, the different personalities, and keeping my grades on average was difficult. I did get bullied a bit when I was 12 and first started school in the Philippines because I couldn't speak the language and I was wearing a back brace for my scoliosis. I felt like a loser. I just felt so bad for myself because I couldn't fit in with anyone. I guess that stuck with me throughout high school.

      When I was about to enter college, I told myself it's a new chapter and this is my chance to make up for the confidence I lacked in high school. So I built my confidence and my energy up. I met a lot of people, say hi to them when I see them, and went out with them in between classes (sometimes skipping class). During that time, I thought knowing a lot of people and talking with them would fill the void. But as the months passed by, I realized with 98% of the friends I made, the friendship was superficial. They were all about partying, drinking, and who's hooking up with who and I couldn't have a mature conversation with them. It was great having company around me but I realized the people I needed was not friends who just keep me company but friends who I can confide to and who would confide in me and share who they are to me. I needed friends who I can grow with and learn from. I felt like I created a persona that wasn't me at all and I slumped back to being an introvert.

      During my first year in Nursing school (I had to shift to nursing from another course because of mum), I was so introverted to the point where it amazes people when they hear me say a word. I felt like I'd rather be alone than be with people whom I have to adjust my personality to. Eventually, I told myself that I wouldn't know other people if I never gave them a chance to know me. So I started to open up very slowly during my second year. By the time third year came, I smiled a little more and I was opening myself up to my classmates. I have those days where I'm quiet and my friends would know and would not overstimulate me. Before I graduated, the Dean had a one-on-one talk and told me that she was amazed and happy on how far I came along and how I took a complete 180 degrees personality and performance wise.

      Sorry that my answer is too long! :D

      No worries, I actually like long replies and thanks for sharing by the way! :)
      Your friends sound very considerate of your introversion. Some would find it strange that you need time to yourself or wouldn't really understand how you could overstimulate someone but I'm glad for you that they do :)
      I have one more question, if you'll indulge me: do you feel being an extravert or an introvert has an interlaced connection with your confidence?

      captaincrowbar wrote:

      I'm an introvert. By choice more than by nature at this point, I like what goes on in "here" more than what goes on out "there". I was more extrovert in the last couple of years in high school and first couple of college.

      It's literally impossible to find a gal this way though.

      You're your own person so you get to make your own choice. Props to ya!
      Lol I wish I was an expert on it but dating depends on each person It isn't based on introversion or extraversion but these qualities do affect who you choose to hang around.

      frozenXphoenix wrote:

      Both. Like it depends on which person/place/time i am.

      That's cool :) do you lean more or slightly towards one -version more than the other?

      beaniemum wrote:

      I consider myself an introvert, as do all my friends.... But hey, introvert and proud! :thumbup:

      Darn proud of it :D Have you and your friends known each other for a long time or recently met 'em?

      henank wrote:

      I consider myself an introvert person, though I'm kinda "good" at making it seem like I'm ambivert (or something like that). I have no problem being all by myself for days, it's awesome! I get that being social is important so it's not that good I guess, but sometimes I feel like it's really hard to be around people. I feel so awkward and I think that's the main reason why I seldom "hang" with people and spend like 99% of my time (free time) by myself.

      Oh, this got longer than I thought :/ Long "story" short, I'm introverted.

      Lol thanks for sharing and no worries about long replies, feel free :) Do you feel shy or is due to not like small talk with people?

      Ib is here wrote:

      I'm an introvert, maybe slightly an ambivert since ambiverts tend to listen more closely and read people easily. That's why apparently ambiverts make the best sales people since they are not too obvious or pushy when pitching a sale and pay close attention to how the person reacts to what they are saying.

      That's an interesting thing you've just brought up. Best of both worlds and being able to read other people more. I've read that if someone was a complete introvert or a complete extravert then they'd go crazy. We're all supposed to be ambivert but we are labeled as extrovert or introverts based on how far we lean towards. Ambiverts tend to be more balanced and but may slightly lean towards one side of the spectrum.
      If you don't mind me asking, is this from personal experience or things you observed/learned?
    • NoizeXP wrote:

      Lol thanks for sharing and no worries about long replies, feel free :) Do you feel shy or is due to not like small talk with people?

      I'm kinda shy, I'm not one to start a conversation. Once I'm more comfortable I loosen up. Though I like to keep most stuff to myself, so who am I? Not even I know :D Maybe I'm a shapeshifter *dun dun dun* nah that's not it. But as I've gotten older I just feel like an awkward person that's just in the way of others.
    • Sorry for some reason I can't quote? o-o

      NoizeXP wrote:

      That's an interesting thing you've just brought up. Best of both worlds and being able to read other people more. I've read that if someone was a complete introvert or a complete extravert then they'd go crazy. We're all supposed to be ambivert but we are labeled as extrovert or introverts based on how far we lean towards. Ambiverts tend to be more balanced and but may slightly lean towards one side of the spectrum.
      If you don't mind me asking, is this from personal experience or things you observed/learned?


      Well for me it's both through learning about Introverts, Ambiverts and Extraverts through this thread but also through personal experience. To me many extraverts around me tend to speak more rather than listen or they will listen at times but not take in what people are saying or will have a more direct opinion on things.

      Introverts around me tend to get along with me well since I understand the feeling of being an introvert, however some Extraverts get along with me because Extraverts love to be listened to and as I said, I do tend to be a good listener yet I also love some alone time since I tend to get stressed when having to talk for a long period of time without a break to just relax for a bit.
      I've also noticed, if I'm talking about something that is interesting and/or very important to me. I do tend to be a lot more talkative but can see two sides of an argument.

      Around friends I get along with well, I can actually be very talkative but will still find time to let another person speak.
      Maybe this means that the typing you are can vary slightly based on the situation you are in..? After all, this is just a basis for how people act since the brain is yet to and probably never will be fully explained.
      The only way to truly escape the mundane is for you to constantly be evolving. Whether you choose to aim high, or aim low. Enjoy each day for what it is.
    • No worries, I actually like long replies and thanks for sharing by the way! :)
      Your friends sound very considerate of your introversion. Some would find it strange that you need time to yourself or wouldn't really understand how you could overstimulate someone but I'm glad for you that they do :)
      I have one more question, if you'll indulge me: do you feel being an extravert or an introvert has an interlaced connection with your confidence?

      Good to know! Haha! :thumbsup:
      I'm thankful for having them. It's true that some people don't really understand how people can be overstimulated. I had a situation where I had to meet 17 people all at the same time and it drained me. It drained me just by being in that environment and it stressed me out. Either it was the introvert in me or I probably have mild social anxiety. lol

      In my opinion, I don't think it does. I can choose to be confident whether I'm an extrovert or introvert. I think what differs between the confidence of an extrovert and an introvert relies on who the person chooses to see their confidence. An extrovert may exude confidence to a larger population than an introvert. They may talk to people regardless of what their personality is and how much they have in common. As an occasional introvert (not speaking for all introverts), I choose who I can talk to. I observe them on how they interact, how they are personality wise, and what can I find that we have in common. After that, I just go up to them and build on our commonalities. :)
    • Re: Do you consider yourself an Extravert, an Introvert, or an Ambivert?

      I remember in the first 8 years of my life in the Philippines, I was an ambivert. If I had a computer or something to entertain myself with, I'd be happy. If I had anyone at all with me, I'd be happy. I was a strong, young buck and life was fantastic.

      However, after leaving my Dad behind so that I can live to California and then moving to Texas, city to city so many times and only being able to make 2 best friends that I rarely ever talk to or visit anymore, I became an introvert.

      Life was pretty depressing.

      The kids in America lived in lived with different conditions from kids in the Philippines so I couldn't get along with them very well, especially since everybody else had better friends to spend precious time with. Why waste time with the new kid who's ugly, poor, and probably wouldn't understand what you're saying (don't get me wrong I knew the language better than the kids in my age) when your best friend is asking you for help on something or telling the best joke ever? I was actually very slightly bullied in 5th grade, but I didn't care.

      Lunch was heaven for me. I didn't mind the constant talking as long as no one was around me and I could be alone doing my homework, writing random stories, or drawing things on the trays. Sometimes, I'd even blank out to simulate things in my head, so that I wouldn't say the wrong things if it ever comes to it.

      But the thing is, talking to most people is just awkward. Some guy or girl randomly shows interest to me and starts trying to start a conversation, I wouldn't know what to say. Most of my conversations would last 3 minutes and 80% of it is total awkward silence.

      I rarely ever make friends with someone. I think if you had to make a ratio for it, 3 every month (in school). I'm really picky when it comes to things like that. And when I do make friends with someone, I make sure that it's for a reason. I don't like backstabbing jerks that will use me and throw me away like a tissue like people that just make friends with me to copy off of my paper, which I don't mind as long as you actually want to be friends with me and not my answers.

      I think I can say that I'm a little bit of a nerd and I do spend a lot of time on computers. I've been fascinated with them since I was 6. And that's not really popular-class material there.

      7th grade is probably the best year I've had with a bunch of friends. I had friends that could stand my nerd talk from video games like LoL to complicated math equations. I even had a couple popular friends that I got really close to.

      It's a bummer that I moved yet again as the 1st six weeks ended in 8th grade and I had to start all over with less than scratch. Everybody already has friends and I'm awkwardly sitting at a table at lunch where everyone is in a sport while I'm not. I guess I'll take my chances again.

      But yeah, I think I'll just stop right here. Sorry for huge post. I do this a lot. And if you're guessing why an introvert would do this, I feel more comfortable "speaking" in text.
    • Hi. My name is David. I like french toast, coffee, pot and overcast. I work at a Starbucks. It's a good job, and I meet plenty of great people.

      I also enjoy raves and festivals and especially love getting to glove. I've been making my own music for a few years, but it's just a hobby.

      So yeah, not an extrovert, introvert, ambivert, biivert, hermaphrivert, just David. Nice to meet all the new members!
    • @friesguy: I really, really agree with you. Filipino children and Western children are like the North Pole and South Pole: they're almost the exact opposite. I guess it's mostly because of the different environment we live in.

      On to the topic: I'm a... well, outgoing introvert? I like talking to my friends, laugh and simply just have fun, but after that, I lose all energy. I don't want to talk to people and just want to be alone in the corner with my laptop and a few sweets. It will take a day or two (sometimes even weeks) to get me back up. I'm also a shy person at first, but once you get to know me, I'll probably be one of the weirdest people you'll ever meet.

      My introverted-ness is because of my overly protective and strict parents, who didn't let me go to school alone until I am in college (which just started a few months ago).
      This is the best signature you will ever encounter in your whole life.
      Be amazed.
    • wow man this is a cool thread... i really dont know which one i am, i do like hanging out with some people at time and i hate being ignored (preferably only one or two people not in big groups) but i usually prefer staying home rather than going out , maybe im lazy i dunno, i also try to avoid places filled with people but sometimes i like places filled with people... weird right?(like anime conventions for example). ever since i moved to college ive found more requiem in being alone reading a book or listening to music, still at the same time i wouldnt like to end up all alone though. i think im decent at talking with other people but they either have no interest or im too awkward at times -.- maybe im talking to the wrong people?....hmm got sidetracked there but i really dont know which one i am =/
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