THE HOTTEST ALIEN! - Alien Isolation - Gameplay Walkthrough - Part 7

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    • Emmanuel Ortiz wrote:

      Wheres part 8 X/

      It's on the Alien: Isolation playlist, along with all the other videos in the series up to the final one (#13). I'm hoping though that he'll do a new series based on the DLC of the Nostromo Edition, where you play as Ellen Ripley during the events of the first movie.

      Ununtri wrote:

      That was a bit rude that Pewdiepie set the rest of videos as inpublic and put them on playlist.

      I don't think that he did it on purpose. It's very likely that he uploaded a bunch of them at once, not marking them as public until he had them properly labeled, the descriptions filled out and everything, then he put them in his playlist but forgot to change their setting to public so that they'll show up on his video list as well. Also, he's probably working on getting the forum topics set up on this site as well. None of that should prevent you from being able to watch them from his playlist though (that's what I'm doing).
    • bobdile wrote:

      Please pewds continue the serie, it is one of the best !! :D :D

      The series is complete (technically). Even though the videos haven't posted publicly for some reason, you can view all the videos from the main story from the Alien: Isolation playlist from the first to the 13th (last). Personally, though, I hoe he had gotten the DLC from the Nostromo Edition (where you can play through the events of the 1st movie) and that he does a video on it.
    • I just finished watching Pewds' entire let's play of this and I loved it :) It was really intense and Pews was hilarious as always, except he seemed a bit over it in the last couple of episodes ;)

      The only thing that (kind of) bothered me, as a huge fan of the Alien films, is that he didn't know basically anything about the original story or get any of the references. Mind you, it didn't really bother me, as in make me feel annoyed or less entertained or anything. It's just a shame, because I believe his experience with playing the game would have been richer if he'd known.

      And also, Ripley, the real (well, original anyway) Ripley from the films, as in Ellen Ripley, Amanda's mother... Like, when he didn't get who she was, the Alien fangirl in me was like "WHAT?!", haha :P She's a legend, for crying out loud! ;)

      This game is supposed to take place 15 years after the first film and 42 years before the second film. When Pewds said towards the end something along the lines of "So we came here to look for our mother, we found out she died because of the alien...", that was a little painful, I must admit. Ripley (again, Ellen) is awesome and she did not die during her first encounter with the xenomorph! In fact, Amanda Ripley died at age 66 and that was two years before Ellen Ripley was found (alive). Of course, Alien fans already know this, so I apologise if I'm stating the obvious to anyone here ;)

      And again, don't take my words too seriously here. I'm not actually annoyed. As a fan of the Alien story and of Sigourney Weaver's character in it, it was just a little difficult to not be able to explain things to him when he got something wrong or missed a reference, etc :P I hope he'll watch the Alien films, because so many things in the game would make a lot more sense to him then and I think he'd enjoy it (or his memories of it) even more :)

      Anyway, this short story of mine is over now, haha. And I really did enjoy watching him play this game a lot. I hope he plays the Ellen Ripley-story too! :)
      If you read this: you're awesome, Pewds! :D
    • Ryan Holmes wrote:

      How can I see the rest of this series?

      Just go to the Alien: Isolation playlist, they're all there. And Pewds, if you're reading this, you need to make the remaining videos "Public" and add discussion threads for them here so we can comment on the remaining videos individually instead of piling them all on this thread (and so everyone quits asking where the remaining videos are.) In the meantime, stay awsome. :brofist:
    • Well I just finished watching his playthrough, I guess I'll comment here :)

      My thoughts on the game: I won't be buying it xD It started off really good and really creepy, but seemed to become far too reptetive and lost that intense horrifying factor to become just like move from A to B doing stuff that was all the same each time. Even the alien became less scary and more a nuisance.

      Felix seemed to be getting fed up with it too xD He was so excited on the first few videos and then you can see the game gradually sucking the joy out of him lol. Or that's how it seemed anyway. So I would like to say: Thank you Pewds for sticking with this and playing through to its conclusion for us ^^ Although the game started to look really quite monotonous, the videos weren't and I enjoyed watching them, and it's appreciated that you took time to play, edit and upload these :)