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    • Tags!

      Ever wanted to play any Blizzard game with a fellow bro here? Well, now you can! Just share your tag, server, and the games you play for example:

      BattleTag: Koi#2458
      Server: EU
      Games: Diablo 3, WoW, Hearthstone

      Wanna create a account?
      Just sign up here .

      Have a account but don't know where to find your BattleTag?
      Easy! Follow these steps:
      Display Spoiler

      After that just download the desktop app and download your games.

      How can I add my friend?/Can I see my BattleTag other than the original site?

      Note: When you add someone include his name AND his tag number.

      Happy farming!
      (If I missed anything, please PM me ^^)

      "Everybody has after-school activities; mine is going home"

      I don't like john green's books