MMORPGs Everyone?

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    • Age of Wulin is really cool. You can choose a sect in which the ways of fighting differs, depending on your way of playing. There are sects which are only for a particular gender (monk = male only ; eimei = female only). You can be drunk (yes that's very important xDD), you can kidnap (offline)players and sell them (it is actually kind of fun when you log in again, you find yourself in a different place), you can spy on others' sects. If you go against your sect's rules you have to reflect upon yourself or things like that! You have this amazing event at a precise hour where there's a big fight with others sects, I love those battles the most to be honest!
      You do not fight only against monsters, and, in order to 'level up', if I can say so (because you do not really level up, the only thing which increase is a skill you choose), so it is far better than those MMORPGs where you only need to fight monsters to increase your level. You do martial arts with other people from your sect (or others if you have friends in another sect) and it is ton of fun to play!

      If you can, you should try it out! :D
    • I'm still waiting for Blade & Soul to be released. It will more than likely be the next MMO that i dedicate myself to. It was GW2 previously. Though I have tried almost every MMO out there, there are only a select few that I ever dedicate myself to. So far the ones that I have are, Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, Archlord, Aion, Rift, Guild Wars 2, Aura Kingdom.

      The One and Only.
    • Okuu wrote:

      Never touched ESO and it didn't even intrigue me. Heard bad stuff about it from close friends which participated in the betas and such.

      Really? Do you mind me asking what the negative comments were? I played the betas and was really pleased with the majority of it. But then I love the Elder Scrolls series and other games like that (Baldurs Gate, Champions of Norrath etc.) so I might have been a bit fan-girly! :)
    • I used to play Aion. It's a really cool mmo, probably one of my favourites! There are only few things better than the feeling of killing an unsuspecting asmodian (the game's story bis based on the war between two races: Elios and Asmodian).
      TERA is pretty awesome too. I haven't played it, but my brother did and, from what I saw, it really deserves a try.