The Anime Thread

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    • 'Monster' - Best. Anime. Ever. I mean the plot is masterpiece. People are thrown off this series when they hear that this anime has 74 episodes. You like 'Death Note'? Well - Monster >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (...) DN
      'Mushishi' - Pure art. This is the SINGLE MOST beautiful and original story I have ever seen. Art is beautiful. Gorgeous. Breath-taking.

    • So it's basicly a guy his the abiki type like into Anime and what not, he stumbles on a girl that is also interested in that but she hides it afraid she will be bullied as she is very popular in a wealthy family and it goes from there as if I continue it spoils it :)
    • NuttyTobby wrote:

      Zennie wrote:

      In fact its cause of peoples that push opinions and what not, that stop me from joining groups and convos about anime. Hell I think some of them think my Opinion of an anime or about it, shouldn't stand, or be valid. Only cause I watch Dub.

      Lets just say I can't even talk about anime with most of my friends. Cause of the general hate on Dubbing.

      Well, let me give you some hope: You got yours truly here who likes to be kind and respectful to a person even if they hold opinions that are freaking annoying. Also, please remind me to pull myself together if I ever forget to be kind and respectful! I know that I might slip at times, and I don't think I can keep myself together all by myself!

      Ah, and by the way, I don't think dubbed anime is a bad idea! I actually find it fun to hear how dubs go, especially if they're of my favorite anime! Well, some people may not like dubs, but hey, I can't control how others think, and they have their reasons. No need to disrespect others' existences, though. An opinion and an existence are two different things, y'know! ^^

      Anyway, yeah, I hope these words of mine would lighten up your days here! If you feel like no one would be friendly to you while you hold your honest opinion on stuff, then turn that "0" into "1," 'cause I wanna understand you and be your friend! (Even if I'm kinda freaking awkward and crazy-sounding at times, ahaha...)

      Ya Sure. I has an RC and skype. Just PM me if you want it. An I'm sorry about the late reply my PSU for my PC went out. Just got it back up and running.
    • These are some of my drawings of anime characters from a few shows I absolutely love. :3
      What is/are your favorite anime character(s) or show(s) and why?
      One of my favorite shows is Black Butler. I love the Victorian Age, religious concepts (or supernatural or idk ??), and it's absolutely interesting. The characters (in my opinion) play an important role and influence an outcome for the better or the worse and they are all amazing!
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    • Sam I Am wrote:

      These are some of my drawings of anime characters from a few shows I absolutely love. :3
      What is/are your favorite anime character(s) or show(s) and why?
      One of my favorite shows is Black Butler. I love the Victorian Age, religious concepts (or supernatural or idk ??), and it's absolutely interesting. The characters (in my opinion) play an important role and influence an outcome for the better or the worse and they are all amazing!

      My fauvorite character?
      Because he got that god damned charisma that you rarely find and he is one of the unique anime main chars to believe that the end justify the mean, if you saw the show you should know what I'm talking about. No spoilers ahead.

      My fauvorite show? CODE GEAS VI BRITANNIA! Wait that's not it. . .
      Code geas is a hell of an anime :
      Story : ( No spoilers ahead ) The story is really thought upon, it is absolutly not rushed and it keeps a good pace as the show goes on, keeping you on your PC till the next week.

      Characters : Each characters have their own type of psychological madness, there are a lot of them and each of them has a purpose in the show not just standing there so that it looks like the show has a good number of characters.

      Animation : The animation is not the greatest thing here but it does fit rather -nicely- the world of Geas.

      Sound : Oh man. . . Here comes da good part. Let's see, there are not millions of soundtracks but each of them has a purpose in there, not just to make people think there's some content in there, most of them even have this bombastic nature that makes compleete random and baka situation sound awesome.

      With that said dear friends.

      Known as "Le Ghost"