Why do you love pewds?

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    • Why do you love pewds?

      Hello! This is my first time creating a thread so pls take it easy if I make mistakes ( and english is not my first languange so sorry if I make mistakes)
      So tell me why you love pewds, is it because of his vids, fabulousness, personality, or EVERYTHING
      Just tell me/us the reason cause we wanna know! (Plus, pewds might need a confidence boost and might check this thread out so tell us the reason!)
    • I love the part of Pewds that makes me laugh, in general I may consider him a very good person.
      ^^ but I do not love him wholly.

      Maybe I would if I knew him a bit more.
      ( and I keep typing "hime" ever time I type" him")
      for today to be better than yesterday,
      and tomorrow better than today . . .

      Thank you very much for your time.
      -QuietQuilla :brofist:
    • he makes my day when i watch his videos he is just so funny and fab
      “Alright, what’s the plan? Run for it! Bad plan. PLAN B!FUCK SHIT UP.And die.That’s good.”
      "Dad, you lost your helmet!""Does it look like I give a fuck?"
      "Teleporting Naked Guys.I hate Teleporting Naked Guys!"
      “It's not called being gay,it's called being fabulous!”
      “Don't you dare die on me,Bob! I'll freakin' kill you if you die!”
    • Beacuse he is a duck. Mi laik ducks.

      Now really, he makes my everyday, everytime i am depressed, estressed, mad or anything, he makes my day, he is funny, he is ultrasuperfab, and i love him <3, (warning, everything becomes a little gay since here) i feel a connection with him, when he cries, he laughs, or he says any weird ass random comment, i am thinking the same :D

      Sorry about my ugly english... i'm argentinian ;), BROFIST!
      SAIMON99 :D

    • Everything about him. His lame jokes, his good-hearted ways, the way he pronounces some English words, his mad rapping skills, his pugs, his overall aura of fabulousness, etc etc.

      I could go on for days. But the point is, I don't think there is any other YouTuber out there like him.
    • I think it's because the way he is, you know, that warm personality that attracts people. He's always looking to make you laugh, to help you to have a good time even when everything is dark in you life. I don't pretend to sound like a hippie or something xD but I really owe a lot to Pewds. Last month was awful for me for different things, and the only thing that I did to stay "estable" was watching his videos. So yeah, I love Poods and I'll stay a bro forevah. :brofist:
    • It does not matter how bad of a day, week, or year I've been having. I can come to his channel and when I see a new video I legitimately smile and want to sit back and enjoy. When he did series like Corpse Part I would make my dinner and come in and watch the video while I eat. I just always felt good while spending my time 'with' him, being a bro :) It made my shitty day not so shitty.
    • I can honestly say; everything. Not only does he excel in making videos, he makes them for us. His reactions are hilarious, the games that he plays are entertaining, he makes awesome collabs with other awesome youtubers and he does a lot for charity. Whenever I am feeling down all I need to do is hop onto Youtube and watch his videos, and I'll cheer right up. No matter how down in the dumps I am, his videos can always, always bring a smile to my face.

      Pewds brings joy to his bros, and he genuinely cares about us. That's why we love him.
      When life gives you lemons, make apple juice.
    • I honestly just love him in general, everything about him is just so great and watching his videos always cheer me up whenever I am in a bad mood. And he is such a sweet guy and the fact the he cares for us even though he hasn't met like half of us makes he happy that even though we haven't met personally he still somewhat cares for my happiness and takes my opinions into account. Just overall I really love him and I wish him happiness in his life.
    • Incognito wrote:

      KMonkey wrote:

      even though he hasn't met like half of us

      I'd say he hasn't met around 99 percent of us, more like. :P

      But I see your point. Even though we haven't actually met him and he hasn't met us, it still feels like there is a personal connection present. It just can't be duplicated. ^^

      Yeah I'm somewhat jealous of the 1% of bro's that got to meet him in real life. Someday though if I get lucky I hope to meet him and thank him personally ^^