DBZ roleplay

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    • Sylvia had been about halfway to west city when a certain human actually managed to catch up with her, a fact which surprised her greatly when Ori hugged her, causing her to lose a bit of altitude. "Whoa, what are you-?!" This sentence was cut short as she realized who it was, sighing in relief, and offering the man a smile as she let him speak... For a bit. "Flatterer." She said, grinning. "That's fine, better than fine in fact. You couldn't have picked a more awesome friend to have!"
      "And who knows...?" She then said, smirking in a... somewhat suggestive way at him. At that time, she disappeared from the human's embrace, only to reappear on his back a split-second later, just sitting there as if riding a nimbus. "Maybe more? Ooh, now that's a thought." She said, looking thoughtful for a second before smiling again at Ori.

      "So!" She suddenly said. "You know where we can find decent speakers and a microphone? Someone we know is going to sing a little song when we get back; He'd never mention it, but he's really quite good."


      Finnian shivered as a chill ran down his spine, right as he put a recent batch of soon-to-be baked goods in the oven.
      Shrugging, he decided to ignore it. "I wonder... Would it be a good idea to just give these to flame-lady?" He wondered, before shrugging again. "Nah, she'd probably burn 'em."

      He then heard an angry female shouting, and a crash not two seconds later. "Well, that option's out anyway, she'll definitely burn them now if she's annoyed." He said, then sighing. "At least it leaves the television free, with him spying on Kada. Considering the old man's completely shameless, I can only imagine what he watches."

      He then turned, scowling. "Do you seriously have nothing better to do?" He asked a nearby Oolong.
      In response, the shape-shifter shook his head. "Well... Nope."

      Finnian's ears twitched as his keen ears picked up on 22's conversation with Krillin.
      "Come to think of it, I never saw either ape when we fought that bug! You have any idea why?" He shouted loudly enough for the both of them to hear.

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • Krillin: "Oh, goku and vegeta? Come to think of it, vegeta is probably with bulma. she has been pretty on his back recently. Goku.... Maybe with king kai? I don't sense his energy on earth... At least I don't think so."

      22 went silent, realizing just how much he was whining. He began to walk off.

      Krillin: "Oh... hey, where ya goin?"

      22: "to find this... bulma. I want to see if she will let me use the radar."

    • Ori smirked at her words. When she disappeared, the lack of pressure made him roll, so Sylvia was more..... Sitting on his lap than his back. Ori gave a smile at her words, reaching up and caressing her face. "Okay beautiful. Friends. For now." He returned her suggestive grin with one of his own. "A speaker and Mic, huh? Yeah, I know a guy." He flew towards west city at too speed, specifically towards the northeast corner of south West City, to retrieve some large surround sound speakers and a microphone go hook up to them.

      OOC: I had to do it. The pun gods demanded it.
    • As he left, he decided to double check where bulma lived. He had a slight idea, but wanted to double check. He walked to roshi, and very politely asked for bulmas adress.

      Roshi: "Hm? why do you need to know that?"

      22 kept a dead stare into his eyes, until eventually roshi mentioned something about west city. That was all he needed to know. before he left, he mentioned his departure to Kada. When asked for the reasoning, he simply said that it was something that "he needed to do as soon as possible.", and promptly took off afterward.

    • Kada yelled for 22 before he took off, telling him that he should help to make the place less crowded. He almost went to shoot at the house before kada quickly corrected him, saying that he needed to expand the are for people to be in. 22 responded with wide eyes and an even larger grin. He blasted the shore in front of the front door, pushing the water back as he made a mad dash to collect and build wet sand to pack it into tunnels and rooms before blasting them with extremely weak ki blasts, which wouldn't explode rather than just release more heat. After he managed to glass the tunnels, he began to dig a tunnel that connected to the underneath the island. as he dug upwards to make another entrance, he decided to make it a stairway and went diagonally, making a stairway from the grassy area near the door to the entrance, and most if not all of it was covered to to him flying to glass the inside of this tunnel. After the water came back and covered the top of the little area, he began to dash back and forth between multiple nearby islands, furnishing the inside of the rooms and making a floor from marble, lights from odd crystals that lit up when touched with silk. Of course these little lights had to be activated one by one. There were four areas; the observatory was the glass tunnels and a system of extra glass tunnels that surround the base of the island, goes through the nearby reef and starts to extend into the depths. The "Barracks" was a large room split into 10 smaller rooms, each with a bed, mini fridge, quark board, and dream journal. There was the pet area in which There were special things such as glass balls that used fishes brain waves to navigate, tubes for hamsters, cats, lizards and so on. these tubes connected tho the ceilings and walls of other rooms, allowing for people to see the traveling animals. Finally there was the garden in which flowers from every area of the world grew.

    • "Well, isn't that nice..." Finnian muttered as he witnessed 22 building what was apparently some kind of underwater base. Of course, just about everyone noticed. Roshi didn't have the heart to tell the android that his efforts may be wasted, due to the fact he relocated Kame house occasionally via capsule.

      "FINN! COME HERE QUICK!" He heard Kin shout. "If these burn, so do you." Finn said to Oolong as he sprinted towards the living area, sending a lot of loose items flying as he sped past, ending up at his friend's side in a split-second. "What is it?" Finn asked, only to see the smaller kitsune point to the television in response, where a news program of some sort was playing.

      "...Baffled as to the origin of the unknown space-craft." Said a news lady Finnian couldn't be bothered to remember, showing what looked to be a wrecked space-ship of some kind, buried so deep into the ground it was hard to make out what it really looked like. "It landed near West City.,," Kin said. Finnian only raised an eyebrow. "And...?" "Auntie Sylvia went that way..." "Syl can handle herself, you know how she-" The kitsune then felt some kind of energy coming from the general direction of west city, not particularly strong, but.... "...Maybe we should check it out anyway. You going?" "Yeah." Finn nodded. "Alright, then, let's-" "HEY! Where do you think you're going?" Said an approaching Kada, who Roshi was apparently still trying to... "Get some love." from, despite the numerous burns on his clothing. "I haven't gotten one moment of peace since I set foot on this island; You're not leaving me alone with this!" She said, casually shoving the turtle hermit back.

      The two kitsunes took one look at each other before nodding. "We're heading to West City. Space-men or something crashed near there." Finn explained. "You coming along?" Kada gave him a look of mild disbelief. "What, you think I wouldn't? 'Course I'm comin' with you."

      "Okay, then!" Said Kin excitedly. "Last one there's a rotten egg!" Was the last thing he said as he dashed out the door, taking to the air and flying at max speed. "Oh, you cheeky little..." Muttered Finnian as he followed, matching Kin's speed as Kada flew behind him with a grin on her face.

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • As he saw the others fly away, h looked back and fourth between finishing the furnishing, building sand castles, and watching tv, along with going with the others. It took him a surprising 30 seconds to finally decide to go with them, flying at his maximum to try to catch up. Meanwhile, Pinak decided he would go and try to join the festivities, only to find everyone gone. Langly took four hours to realize he could wear his tail as a belt. Immediately after this "ground-breaking"discovery, he made a beeline for kame house as well, but started heading towards west city as the scouter notified him of the gathering energies,

    • OOC: Sorry, been a bit busy lately.

      IC: "...Great price, too. That guy of yours was pretty decent!" A certain nine-tailed kitsune was saying, a capsule in her pocket as she walked alongside Ori. Not flying, just walking for now.
      Her original intention was to talk Ori into buying her lunch before they flew back. However, certain things had a tendency to catch her attention.

      "...Why's Finny heading this way?" She asked herself, feeling his signature, along with Kin and Kada's, heading their way at max speed. Well, not exactly their way, but close enough.


      There wasn't as big a crowd as Finnian thought there would be as he landed a mile away from the crash site, not wanting to be seen flying. That would cause a fair bit of commotion. It was odd, though, you'd think there'd be more people around investigating the crash.
      With a wave of the hand, his tail and ears vanished. No smoke, no noise, just disappeared. Following his friend's lead, Kin did the same. Kada, however, just shrugged. "Come on, let's see what this is about." Finnian said as he ran towards his destination, the other two following him.

      It really was an awe-inspiring sight, to say the least. Approaching the ship, the one thought going through everyone's minds would be how grand the vessel would've looked in it's prime. They would have gotten closer, if it weren't for the patrolling military guarding the ship.
      "I feel an energy signature in there." Finn said. "It's real weak, though, and not in the dying way."

      "So... What now?" Kada asked, earning herself a shrug from Finnian. "Wait around, see if they come out. If that doesn't happen, we blind the humans with a quick flare, rip the doors open, and look for ourselves; Well, that's assuming a few words won't convince the soldiers to let us investigate. Sound good?"
      The fiery lady nodded. "Aye. Mind you, I get bored quick."

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • "Oh, you do? Well in that-" Sylvia shook her head. "No, no, better go find out what Finn's gotten himself into." The nine-tail sighed, taking to the air. "Chances are it'll actually be important, and if it is, Finn's little friend will make frowny faces at me later. I hate the frowny faces. Anyway, you're coming with me, right?"

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • Sylvia stopped in her tracks for a brief moment. "Oh, thin fried tofu?" The thought of that alone was enough to make her pause. She didn't even notice Ori holding her hand until he mentioned they'd go to the mentioned restaurant later. "I'm not complaining. Deal."


      Finnian gave the android a quick glance, before nodding his head towards the crashed spacecraft. "We're here to see this thing. Now be quiet, don't wanna cause a scene."

      Kada, meanwhile, wasn't going to leave him hanging. "I could ask the same for you. Anyway, where to begin... I'm a spirit, as you can see, and not the whole spooky-scary ghostie kind. I represent fire, the flames of passion. People tell me I'm hot-blooded, but what do they expect when dealing with a living flame? Actually, I don't even have blood, I don't think. Also, no, I'm not the only one of my kind; There's dozens of other elementals scattered 'round the world. Hiding. I'm the only elemental who shows herself humanity."

      The living flame coughed. "And... Just so you know, that's not my real name... It's kinda something I made up when I entered the tournament."

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
    • "I think it's an alien." Finn said. "Wouldn't be the first time earth's had visitors. I'm gonna guess this one isn't hostile. Oh look, the door's opening."
      Indeed it was. One of the large doors near the back of the ship burst open, letting out a large cloud of dark smoke.

      The soldiers had their weapons trained on a single, armored individual making his way out of the wreckage, hands high in the air. Squinting, the group (save for Finnian who literally could not squint any further) would see another, female individual carrying a large gun on her back, though her hands were in the air too.
      Finn knew the armored one was the source of the weak energy signature, but nobody could get anything on the woman. Once the smoke cleared out a bit, the answer was made apparent. She was without a doubt, a mechanical being.

      "Well, isn't this just exciting?!" Said an excited voice behind Finnian. Turning, he saw Sylvia there, munching on popcorn. Her friend Ori was with her as well, perhaps a bit disoriented with the speed at which she arrived. The kitsune just shrugged. He was more than used to Syl's tendencies.

      You know, most people call me insane...
      That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

      Why are you looking at me like that?

      Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.