Your favorite antagonists in gaming?

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    • Your favorite antagonists in gaming?

      Mine are hands down the following 3

      Left to right:
      Kirie Himuro, Sae Kurosawa, Reika Kuze/(Yukishiro)

      That's right, you could have seen it coming. I really love all the main antagonists from the first 3 Fatal Frame games. The thing what appeals to me so much is the fact that they have a huge backstory (as they are actually the (indirect) cause of the shit happening in the games). Possibly the saddest thing is that they have suffered the most cruel rituals and eventually died to it, but came back to cause major havoc due to various reasons. The reason why I also like Fatal Frame is due to the fact how fucked up religion can be, as the game has major influences from Shinto Buddhism and also driven by folklore.

      So why did I pick those antagonists besides the fact that Fatal Frame is the franchise I like the most and the fact that they are overly hardcore as they are invincible most of the time and most of them can kill you within 1 hit[/b]? Well, read further if you want to know.

      Name : Kirie Himuro
      Game : Fatal Frame I
      Location : Himuro Mansion
      Occupation : Rope Shrine Maiden
      Cause of Death : Strangulation Ritual
      The Strangling Ritual is a ritual used to keep Hells Gate closed in the first Fatal Frame. It starts out by a game of Demon Tag-- a game where children must run away from the Demon. The first child to be caught will become the Demon in the next game of tag, while the last child captured will become the Rope Shrine Maiden. Ropes are tied to each limb and around the neck- used to signify the five head families in the area- and are then pulled full circle until the sacrifice is strangeled to death and their limbs break off. Their sacred blood then stains the rope, and it is used to seal off Hells Gate.

      In order to complete the ritual, the Rope Shrine Maiden must have severed her attachments to the living world. Having fallen in love and and learning of her lover's fate, Kirie was tainted with guilt, and the ritual turned out to be a failure. The Hell Gate burst open, and the Malice contained inside was released all over the mansion. The Malice killed most and drove others mad, and sank the mansion and surrounding area in darkness. Kirie's spirit was also corrupted by the malice, turning her into a vengeful ghost, bent on making others feel the pain she endured.

      Notable Features:
      - She wears her kimono the 'dead' way (right over left.)
      - She has a split personality and thus has 2 appearances due to the fact the Malice had split it. The childish appearance of her helps the protagonist out whilst the mature appearance is out to kill her, the latter also killed everyone in the mansion and is accompanied with the Malice, which is a clusterfuck of ghost bodies.
      -She has a typical appearance of a Yurei (White Kimono and long black hair), take the girl from The Ring as a fine example of a Yurei.
      -Even though it has been stated that the limbs has been seperated during the ritual, she appears with all limbs attached with ropes attached to her limbs. However, an appearance of a previous Rope Shrine Maiden @ Fatal Frame 3 appears with her limbs seperated, which amps up the scariness factor by tons. Besides a major dejavu, you have to deal with something way more scary.
      Notable Appearances : The darn scene where she is only seen in the mirror in a cutscene and eventually comes out of the mirror to make your life miserable, she is invincible and can kill you with 1 hit.


      Name : Sae Kurosawa
      Game : Fatal Frame II : Crimson Butterfly
      Location : All God's Village
      Occupation : Twin Shrine Maiden
      Cause of Death: Crimson Sacrifice Ritual/Hanging
      The Crimson Sacrifice Ritual is the primary ritual in Fatal Frame Il in All God's Village, and is performed every 10 years, give or take. The ritual uses Twins, typically 15 years of age. Although in several circumstances, younger twins can be used.

      The people of the village believed that twins were one soul split into two. Strangling one's twin was thought to 'unite' their souls and to make them become one. The energy unleashed during the ritual appeased the Hellish abyss and prevented the Repentance from occurring.

      The ritual process consist of the younger twin strangling the older twin while the priests beat staffs rhythmically. The younger twins is actually the first to be born, this is due to the fact that the villagers believe that the older twin being stronger, graciously allows the younger and weaker twin to be born first. The older is sacrificed due to his/her greater strength. The mourners throw the body of the dead twin into the Hellish abyss to complete the ritual and appease the abyss.

      The reason why it failed this time is due to the fact she got sacrificed alone (by hanging her instead of her getting strangled by her sister) without the presense of her sister, causing her to get corrupted by the Malice and unleashing the Repentence.

      Notable Features :
      - She wears her Kimono the 'dead' way (right over left)
      - She is the definition of frikking insanity.
      - The bloodstains on her kimono form a half of a butterfly.Click me to see it as it's not seen in the top picture.
      - Her Buttbuddy the Kusabi is OP as fuck.
      - She is the only boss from the first 3 Fatal Frames which doesn't kill you with 1 hit, but she is accompanied with a crimson mist which regards the camera useless and you only have slim windows to make your shots (and it have to be charged ones as with every final boss, other shots do jackshit)
      - She is the real boss of Fatal Frame 2 and only reachable if you play the game on hard or nightmare, otherwise the boss is her buttbuddy the Kusabi, which can kill you in 1 hit.
      Notable Appearances :
      - Check the video below, shows how batshit insane she is.


      Name : Reika Yukishiro (Later Reika Kuze as she got adopted by the Kuze family to serve as the tattooed priestess)
      Game : Fatal Frame III : The Tormented
      Location : Manor of Sleep (as the name states, you visit this whilst asleep if you are cursed)
      Occupation : Tattooed Priestess
      Cause of Death: Impalement Ritual

      The first thing to do, before the Impalement Ritual is to begin, is for the Engraver's to start etching the ink onto the skin of the Priestess. This happens in a special shrine deep inside of the mansion. And only where the Priestess, Engravers, Handmaidens, and the Family Head go. Slowly, as the start of the tattoo is placed on her skin, in almost a supernatural fashion it starts to grow and etch across the Priestess's skin on it's own. At that time, she is then placed in another hanging type prision, but this one deep down inside of the shrine, close to where the Tattooed Priestess is suppose to go. While the Tattoo of the Holly and Snake completely cover the woman head to toe with the blue markings, except for the eyes, it is then that she is lowered down to the circling staircase to where the Handmaiden's walk down while singing the Sleeping Priestess Lullaby. Once there, the Tattooed Priestess is then taken over two pathways, over a semi-deep river cave that is hidden under the mansion and is suppose to lead to the Other Side. As they travel, it is said that the Tattooed Priestess, Handmaidens, and the Family Head soon come to the Chamber of Thorns. Where all Priestesses were staked and placed there to sleep for all enternity. The Handmaidens soon do their job, and place the Priestess in a spot in the Chamber of Thorns, and begin their duty. Singing while they stake the Priestess's four limbs to the ground or wall. Once done, it is said that the Priestess will soon fall asleep and forever dream a long dream, carrying all the sorrows and pain of people with her to the Other Side.

      In the warnings of the ritual, the tattoo is to never suppose to reach and cover the eyes - or they will turn into mirrors and reflect back the sorrow and pain onto everyone else around. It is also said that if this was to ever happen, the shrine carpenters are to make a Shrine of Sleep around the Priestess, to keep her locked up inside. Sacrificing their lives to lock it, and the Tattooed Priestess to never leave at all. But in the end, it happened, and the ritual failed. Men were never allowed deep inside of the shrine, or inside of the Chamber of Thorns, but it happened. And it was with one male's death, that caused the tattoo to be reflected out of the mirror-like eyes of the Priestess and soon spread across the mansion.

      Notable Features :
      - She is completely tattooed.
      - She is topless.
      - She is kinda hot.

      - Her moaning due to pain sounds slightly erotic.
      - Even with the above stuff, she is scary as hell.
      - She is uber fast.
      - Miasma State + Touch = Insta-kill @ bossbattle
      Notable Appearances : Oh god, when you play a dude which has no means of protecting himself whilst this bitch is stalking you and can kill you within 1 hit and even if you have the camera, you have to run like hell as she is invincible anyway.

      So what are your most favorite main antagonists? I hope to get some quality comments and not just a simple "I love X, 'cuz can".

      See ya :)

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Okuu: As the section wasn't even clear enough > Gaming. ().

    • MadKlauss wrote:

      Vincent "Vinnie" Gognitti from Max Payne 1 & 2.
      I love his witty, bossy, childish attitude. He kept making himself seem like the big boss in the Punchinello crime family but like Max once said "he has the brains but lacked the balls" so his threats were never taken seriously.

      That's too funny to be honest, big bark, no bite.

    • After finishing Dark Souls, Artorias has to be one of my favorite bosses as he decimates almost everyone who fights him while he is in an extremely weakened state. When you do fight him his armor is heavily damaged, he does not have his shield, and his sword arm is broken. He became corrupted saving Sif the great wolf from Manus of the Abyss and is forced to fight for the Abyss, the one thing he hated more than the Everlasting Dragons.

      And he just looked like a complete bad@ss
    • Fruken'Fracker wrote:

      After finishing Dark Souls, Artorias has to be one of my favorite bosses as he decimates almost everyone who fights him while he is in an extremely weakened state. When you do fight him his armor is heavily damaged, he does not have his shield, and his sword arm is broken. He became corrupted saving Sif the great wolf from Manus of the Abyss and is forced to fight for the Abyss, the one thing he hated more than the Everlasting Dragons.

      And he just looked like a complete bad@ss

      Aw i'll never be able to beat Artorias :CC

      Aside from that one of my favorite villain would be.

      Fou-Lu from Breath of Fire IV.

      And i'll tell you why.
      1. He's a god. The endless kind of god. That could transform to a dragon and probably decimate 1/3 of earth's population in less than 15.3 seconds.
      2. And he's an emperor too.
      3. You actually take part on his journey once in a while, not gonna spoil anything BUT most events that he saw on his journey ignited his anger to his own kingdom.
      4. Awesome pets
      5. Hands down, one of the hardest fight i've ever take part in. He took around 3 forms and probably 999999999999 Hp each idk. Feels rewarding as hell though.
      6. His accent.

      If you're angry, don't break anybody's heart, they only have one..... Break their bones, they have 206 of them

    • This guy.
      This f****ng guy.

      This guy brings back 3-7 pieces of paper from Russia to the US and the entire world is swarmed with endless meaningless war, cyborg ninjas, nuclear arms races, collateral damage both technologically and environmentally, endless amounts of private armies and rouge organizations and terrorism spiraling out of control 60 years later.

      Just because he brought back pieces of f****ng paper.

    • The Doctor wrote:

      This guy.
      This f****ng guy.

      This guy brings back 3-7 pieces of paper from Russia to the US and the entire world is swarmed with endless meaningless war, cyborg ninjas, nuclear arms races, collateral damage both technologically and environmentally, endless amounts of private armies and rouge organizations and terrorism spiraling out of control 60 years later.

      Just because he brought back pieces of f****ng paper.

      Don't underestimate the power of paper.