I need your help!

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  • I need your help!

    Hi! My name is Sven also known as TheRicoChety, I'm making Gaming/facecam videos. and i have a big problem with my channel.. and that's a random dislikes.. so my channel was attacked by haters for a 2 times first PewDie "fans" and second time Real Life "friends" i dont know how they found out about my channel.. so can you please help me.. i'm trying my best to work out with my channel even i was thinking to quit making videos but that's my dream about a 3 years so i'm never gonna stop making videos cuz' i really like making videos.. so HELP me ofc. if you want to.. you choose. PeaceOut!
    Check out my YOUTUBE channel if you want to! -youtube.com/user/TheRicoChety

    Love ya' guys PeaceOut

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Xebaz ().

  • Had a look at your channel to see what you meant. I wouldn't worry. My videos normally get between 1-3 dislikes each. Sometimes it's just a random person trolling. Sometimes it's someone who genuinely didn't enjoy it and so disliked it, as is their right. Ultimately it doesn't matter so much. You still get the view (if you're monetized and you care). If you find, however, that you get more dislikes then likes, then it might be a question of quality that you need to improve, which some people aren't too willing to accept. My first ever video got way more dislikes then likes (because it sucked) and I worked to improve my style and got much better. In any case, don't worry about it. Just keep doing what you do!
  • I'm going to have to agree with CraftaBelle.
    Dislike button only holds property of showing your mad behaviour towards the video.
    Would be simpler to remove the Dislike button. And if you don't like the video, then just don't push the Like button, no need to brag with the Dislike button making the video look like it's horrible. It will also remove an ability of haters.
  • Mate, don't even worry. It's frustrating at first but just think that they've put some effort in to dislike your videos.. They might not like you, but use that as a booster, not a downer.

    If you like making videos, keep doing them. With 3 dislikes or with no dislikes, what's the difference? You know they're not REAL dislikes from people who believe your videos are bad so don't even think about quitting because of that.

    Cheers and all the best!
  • Dislikes will still give you views, though.
    Any rating is better than no rating in YouTube's search engine.

    Although it sucks a lot to get dislikes :/
    I don't really know how we can help, as it's individuals that do this, and we don't really have any way of stopping them other than disable ratings on your videos.