[CLOSED] Shoutout Competition #3

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  • Shoutout Competition #3 Reply


    Hey :)
    This is a channel my friends and myself own (we are 15-16), we really enjoy making videos and that's basically why we do it :P We play a large variety of games, sometimes single player and sometimes co-op, but we always make sure we have fun doing it. Our main success was play testing my friends up and coming game The Slenderman Files! but our Left 4 Dead series is becoming pretty popular as well :)

    Anyway thank you for this amazing opportunity Pewds (And the moderators reading through this :P)

    - Connor (BlueX Gaming)
    Hi There :D
  • Elanip's Submission

    Hey Pewdie :D

    My youtube channel is Elanip - youtube.com/user/Elanip
    I am very close to 20K subscribers :D cant wait to hot that number feels like a great achievement for me. I know its a good number of subscriber all ready so i understand if i don't need a shutout. But though i apply because I got the ball moving with some great growth atm.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Bundyclan ().

  • Archanted's YouTube Channel

    Hello everyone ^-^

    Current Sub Count: 15,000+
    Channel Link: www.youtube.com/emilycarder

    My name is Archanted, aka Emily, many people post gaming YouTube videos... but these ones are mine.
    Mostly consisting of Minecraft, League of Legends, and whatever else I wanna play/ are asked to play. I also do livestreams of these games, which is an easy way for me to interact more with my followers.

    I've been doing YouTube since 2008, but gaming videos since 2011.
    I have MANYMANYMANY ideas for series and videos I want to do, and hopefully have more people along for the ride!
    ex. Prop Hunt, cubeworld, more Minecraft series, etc. Also planning on doing more q&a vlogs and things, might start a weekly thing like Fridays with Pewdiepie (which is always on a Friday... right pewds?)

    Hope you all are having a great day :3

    Been a bro since 80,000! Congrats on the amazing growth, pewds! <3
    ~ :thumbsup: BROFIST :thumbsup: ~

    The post was edited 5 times, last by Archanted ().

  • youtube.com/user/thehovisman

    12920 Subscribers 10955 Twitch.tv Followers

    I upload on a daily basis call of duty game play * From my best game plays i get from live streaming on twitch.tv and also the ones i go out and hunt! I love doing youtube and getting to know the people you help on the way :) Im also part of yeousch who are one of the biggest partners on youtube!

    Thank you for giving us all a chance pews <3
  • Shoutout competition


    Hey Pewds! I'm a Portuguese gamer who uploads gaming videos along with vlog stuff almost everyday. I play mostly indie horror, but I don't limit myself to just that one genre. I answer questions made by my subscribers every two weeks and take challenges from them every week in my "Challenge Accepted" Series. Basically i just like to have fun together with my subscribers. I'm doing this for 3 months and I'm loving it so far! :D
  • youtube.com/user/Duckuality/featured

    Hey pewdiepie I am writing this because I would like a shoutout for my youtube channel. I don't make youtube videos so I can get famous I make them because I love being part of a community of people who enjoy my videos and I love to read what people have to say about me (good or bad). I play video games ( recently played prop hunt/stop it slender) and I also play a bit of minecraft (trying to fade that out though) and I put my commentary over it which some people seem to enjoy. I don't currently have facecam but if I had enough subscribers asking for it then I definitely would.I don't mind if you don't give me a shoutout but all I ask is that you look at my channel because you were one of the main people who inspired me to make this channel and come on..........You have gotta love the name DUCKUALITY. Pewds and Duck FTW! I have been subscribed to you for 10/11 months and I have never missed one of your videos and I never will. Stay awesome pewds......BROFIST! If I got a shoutout from you it would be the greatest thing to happen to me because you are my idol and I love your videos and maybe one day I will get a load of people watching my videos to! I remember watching your montages with my friends and we would always laugh at how funny they were and the next day when we saw each other we would say ''hey have you seen pewdiepies newest vid?'' and of course we all had. If I got a shoutout from you it would mean the world to me because I LOVE making youtube videos and one day I would love to pursue it as a career. Since I was around 9 I have wanted to make gaming videos but I never could because I never had the equipment and I even tried to record the game with my phone........ It wasn't good.I am so happy that I now have the equipment to record my games and that people seem to really like my voice!

    Ps - Don't worry I'm not a 10 year old kid with a high pitched voice and I don't have a crappy mic or a laggy pc. I make good quality videos and I edit it well and I have a British accent :D . Nuff said. Quack Quack. Oh and by the way I'm a duck........ us ducks have to stick together :thumbup:. I also call my subscribers ''the duck fleet'' because we are like a family and I would love more people to be a part of it!

    Sorry about writing so much its just I want to show you how much it would mean to me for you to give me a shoutout and how amazing you are......
    -Channel made 5 months ago

    Sorry this is way longer than a tweet! :D

    The post was edited 8 times, last by Duckuality ().

  • Shoutout Comepetion


    Hi Pewdiepie my name is Ido but im being called as KillPaDog.
    I created my channel with a bunch of friends and we started our channel to have fun and maybe to let people see our fun and laugh from it to.
    I created my channel not for money, I created it cause I wanted to meet people and share my content to the world and make people laugh.
    Im now on 245 subs and not going up, im kinda in a time when I dont get much views and subs... But I continue to upload and have fun.
    In my channel I play all kinds of games lately ive played a lot of minecraft because I cant find other games :).
    So yea thats my channel and last thing is that I love you and you always make me laugh :D
    SO Bye :)
  • youtube.com/user/Nervly

    Basically, I play horror games with facecam along with some other genres now and then.

    I upload daily, tho this last month I couldn't do it, but I'll upload more this month.
    I have my channel since 2009, tho I only started getting serious on YouTube during July 2012.
    I've got 155 subscribers and 22.000+ views at the moment and I always upload HD content.
    I also got a website that I recently created for my YouTube Channel: Nervly

    Thanks for this chance! :)

    The post was edited 5 times, last by Nervly ().

  • My Eggory YouTube Channel Submission

    Name of my channel Eggory!

    I post videos Monday to Friday
    YouTube for close to 3 months my first video was up on the 18th of June! I Have 43 videos so far! :D
    Subscribers: 110
    Age: 19
    Sex: Male
    Nationality : Irish

    I'm a game commentator and I upload according to my schedule which goes like Minecraft Mondays!, Horror Tuesdays!, Lets Play Wednesdays!, Indie Thursdays!, and Whatever The Fudge I Feel Like Fridays! <-- that's actually what it's called by the way :D I do all my own banners and avatars and intros and outros because I feel more proud of my videos that way :) My main focus is keeping to that schedule and keep content fresh! :) I'm working on an intro for everyday of the week! so that it's always different for a different day to keep people entertained! :) YouTube is something I'm going to keep doing no matter what even when I'm old hahaha Enjoy the long read pewds!
  • Channel link- youtube.com/user/ReachTehCommunity
    Hey Pewds! There are 3 of us using this channel at the moment. We make Minecraft redstone videos. They're usually showcases with the occasional tutorial depending on how much people demand it. We build a lot more advanced and unique redstone devices such as MK8 elevators, 11x8 piston doors and 2x8 drawbridges etc.
    We don't upload as frequently as we would like to because making these redstone devices are difficult and time consuming. We dont copy others peoples creation so we have to build everything from scratch! We currently have 350 subs but with your help we will be more motivated and dedicated to the youtube channel and with a bit of hope we will be more determined to upload of often as possible! Thank you for taking the time to read this! We really appreciate it :)
  • YorkshireProGaming submission

    Hi Felix! this is my channel - youtube.com/user/YorkshireProGaming
    i started my channel earlier in January this year and i have 1.6k subs! i realise how hard it is for you and i aspire to be like you.what i've done in the past i have been with friends and posted videos, as i am young i OBVIOUSLY got hate for my videos. i post vlogs, cod and other spare videos. back in june one of the people in my school deleted my videos ;( i then decided i would go alone and i've found it hard to regain my subscribers since. all i need is one push and i think if you gave me that push i would literally cry :') thanks for taking your time to read this and i know you wont choose me but i really appreciate your time. thanks

    Alex Groom (14 Years Old)
  • YouTube Channel: YouTube.com/DinosParkour
    What videos do i make?: I make minecraft machinimas, usually every Wednesday (sometimes I upload on weekend too!). I've been uploading videos for almost 9 months now. Minecraft machinimas are short funny clips (2-5 minutes) which sometimes they might make sense, but some other times, they're very crazy :p. People love machinimas and I enjoy so much recording them. Recently (yesterday :D) i hit one thousand subscribers, and I'd love to see my channel grow even more :) Thanks for reading this post ^^ Brofist

    The post was edited 1 time, last by DinosParkour ().

  • my submission

    Hi Felix! this is my channel - youtube.com/user/YorkshireProGaming
    i started my channel earlier in January this year and i have 1.6k subs! i realise how hard it is for you and i aspire to be like you.what i've done in the past i have been with friends and posted videos, as i am young i OBVIOUSLY got hate for my videos. i post vlogs, cod and other spare videos. back in june one of the people in my school deleted my videos ;( i then decided i would go alone and i've found it hard to regain my subscribers since. all i need is one push and i think if you gave me that push i would literally cry :') thanks for taking your time to read this and i know you wont choose me but i really appreciate your time. thanks

    Alex Groom (14 Years Old)
  • Dat Competition Doe

    Hows it goin Pewds ands Bros I make Minecraft videos! I have been wanting to start horror soon but I have to get a new tower (Birthday!) as soon as I get it im gonna start mostly indie horror I usually upload daily but as ive said I need a new tower so I cant record at the moment but however look forward to seeing more of my videos!
    Message to Pewds: I Love You ;)
  • TheGamerCorey's Shout out submission


    Hello Pewds/Bro's *BROFIST*

    I'm a irish youtuber who does loads of let's plays who is currently playing on the PC. I have an elgato game capture set up and will be playing games on ps4 and xbox 1 when i hit 500 subscribers :) I upload daily so if you are subscribed to me and like my videos you will be able to see one at least per day . the games i do will be mostly horror and just random funny ones but if people request games i will guaranteed to play them no matter what i dont have much subscribers but anyone who cares enough to give me feedback and request a game will definitely get what they were looking for.i have been going for a couple of months now and it may sound sad but when i gain just 1 subscriber it really makes my day so the reason i entered this competition is not for the fame but to see that the effort im putting in isnt for nothing also i will be doing vlogs as regulary as possible on my channel i know this was quite a long post pewds and if you read it all id just like to say Pewds YOUR MY INSPIRATION AND THE ONLY REASON I STARTED THIS CHANNEL :) BRO ARMY FOREVER!!!!! :love:
  • youtube.com/elementalfact0r

    366 Subscribers

    I am a simple let's player, having played titles like Dead Space 3, Assassin's Creed 3, The sims 3, Saints Row 4, Minecraft, and a ton of others. This has been something I've been doing for over 2 years now, & the channel is closing in on 1,000 videos. 1 - 2 videos are uploaded a day, and on occasion I'll try to get a live stream up on twitch.tv or youtube.