[CLOSED] Shoutout Competition #3

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  • [CLOSED] Shoutout Competition #3

    Hey bros!

    So it's time for another shoutout competition!

    Basically I will give a shoutout to a couple of channels (3-10) in a video and should be a good subscriber boost (ifthatswhatyoucareabout)

    The rules are:
    You need to post videos on a frequent basis *
    You need 100 subscribers at least
    Your channel needs to be older than 1 month

    How to submit:
    Post your channel link first
    Then a BRIEF summary of what you do (Like a tweet long)

    Good lucK! :D

    Note that if you don't meet the requirements,your post will be deleted.
    Same goes for off topic posts and posting youtube channel twice.

    * "Frequent basis" has no definite meaning and Felix didn't specify what "frequent" means to him.
    Therefore the mods [which will be monitoring the thread to keep it clean] will delete entries based on the channel type + time between uploads.
    For reference: a vlog is easier to shoot than a music video or an animation.
    This being said, circa 3 vlogs/gameplay videos per week would be ideal.
    As for animators or musicians,the minimum would be 1 video per week.
    And don't pm moderators about your channel being deleted.

    The post was edited 5 times, last by Shikieiki Yamaxanadu ().

  • youtube.com/danielmus100

    Hi Pewds/Fans! *Brofist in advance*

    I post almost daily horror/random games, currently making minecraft animations for my favourite youtubers, (you're soon pewds :3)
    I have had my channel for a year and have 142 subs currently, it has been a long road but i'm pretty confident i can get further :D
    You are a HUUUUUGE inspiration to me Pewds!! I have really tried my hardest for this past year ^^ I doubt that being first on here really counts, i'm just hoping i'm one of the lucky 10, it's kinda like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory xD

    Thanks pewds for giving us a chance! Your're the best :D *Brofist* :thumbsup:

    The post was edited 3 times, last by danielmus100 ().

  • Shoutout competition !!!!

    Thats my channel ive had my channel for 5 months now. I try SO hard on my videos over 2 hours a day on editing i post a video daily sometimes two and i really really would love to get noticed more cause i feel i deserve it and put alot of time into my videos.
    Well anyways i do War thunder videos but soon to be minecraft and some dayz standalone!!! i really hope you see this pewd!
    *BROFIST* :thumbsup:
  • My channel submition

    The Channel:youtube.com/channel/UCKS8dP5o26Va_hVT_PjhwmA

    What i DO : I do alot of things, such as gaming, vlogs and chatroulette videos!
    I take pride in what i do and believe i need a boost! Also pewds one finial thing! if or if not i win i would like for you to criticize my channel i don't care if its via comment or gmail, it would seriously improve me to get a review from you (GOOD OR BAD) Thanks pewds!
    I post around 4 times a week and have been around for almost a year!!

    The post was edited 2 times, last by DanOS ().

  • Manu's channel


    active for years, 500+ subs

    I do all kind of music related videos and I try to be innovative(fun fact#1: I was one of the first - if not the first- to make a screaming sheep remix). I put effort to quality and enjoy making videos so much! Remixes(one pewdiepie-remix as well), Covers, Original music and medleys, lots of game music as well(fun fact #2: I did music for one Amnesia cs called Solid Sacrifice which Cry happened to play and also like).

    I hope you find this entertaining and good enough, good luck to everyone!
    My Pewdiepie-remix! Top Of My Locker: youtube.com/watch?v=0Sb_E3fm15s
  • youtube.com/user/MabiVSGames

    Name: Mabi
    Age: 22
    Subscribers: 330

    Brief Summary:
    Hi! I've been uploading 3-4 videos daily for the past 6-9 months. (Between my two channels) I work with great equipment and try my hardest to make my videos as quality as possible! I play all types of games and my main goal as a Content Creator is to ultimately have viewers/fans dictate how I run my channel! Basically, I read everyone's comments/messages and collect game suggestions. Connecting with the fans is what keeps me going! It's really awesome to know that so many of my viewers enjoy my videos. I make sure to let my subscribers know I'm fully committed to giving them fun entertainment daily and so far it's been a blast! I pour hours of work into making videos and honestly, this has become a really really fun hobby!

    Been following you for a long time and I just have to say, thanks so much, Pewds for this chance. My respect for you has grown a lot in the past couple of months.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by MabiVsGames ().

  • youtube.com/user/SkinnyBoyProductionz - <----- CHANNEL LINK!
    Name: Matt Shipp
    Age: 18
    Nationality: British
    Active time: 3 years
    Subscribers: 1255 (whom all of which I love)

    Ok so I am more of a comedian/ entertainer on YouTube and have been around for 2-3 years. My real goal is to get people laughing at my content. I have blue eyes and like long walks on sandy beaches ;). I upload frequently usually once a week, (however, I was forced to stop for a month due to a trip to China). To be honest, subscribers have never really mattered to me, I am currently on 1255 subs, it is great to have the support, but I think the fact I enjoy it so much takes lead over having a billion trillion subscribers. I think what you are doing is great Felix, I hope people get the most out of this :)
    If I won the competition, the first thing I would do is also hold my own shoutout competition, so other people get a boost like me!

    The post was edited 9 times, last by Mattshipp ().

  • youtube.com/user/Azzie702
    Hello Pewdie! My name is Azzie! I love to record video games and share them on the internet! I play all sorts of games(no horror sadly), ONLY if it has a good story.I upload a couple videos a week, so plenty for someone to watch. Currently, I have 138 subscribers! I joined Youtube in November of 2012, but started my channel in October in 2012. I really hope you read this and give me a shoutout! Thanks! *Brofist*
  • My Channel Submission


    Hey Pewds!

    I do mainly indie games but I retain a certain love for indie horror, my favorite type of game to record. I upload frequently and I try to spend as much time as possible editing my videos. I put as much effort into my videos as possible. My main goal isn't to be famous, but to be able to entertain people, make them laugh and in some cases inspire them. In the real world I'm not really "popular" so I just want to really be somebody. I want to make people laugh.

    Stay awesome Pewds! :D
  • Channel

    Started February - 221 Subscribers

    Loved gaming, Film & TV all my life so decided to do the whole YouTube Channel. Making different/out of the box videos as I love the editing process. These include A 'So Bad They're Good Movie Guide', 'Minecraft: A Silent Film' and having a good laugh with friends on 'Pay
    day 2'. I upload anything that puts a smile on peoples faces! :D

    The best thing is when you get a genuine comment or like for something that took you a few hours to create!

    The post was edited 1 time, last by DanOS ().

  • Love to Pewdie, Youtube and my Rioters

    Hi Rioters, (Used for my subscribers)
    I'm entering this competition not just for more subs (though it's really nice) but also cuz I LOVE uploading videos to youtube! I love sharing humour with people and 409 (My sub count now) I feel is not enough sharing! I post game-plays of any game that is suggested and I love to vlog. Pewdie is a HUGE inspiration to much as he is for so many others so to get a shout out would be Awesome xD


    Thank you Pewdie and all the Rioters out there,
    Now go smash some windows!
  • Hello ^^
    My channel: http://www.youtube.com/epiclipto

    What I do: I make let's play videos of games that I enjoy playing and that I think viewers would enjoy watching. I also try to help the community by having occasional spotlights in my series "TTTT Tuesdays". I just try to be me and hope that's enough for my viewers :D My fav upload so far is "Confusion Version 3! Let's Play - Even my beard was scared!"

    Thank you,
  • Fast speaking Dutchman who loves to make people smile

    Before I start typing too much, I'll leave my channel link here. youtube.com/user/Godafoss94

    Hey there Pewds and bros! I've been a bro for a fairly long time now, but only created an account today..

    My name is Godafoss94, and I am a fast speaking Dutchman who enjoys talking (English) to his computer screen in an attempt to entertain people.
    Ever since I was a kid, it has been my dream to entertain people. I used to put ALL MY PLUSHIES (literally all of them, 100+) on tupperware boxes etc. (took me two hours sometimes) to create some kind of cinema so all my plushies could watch me play games haha, so I guess doing this is sort-of in my blood.
    I have been making videos for about a year now, yet my channel only has about 350 subscribers. I just want to be able to entertain more people, I really love it when people comment that they enjoyed the video, it just makes me really happy to know I made them smile.
    I mainly make let's plays of all different kinds of games, and I'm really excited to let's play Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs.

    Keep going strong Pewds, I think it's great that you're doing this! <3

    Oh, and I'm 19 years old. If that matters haha.

    Oh, and this is for you:
    Fast speaking Dutchman who enjoys talking to his computer screen in an
    attempt to entertain people. Slightly insane, completely awesome.

    If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

    Keep your hopes up high and your head down low.

    The post was edited 4 times, last by Godafoss94: Made small paragraphs to make it more readable. ().

  • Andrekvit - My Channel & more info


    Channel Stats
    173 subscribers
    285 Videos uploaded, where about 260 of them are unlisted (explained a bit below)
    Partnered with a brand new Network called VectraGaming

    Brief summary of what my channel is all about:
    I post MineCraft videos up on my channel. Custom maps, Mod Reviews, Tutorials, Modded Lets Plays, Mini-Games and more. Starting a Retro-games series pretty soon!
    I upload at least 3 videos per week, unless I'm going on a holiday or similar real life events.

    My goal/dream:
    My biggest dream is to have a small little community on my channel that I can interact with. I love comments and feedback stuff in general ;)
    Feedback is what keeps me interested!

    I promise you I will keep improving every day! Comments & feedback would make my progression faster!

    Bit about me:
    I'm 16 years old, turning 17 on the 13th. I'm from Norway and I've been doing youtube for quite a while now.
    I believe I've uploaded about 500-600 videos in total now. Most of them are unlisted though, I've switched channels two times. RunicTitan was my older channel.
    If you are interested in seeing my progress, here are all of my older videos in a playlist bit.ly/1eH6yuL

    "Andrekvit" is the first youtube account I ever made. There are 250 videos on the channel, but about 230 of them are unlisted due to the fact that I took a big break and felt that I could improve and show a better side of myself. If you don't believe me, check my socialblade stats :) I removed a ton of inactive subscribers when I decided to go from RunicTitan back to this channel.

    (Open this spoiler if you want to read a bit more about my thoughts)
    Display Spoiler
    Even you reading this means a lot to me Pewds. I love the fact that you care this much to even make a shoutout competition. You are really giving people the chance to achieve their dreams. (Could've written way more, but I wanted to keep this post clean and not super long)

    Really wish I could get to know you a bit more, not only through YouTube videos. You look like a really good friend to have. Not because of the fame but simply because of your personality.

    I know there are a lot of good commentators out there. There are a ton of people who deserve way more than what they've got.

    Sometimes when I see other commentators videos, I get jealous. I feel like they are so much better at what they are doing than what I am.
    This is something that keeps me wanting to improve. I will keep on improving for a long long time.

    Like I mentioned above, my dream is to have my own little community. Heck, if I had 20-100 active people that comments on my channel, my dream would come true.
    I do get a lot of feedback already, which I love :)

    Why pick me? Well.. Honestly I can't tell you why to pick me instead of all the other great commentators.
    But trust me on this one; I will improve. I've had my channel for 3 years now. I will not dissappoint you!

    If you're somewhat interested in seeing my improvement, why not watch my first video ever uploaded?
    youtube.com/watch?v=HV7k04JBaQ8 - October 2010.
    and here is one of my most recent ones
    youtube.com/watch?v=OgX81rexoDU - August 2013.

    I've gotten a few comments saying I should try to be a bit more random, and I agree. It's not always as easy as it sounds though.
    Hopefully you think I've improved as well though.

    I've been through a lot of emotional stages of my life. Your videos, as well as many others, has helped me through depression.
    That is something I want to be able to do as well. Cheer people up and put a smile on their faces.. Cause that is what puts a smile on mine.

    I will achieve my dream at some point, but this competition/shoutout would mean the world to me..
    I'm not good with finding new friends to hang around with, but I'm sure that if I got some attention, a lot of people would want to do dual commentaries with me.

    I'd like to say that you're kind of a role model for me. You get a bit of hate, but you stay strong and you keep doing what you love!
    You've been where I'm today. I love the videos where you really talk to us, like the "Self advertising" video.

    In that video, I felt like I learnt a bit more about you. It showed that you cared even more than what I thought you did. Which is awesome!
    You're staying strong!

    Sorry if it looks like I'm trying to flutter with you here.. But I truly do mean it. You mean a lot to us bros.. And I just hope you realize that.
    I don't care if I don't win. I will still reach my dreams and goals at some point! You took your time to check me out & read all of this, thanks.

    Thank you so much.
    - Andrè
    Minecraft & more - youtube.com/Andrekvit

    The post was edited 12 times, last by Andrekvit ().

  • URL: youtube.com/user/TheUserCreated

    Tweet long description:
    I make gaming videos just for fun! Started to find friends and it ended up getting a small following, now doing it to make people smile. :P
    ^ A tweet length. AWH HECK YEAHS.

    More in depth:
    Display Spoiler
    Hey, I make videos on youtube, gaming of course - I started to find friends and other gamers. However things picked up and I gained 1000 subs, Which changed my view, I now upload to entertain and have fun! I currently upload minecraft but have big plans for the future depending on what happens!

    Keep Smilin',
    - TheUserCreated :P

    The post was edited 4 times, last by TheUserCreated ().

  • LanceyPoohTV

    Channel: youtube.com/user/TheHeroLance

    Sub Count: 5,029

    I could feed a line of bullshit half a page long but I wont do that. Im
    not hoping to become some star from this post but maybe just get some
    advice on the future and what you/people may think of what I do. I Try to make the show more about me being funny than being MLG pro bro.
    I have been doing a lot of "lets plays" here as of late and have big plans for the future with some videos based off of my first one, I really started doing yourtube purely for the love of entertaining not to get rich or famous, I love the people and the community that I have come to know. I guess the best way to explain my channel is high energy all the time 110% passion. I think of myself as a modern day street performer and just doing what you love is all that matters. Thanks for the time and for reading this.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Lanceypooh ().

  • youtube.com/Caiyth

    Subs 1,322

    My name is Sarah aka Caiyth and I'm 28 years old, in the past I've played horror games, lately I've been showcasing a few Indie games and creative games such as Sims/Minecraft/Blockscape.

    I sometimes do collabs with friends such as my recent GTAIV video which was a lot of fun :D In the past year I've come quite a long way with still a long way to go, but at the end of the day I love what I'm doing and wouldn't dream of stopping :)
    Feel free to check out my gameplay channel youtube.com/caiyth

    The post was edited 1 time, last by CaiythYT ().

  • My Channnel - youtube.com/JimmehxS

    i am a gamer looking to help out others in the youtube community! i try to do the best free gfx/intros i can to promote other channels making them look more professional. i play minecraft and live stream every friday! i am currently at 700+ subs now but my views are very low i just want to help everyone out big or small!
  • youtube.com/user/TheNificated

    Hey PewDie! :)
    I have been making videos for nearly 2 years now with over 250 videos, I currently have 536 Subscribers which I appreciate so much!
    I am very passionate about creating entertaining content for my channel!
    I make all sorts of videos, ranging from Call of Duty, Minecraft and Far Cry 3 to Grand Theft Auto and Free to Play FPS's!
    I like to put a unique spin on my videos with editing to try to make them as enjoyable as possible and upload on a regualr basis! <3
    Thanks, Nificated! :D