Stuck in a Video Game!

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    • Stuck in a Video Game!

      Sort of like a Sword Art Online thing. After using a virtual reality helmet, 10000 different players are stuck in this Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game. Or VRMMORPG for short. You are one of those unlucky players. You all start at level one. No god-modding. You can take any class all the way from Witch to Pirate and anything inbetween. I know this is a video game.. But please try to be a tad realistic. By the way, you die in the game? You die in real life. Your first post must have all of your information, such as your name, age, class and appearance, and any extra details. Please state how you found out you couldn't log out.
      Right, I'll start.

      Name: Alex
      Gender: Female
      Class: Assassin (AC style :'D)
      Appearance: Armour like Connor Kenways, only less heavy. Because of the hood and clothes, players often mistake her for a boy.

      Holy crap this game was awesome! But I promised my mum I'd be offline for dinner. I opened up my menu with a flick of my wrist and scrolled down to the bottom of the "Settings" option. A blank space took up the area where the log out button used to be.

      "What the hell?!"
      formally thejoker123
    • Name: Yami
      Gender: Male
      Age: 18
      Class: Guardian (high defenses and magic resistance but little offensive capabilities.)
      Appearance: jet-black hair running freely down my back.
      Sharp, piercing blue eyes.
      Muscular build and tall, always wears a set of full-plate armor.
      Wields no weapons, instead having two shields that he can strike with.

      IC: hmm. My roommate said there's a party soon.
      Better get going.
      -I open my menu-
      Well. It's been fun, but.....
      -I notice the lack of a logout button-
      Wha- what?
      -I close and reopen the menu-
      I can't log out?
      Son of a whore!
    • Name: Tristam
      Gender: Male
      Age: ??
      Class: Cursed swordsman. (High attack and health, but little defense. Gains more attack power as health lowers.)
      Appearance: Click me!

      "Well... That's not good."
      Another look through the menu confirmed it. The log out button was gone.
      "I'm sure it's not an issue. I mean, they can't leave it broken forever, someone will fix it eventually."
      The knight in black armor, Tristam, sighed. It wouldn't do him any good to panic.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by stryder221 ().

    • I wonder if anyone else is having the same problem, I thought. Suddenly, a message from the game creator popped up.

      "Ah. He must be explaining the log-out button glitch", I said to myself.

      I opened the message to see this:

      "Dear Lab Rats,

      As you may or may not have taken into recognition, the 'Log Out' feature added onto all of your menu screens is gone. This is not a bug. This is NOT a glitch. All of you 10,000 players are stuck in this world until ransom money, the amount of my choice, is sent to me directly . Don't try to remove your virtual reality helmet, or get anyone else to attempt the same. If you remove your virtual reality helmet, a microwave will be shot through your brain, frying it from the inside out. Also, one more thing: if you die in the game.. you perish in the real world. You can try to survive, but sooner of later, you will all burn.

      Much love, the Game-Master."
      formally thejoker123
    • Tristam, upon receiving the message from the almighty GM, knew something was up just from reading the "Lab-rats" part.
      Alright, now we can panic...
      Pure anger shot through him as he finished reading the message, crushing the letter in his hands. (a "physical" letter being his preferred option, rather than a message on-screen.)

      Who does this bastard think he is?! When I get out of this, I'll have his head!
    • Okay, calm down...! Think. I can stay in an Inn 'til this blows over. If people are smart, that's what they'll do. Yeah... No, wait...
      Tristam, who'd just entered town, had stopped instantly in his tracks.
      If he's serious about a ransom, then they'll have to prove their determination. I wouldn't put it past a them to send ogres or something into town to kill everyone. Nowhere is completely safe!

      He turned right around, only to find another player staring at him. A girl, likely a mage from the way she was dressed.
      "You're not going back out, are you?"
      She was only level one. Quite frankly, she seemed terrified.
      "I'm afraid so."

      The mage didn't react very well to that.
      "Are you insane?! you'll get yourself killed!"
      "Didn't you read the message? We're going to die anyway."
      "Damn idiot. I'm not letting you go. Head to the inn before I have to use force."

      The black swordsman merely shook his head.
      "You and what army? Look around you, do you see anyone that's even level five?!"
      "Well, n-no, but-"
      "What's going to defend us, then?! If we don't get stronger, we'll be wiped out in a single siege!"
      "I... I..."
      "Get out of my way."

      He shoved past the mage, heading through the town gates. Said mage only shook her head in disbelief at the swordsman's apparent foolishness.
    • *dave got the message*
      GODDAMN... i knew this day will finally come....
      the Game-Master lost his mind!
      i got to get to safety..
      why can't i just play in peace without being stuck?!, well lets go to town.
      *Dave reaches to town and sees a young boy named: Obrig he knew it from his name tag*
      D: Why are you not doing anything?, you should run if you dont want to get killed!,
      come with me to safety, i have planned this day all along!
    • -i hear the argument outside snd i go to the two people arguing-
      Both of you have valid points.
      -i turn to Tristam-
      Yes, it would be easy for the game master to wipe out a small town like this, however, it would be even easier to kill a lone player in the wilderness.
      There is safety in numbers and also in mobility, hence why i wait.
      A small group would have better odds of survival than either of your proposals.
      If you still insist on leaving, then i shall accompany you.
    • They're probably asleep or busy.
      -I notice some beetles on the ground, moving in an organized pattern, different from how beetles would normally move-
      -I kneel down and examine them closely, then I say-
      I challenge you to a duel.
      -a faint *ping* can be heard from below the ground as the duel prompt comes up for the stranger-
      Go figure.
    • *some rumbeling can be heard, and what seems to be a termite hill comes two HUGE hercules beetles…ale)2_hercules_beetle.jpg . soon, i arrive, standing on top of the hill* you already challenged a duel, but that does not mean we can be hospitable instead of hostile. drop your weapons now, and, if you wish, you may stay a day or so in our colony. otherwise, maximus and frendor here will have to escort you away from our area. those who you challenged are simply scouts. my kind gets MUCH bigger, as you can see.

    • OOC: I challenged the controller, not the beetles.
      Yami figured someone had to be controlling them.
      IC: -I nod my head in acknowledgement of the offer, and revoke the duel offer-
      I understand your offer, and thank you for your hospitality.
      However, you must understand my caution towards you.
      If what the game master said is true, when we die in here, that's it. It's over.
      I apologize if I seem disrespectful, but I must, for now, decline.
      At least until you can prove no ill will or allow us our weapons.
      If you do, I vow we shall not attack you or your subordinates.
      If not, we shall leave peacefully.
    • obrig. come, maximus and frendor will show you to a nearby seating area. * i begin shouting strange names* prepare a meal for our friends; *a dog-sized beetle comes up, and i lean over to hear it's whispers* no... it can't be.... after you all enjoy your meal, come down into our colony. through that mound. there is something i need to show you; my colonies greatest enemy yet. *large groups of beetles with ceremic plates with berries and fruits arrive, each one with a label and taste index of sorts; for example: candleberry-spice wickerberry- sweet * now, if you will excuse me, i have to prepare my troops. *goes to the front gates of the large mound, and it opens, as i decend down stairs*

    • "I'm leaving one way or another. If you plan on following, fine. But I refuse to cower in fear waiting for death. Only the strong will survive for long."
      Ignoring the guardian Yami challenging some insect man to a duel, the cursed swordsman pushed through the town gates into the wilderness. His blade immediately left it's sheath as he hunted for monsters to kill. (For experience reasons, of course.)