Personal help?

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    • Personal help?

      ... I need help... to stop being shy... extremely shy.
      I moved to a new city. I have no friends here... in my old city, take me 10 years for make 10 real true friends, and I had help...
      Now, I am here 1 month and I fear to be alone... but I cannot talk. When someone talks to me, I can't open my mouth, never! Also... how do you do... for make friends?
      :/ sorry for bother
      nom nom nom :3
    • I used to be a shy Bunny, until I realised I could bounce higher than all the other Bunnies. This put me in a good position when it came to the Lady bunnies, if you know what I mean *wink wink*.

      However, bouncing isn't everything. You need to have nice shiny fur. If your fur gets too scruffed up, Bunny girls think you are WOLF and run far away. Work your fur.

      Finally, the ability to do a Bunny poo that lands in one tidy heap is a must. Bunny friends don't wanna be walking through your poop, you know? We used to have a friend that used to poop as he ran. I was kinda glad when the farmer shot him.

      Hope this helps!

    • Aww.. I know exactly how you feel. When I was 13 I moved to the US for a year hoping for an awesome time. In the end I couldn't speak up.. like at all. I remember if I answered a question during a lesson the teachers would reply "WHAT? YOU CAN TALK?". I remember I used to google "how to be outgoing" "how to not be shy" and write down notes for myself.. In the end that didn't work out AT ALL.

      Okay now for the actual help. I think the best way as a shy person to make friends, is to start of online. Those people that have talked to you, contact them online. I mean, for me at least it was much easier to communicate through the computer. Find people with similar interests! Once you get to know people better, you can tell them that you're shy.. They'll understand if they are 'good' people! I'm sure once you just get it started with one person, you can work together to build up more of a confidence when seeing them in person..

      I guess there's no real way to stop being shy, it's your personality just like it's mine.. But it's not a bad thing! It's you and you just need to take one first step.. People who you want to be friends with will understand, I mean I wouldn't want friends who neglect me because of my personality.

      I apologize if I can't be much of a help, however I wish you luck.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by FlareonPL ().

    • The first thing, THE VERY FIRST THING that you wanted to do is to find someone with the same obsession/hobby as you. For most of my friends are bunch of faggots who love Video Games/Anime/Manga/Internet Shit. After the root is settled, It'll slowly grow to be the best damn flower you've ever seen.

      If you're angry, don't break anybody's heart, they only have one..... Break their bones, they have 206 of them
    • I haven't moved cities or even from house to house in the same town, but even the transition from one place of education to the next is a similar situation (ish) to moving because you don't know anyone.
      I admit I am not confide in any shape or form, I am probably one of the most shy people you will meet, but when I get comfortable with them it is easier to talk to them, so the way I have done it, is I just try my best to involve myself with any groups or local communities in the area, and slowly but surely people approach you or vice versa because you are all have the same common interest and you can have a laugh and before you know it, you have got yourself your first friend(s) in your new home.
      And if they have some local friends and they are going on a day out or something and that one person invites you, go along, it may be awkward at first but trust me, the circle of friends grows quite quickly, :D For example I had nobody going into high school, but there were a few others in the same/similar boat so we got chatting, and made friends, and because a couple of them were friends with more than 1 person, we met their friends and I went into college knowing about 20 people, which grew even more there :)
      There isn't a way to just "stop being shy", but try to find a way best for you to engage with others, and always think, what ways have worked before? Because it is likely they will work again, and if you found your true friends that way, you should find true friends the same way because you are who you are, and true friends love who you are :D
      So don't get too bogged down, just relax, if you get spoken to, just roll with it, easier said than done, I still have that issue but when you can pull yourself together and respond to them clearly, maybe make them have a little chuckle, it is a good start :)

      I hope I have been some help :)
      "Life is too short to spend it moping around, so sit back and enjoy the ride"

    • Okay so when I was around 10/11 I was very shy. I had to start a new school and I just sat on my own, not knowing how to talk to people.

      I would worry what they'd think of me or of I look stupid, but mostly I found it so hard.

      I was really lonely to say the least!

      One day I was at the library and I read a book called "how to make friends" (or something like that) and it helped me a lot.

      You didn't say if you were at school or not but
      One of the most important things I learned was to never sit on my own.
      Always sit next to people and they will talk to you .

      And it worked :D even now, my instincts want me to hide somewhere, but I force myself to stand or sit in a group with others and ive made loads of friends doin this. I am actually really outgoing now, but I do get shy sometimes.

      I know it's hard, but like some others have mentioned, why not build your confidence online?
      You could message some of us as practise, just to get used to talking to new people :)
      (You can message me if you want as I'm always happy to help people :) )

      Another way, is to compliment someone or ask a "normal" question.

      Compliment: oh I like your bag, Adventure Time is awesome.

      They will either say "Thanks" or start talking to you.

      Question; Hey, do you know where the toilet is?
      They will say "over there" and you can say "Im new here and this place is so big!"

      Then continue how you see fit :)

      The more you practise the better you will get :)
      Try not to worry yourself!

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      Watch Me Play Music and Stuff:
    • Oh and what Wolfstachegaming said is true too :D
      Clubs and groups are one of the best ways to meet people! It's sooo awkward at first but people will eventually talk to you :)

      My boyfriend used to be criminally shy. He was really bad at conversation and he's taken a long time to come out of his shell (he's even still adjusting now!) it's different for everyone :)

      You will find the right friends for you, and I guess asking strangers on here for advice was a great first step :)

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
      Watch Me Play Music and Stuff:
    • For most of my high school life, I was really awkward and shy. Dealt with constant bullying, haha. But I kinda stopped caring in my senior year, and I let talked to random people and let my humor out. I was liked for doing odd things around the school. I'd go from starting paper ball wars in class, to playing pokemon(The trading card game) during lunch. Hell, I even brought Dungeons and dragons a week or so before graduation. Which, oddly, brought alot of attention. Got made fun of, but it didn't stop people from wanting to play. Personally, I think you should just approach someone and just strike a convo. Be yourself. And try talking to people online too. A friend is a friend, no matter the distance. You can meet people just like you here~ I understand that it's sometimes hard to find people who you can relate with where you live. I live in a small redneck town where almost everyone smokes pot, work on cars, and talk trash to each other. Hope my comment was worth something. If you need a friend, I'm always a message away~
    • Well, look at it this way...if you screw up, no one knows you very well, so it won't be that bad :)
      I guess most of people been through the shy phase...myself as well ^^ (well actually I was a bit of a loner and not very interested in socialising). It's never easy when you move, no matter how talkative you are. But, sooner or later you'll have to ask for a direction, time or something else. Usually those everyday stuff are a good way to start some kind of conversation (if not at first, then just to get used to approach people without fear or shyness), and sooner or later someone will be interested in your clothes, music or anything else and there you go :)
      But I would advise you to say that you're shy to people who want to talk to you. That way they will know how to help you, and how to act, and they won't think your cocky. Trust me, a lot of people mix shyness with cockiness if they don't know you :3
      Good luck, and you can do it trust me. Just remember that you're awesome :thumbup:
      On the outside I may appear like an emotionless sarcastic piece of shit, but just like an onion, when you peel off more layers, you find the exact same thing every single time and you start crying.

      If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!