Wizards and Warriors RP

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  • OCC: Oh yeah it was..haha it was a scythe that looked like Soul Eaters weapon form, act like I have a scythe

    "I turn at the coach with a glare to him, an evil glare"
    "I spin my scythe around glaring at Tristam"
    "My blue aura glows brighter around me"
    "I grasp my scythe and cross-leg on the ground waiting for the coach's signal"

    Symmetry is Everything ~Death the Kid
  • OOC: It had to be done... (The music, I mean.)

    IC: "Alright..."

    The half-demon turned towards his opponent, that same demonic gleam in his eyes like before.
    He took out his blade, cracking his neck while doing so.

    "Don't you dare hold back, I want to earn this win."

    He ran a hand over the blade, while muttering the incantation of "doer fotus, chath del elge".
    The Bastard sword glowed red just seconds before it burst into flames, enhanced by the power of hellfire.

    "Because I'm just that nice, I'll let you attack first. Come on, Casper, let's see what you can do."

    The post was edited 1 time, last by stryder221 ().

  • "Why are you glaring at me, sir? You should be glaring at that other kid."
    A somewhat furry person in the crowd said, all the while writing in some sort of journal. [1]

    "Is defense all you're going to do? Idiot, that makes you an easy target! HA!"
    Narrowing his eyes, Tristam charged, and leaped high into the air.

    "Demon skull beheading!"

    He dropped to the ground a bit faster than gravity would normally allow, and smashed his blade into the shield, inches away from Icy's head.
    He wasn't content with that one attack, however...

    "Chaos Star!"

    With his blade flashing like a shooting star, the Half-Demon struck five times in quick succession, each attack linking together after each swing, as if all part of a single slash.
    If the shield held through that, it would be very strained indeed.

    OOC: 1. That journal being what influence's Tristam's actions.
  • "Stares at Tristam as he stares at me trying to break the shield"
    "I start laughing as he uses his next move"
    "On the last hit the shield breaks and my eyes open wide in quick motions"
    "I launch from the ground and hook Tristam with the scythe"
    "I smile wide and launch him back making him hit the wall"
    "I put my scythe against his throat pushing him against the wall"


    "Spiraling winds start to circle me followed by the aura getting brighter"

    Symmetry is Everything ~Death the Kid
  • The half-demon's eyes widened in surprise as he was thrown into the wall.
    "Ha! Try again!"
    However, he would not stay pinned there for long. Lacing his strike with battle energy, he kicked Icynato in the gut, forcing him back just enough for Tristam to get the scythe off his throat.

    Taking advantage, he used his free hand (The left) to grab the ghost by the shirt, throwing him backwards into the wall.
    It was then that he put away his sword and began pummeling Icynato with energy-enhanced punches.
  • "I keep pushing the scythe on his throat as I quietly laugh"
    "Tristam breaks out of it with a kick to the gut"
    "As I hold my stomach, he grabs my shirt, ripping it slightly and launches me towards the wall"
    "When I hit it, I feel a painfully loud pop in my back"
    "I tense up as I fall but like a bullet, tristam leads with a bunch of energized kicks to the body and face"
    "I fall slightly to the ground and lay there, a trail of blood coming from my mouth"
    "it looked like it was over...and I was finished"
    "I lifted up, like my body was dead, in the air and stared at Tristam"
    "I spinned my scythe keeping my stare at Tristam"
    .......Wind Spirit.......
    "The winds in the room went from calm to hurricane in 2 seconds sending Tristam back against the wall"
    "I walk towards him like the winds were nothing"
    "I grab him by the neck and lift him in the air"
    "I take my scythe and push it straight through him...front to back"

    OCC: And no I did not kill you, you can do whatever you want like you are a insta healer from wounds or something!

    Symmetry is Everything ~Death the Kid
  • OOC: You know murder attempts are a no-no, even if unsuccessful, right? Also, I do no such things as instant healing, I keep relatively realistic.

    IC: "Gngh... You... D-damn laughing bastard!"
    The crowd gasped in horror as Tristam was impaled.

    The half-demon had not taken kindly either, kicking Icynato away from him before more damage could be done, also making him lose grip on the scythe. (Which was still stuck in him.)
    "Erg... This is gonna hurt..."
    With a shout of pain, he tore out the scythe's blade from his body, tossing it to the side. The damage was done, however, the world was already getting a bit fuzzy and dark as he bled out.

    "I thought the arena's will was to PREVENT these "Accidents"! If that's how it will be, I don't see any reason to hold myself back!"
    With the fire on his blade burning with a new vigor, Tristam charged one last time.
    "I'm betting everything on this strike... With the Flames of purgatory, my strongest attack..."

    Right before he collided with his opponent, Tristam swerved to the side at the last second, whirling around to strike, hoping that Icynato had been faked out.
    "See you in hell... REBELLION BLADE!"
    He struck hard five times, much like his Chaos Star. The difference being that, one, the slashes were much faster, more punishing, and damn near impossible to stop or avoid without a shield in place.
    Two, each strike was accompanied by a wave of hellfire.

    That was his strongest attack. But there was one drawback, it took all of his battle energy to pull off, and is incredibly exhausting.


    Overcome by fatigue and blood loss, Tristam dropped his blade, and collapsed backwards unconscious, a pool of black blood starting to form around him.
  • DRAW!
    -as the man speaks, you realize that your wounds were already healed and you were brought back to full strength-
    -when you wake up, you notice another man next to Oritigo, smiling at Tristam-
    Y: very good. You have quite some potential in you, yet.
    O: -addressing the crowd-
    As both combatants failed to remain conscious (that attack would have done in Nato, don't deny it) this match is a draw!
    -turns to Tristam-
    I said the Arena wouldn't allow for fatal injuries or death, and it didn't.
    Look at you, not a mark on you.
    -true to his word, not a scratch is on you, and there is no blood-
    The pain is quite real, though, don't get me wrong.
  • *both girls wake up from the alarm,get dressed electria covering her wings before jane could see them and rush to the arena as we hear we have to run*
    J:*We rush and see zarak waiting outside*No time to explain*grabs zarak's arm and runs to the sitting area**sits down pulling zarak down with her*
    E:*Sits slowly and notices icy and tristam fighting in the ring**looks at zareak sitting in between us*Whats going on?Why are those two fighting?
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    BROFIST .................

    By: Pewdiepie
  • Tristam got hotheaded because of his height, and something came over Icy.
    -Poofers pops out of Jane's shirt-
    P: mrooooow!
    -nuzzles up next to Jane-
    Z: -I put my arm around Jane's shoulders-
    Looks like the match is over.
    O: Due to the interruption, training sessions will be postponed until tomorrow!
    However, I do have a few words for you!
    -proceeds to do the stereotypical welcoming of the students-
    Z: -looks at Jane-
    Hey, wanna ditch this place?
    I've still got something I wanna show you.
  • J:*looks at zarak**blushes*okay*pets the kitty*
    E:*notices the blood come out of tristam*They are going to kill each other.
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    BROFIST .................

    By: Pewdiepie
  • The arena won't allow it.
    Don't worry. Far worse has happened.
    -I grab Jane's hand and take her out of the Arena, towards an old tower-
    -while walking, still holding her hand, I ask her-
    So, Jane. What's your story?
    Why did you decide to come here?
    (Dear god! She's not just cute, she's radiant!
    My heart feels like it's about to beat out of my chest!)
    -despite this, I keep a straight face-
  • OCC:awww zarak got a little boy crush :)

    J:umm well not much to say family thought i should keep the tradition going and learn more about my magic.Then this school came up and my parents put me on the first train to here.I really wanted to make a difference like my parents and this school if it help me become stronger then so be it.*trys not to look into his eyes*What about you?
    E:*walks up to the fence*Boys get a hold of yourself stop fighting
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    BROFIST .................

    By: Pewdiepie