Wizards and Warriors RP

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  • *screams and wacks the unknown person from suprise**my hearts skips and quickens**i look and notice its zarak*
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    BROFIST .................

    By: Pewdiepie
  • "Er..." A rather large sweatdrop was visible on the half-demon's face.
    Clearly, the Lamia, Maria, had not put much thought into anything other than introducing herself.

    "Well... Okay, I guess... What about her, though?"
    He said, referring to the other (He assumed) Lamia.

    "It'd be boring with- You hear that?"
    Instantly he pulled out his blade, turning to where he believed he heard the scream come from.
    "Who's there?! I don't like anyone eavesdropping, so whoever you are, you better have a good reason for spying on me!"

    OOC: I'm running on the assumption that Electria and Zarak are more-or-less hidden.

    You know, most people call me insane...
    That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

    Why are you looking at me like that?

    Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
  • "Shakes in his dome"
    Uhhhh....come on d-d-don't be a chicken, be b-brave
    "Shortly comes from the dome"
    "After coming out I hear a scream behind me"
    "Forms a new dome around me so that I'm hidden once again"
    Why is this world have to be so scarrryyy...I can't handle it...

    Symmetry is Everything ~Death the Kid
  • M: eh. She's busy with the young guy over there.
    -she hears the scream-
    Oh for the love of-
    -she moves to where Electria and I are-

    Z: ow.
    Geez, Electria, it's only me. Calm down.
    -notices Maria coming towards us-
    Hoo boy.....

    M: you know, I don't very much like spies either.
    -shoots both of us a glare-

    Z: Uhhhh.
    (Dear lord, Zarak, you're in a tight spot.)
    -Poofers pops out of my hood-

    P: Mewl
    -jumps towards Maria-

    M: -catches Poofers as he looks up at her, putting on an adorable face-
    -she gasps-
    It's- it's-

    P: meeeeeeewl

    M: -her eyes light up-
    It's so adorable!
    -squeezes Poofers next to her chest-
  • Tristam had followed the Lamia, sword in hand. And while he didn't glare at the two eavesdroppers as Maria had, he still didn't look happy.
    "So... You have that good reason or not? I'm waiting for an explanation."

    The only point he took his eyes off the two guilty Mages was when Zarak's cat jumped at Maria.
    A sharp intake of breath was heard as he saw her squeezing it.
    "Easy now, at least make sure the poor kitten can breath!"

    You know, most people call me insane...
    That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

    Why are you looking at me like that?

    Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
  • P:-purrs contentedly, completely fine while Maria hugs him-
    -curls up in a ball and goes to sleep-

    M: -continues to squeeze Poofers, holding him close to her breasts-

    Z: Personally, what we were or weren't doing is none of your concern.
    Suffice it to say, we weren't eavesdropping.

    OOC: he is lying to save face for Electria.
  • While Tristam still looked concerned for a bit for the kitten, he turned right back to Zarak, straight-faced.
    "None of my concern? Let me tell you something, paper-boy, I don't like it when I'm told that, it makes me suspicious and angry. I have all night. You can either tell me, or... Or... Wait a minute..."

    He stared at Electria, as if noticing her for the first time, then right back to Zarak, a devilish grin slipping into his face as he came to a conclusion.
    "Oh...! Ohohohoho...! Don't tell me, you two are... But you only just... And he..."
    He fought to keep a straight face, but failed in the end, and burst out into laughter for some reason.

    "Oh this is just rich! Not even a full day you meet and suddenly...! Oh man, what did this dweeb do to you, girl! What, you thought it wasn't at all suspicious when he brought you here alone? D'aaawwww, I bet you two will do great together! HA!"

    OOC: Tristam is only trying to cause embarrassment to both Zarak and Electria for his own amusement, and does not care if what he says is true.

    You know, most people call me insane...
    That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

    Why are you looking at me like that?

    Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
  • Z: so what if we did?
    -smiles back devilishly-
    I'd concern myself more with you, right now.
    -takes a step back-

    M: oh, Tristam!
    -wraps her tail around you again-
    Look! Look! Isn't it just the most precious thing?

    P: -wakes up and yawns widely-

    -turns to Zarak, still wrapped around Tristam-
    I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions like that. Bad habit.
  • Kor's grin did not falter. Zarak was shameless, Electria (he thought) wasn't. Her reaction should be much better.
    "Heh! Please, I can take care of myself just- Erk! Again!"

    However, he'd been distracted, allowing for the Lamia to grab him.
    "Y-yeah, it's very, uh, fluffy."
    Mysteriously, his initial shock and outrage softened. However, he winced at the Lamia's "Squee", for it had hurt his ears rather badly, much worse than a booming, eardrum-bursting voice.

    Naturally, he protested to the Lamia's apology, though he was still stuck.
    "No! You're perfectly justified in being suspicious with him! He might've brought the kitten simply because he knew you'd love him, so you would be distracted so he'd... That sounded stupid, shutting up now..."

    You know, most people call me insane...
    That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

    Why are you looking at me like that?

    Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
  • -the lamia yawns-
    I'm tired now.
    -her tail tightens around you slightly as she puts the kitten on the ground, then wraps you in her arms-

    Z: -grins at Tristam-
    Enjoy the night, my friend.
    -turns around to walk off-

    P: meeewl!
    -climbs up into Zarak's hood, then falls asleep-

    Z: -looks up at the moon and notices it's full-
    This oughta be good.
    Tristam! Just a heads up!
    Lamias can be very... Shall we say "amorous" around the full moon!
    Have fun, kiddo!
  • "W-well, this was... Interesting... But, uh, if you could let me go, maybe?"
    The half-demon's eyes widened at Zarak's departure, the exact point the mage decided to tell him of the Lamia's condition on a full moon.
    "W-what?! You're just going to...?! That's beyond-!"

    Crap! How do I get out of this without making this girl an enemy?
    Trick question, you can't.
    Son of a...

    Resigned to his unfortunate fate, Tristam's struggling weakened.
    Hopefully, I will have some dignity left by morning.


    ...Someone have mercy on my poor soul...

    You know, most people call me insane...
    That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

    Why are you looking at me like that?

    Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
  • *looks fearful when tristam thinks me and zarak are doing weird things at night**sees zarak go to the dorms and tristam get drag with the snake woman**thinks**walks towards the snake lady*ma'am um i have an assignment i need to talk to tristam about its important and he could fail this quarter if he doesnt get it done.You can play with him after he gets his assignment done okay?
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    BROFIST .................

    By: Pewdiepie
  • OCC: Hey guys, I got my computer back early, YAY!

    "I continue to shake in my dome"
    A-a-are they gone...I-I don't want anyone to see me like this!
    "I make a ice window and look out of it watching everyone"
    "watches as a cat walks up into Zaraks hood"
    ah...ah...oh my..
    "My whole dome melts and I walk towards Zarak"
    "trys calling the cat to come here"

    Symmetry is Everything ~Death the Kid
  • M: I'm nocturnal, not stupid.
    -squeezes Tristam possessively-
    I know classes haven't even started for you yet.
    -she unwinds part of her body, leaving her tail wrapped around Tristam, but bringing her upper body towards Electria, then grabbing her hand-
    You want to join in?

    P: meeeeeeewl!
    -jumps out of Zarak's hood and runs towards Icy-

    Z: -I sigh-
    Geez. Fine.
    -I walk towards the lamia-
    Hey! You want someone to play with, try me!

    M: hmmmmm?
    -notices Zarak calling out-
    Ooooh! Another volunteer?
    -she blushes-
    I didn't know I was this attractive!
    -she winds part of her body around Electria, then moves towards me, carrying both of you-

    Z: (that's it. Just a little closer....)

    M: -gets right up next to me and presses her body against mine-
    So handsome.....
    You wanna go first?

    Z: hmmmm.
    -I reach down and grab the tip of her tail-

    M: -gasp!-
    No! N-not there!
    -she begins shuddering, her body loosening its hold on Electria and Tristam-
  • Tristam had not reacted well to Maria's possessiveness. He had thought she'd just treat him something like a teddy bear. And while embarrassing, he could deal with that.
    But it was only now, when she'd pretty much forced Electria into joining her that he realized she was going all the way. All the way meaning...

    "Aw hell no..." He said to himself, turning a shade of crimson.
    He groaned when Zarak had apparently surrendered to the Lamia.

    Does he have no shame?!

    Of course, when the Lamia loosened her grip, Kor took his chance.
    "Ah, sorry!"
    He shouted when he squirmed free and escaped.

    Those mages risked their dignity for my sake... Why...? I've done nothing for them...

    You know, most people call me insane...
    That's what happens when I try to reason with people, they don't like it, and I eventually end up turning them to charcoal in the end...

    Why are you looking at me like that?

    Despite popular belief, I did not draw the avatar I'm using. I can't draw.
  • M: y-you are a cruel man!
    -she shudders from the teasing-

    Z: I've no problem with you personally, but when you try to force your pleasures on my classmates, I get irate.
    -I grab her tail, squeezing it-

    M: nnnnnoooo!

    Z: however, as it is the full moon, I know you are not yourself, so I shall forgive this transgression.

    M: -her body unwinds from around Electria, and her shudders wrack her entire body-

    Z: when this moon passes, I promise I'll come visit you, okay?

    M: -passes out-

    Z: -I let go of her tail-
    You all right there, Tristam?
  • -I shrug my shoulders-
    Don't know about her, but for me, Poofers seems to like you.

    P: -at this point has jumped out of Icy's arms and walked over to Tristam-
    -starts pawing at Tristam's hand-

    Z: -I smile-
    He's smarter than he looks.
    If he likes you, you can't be all bad.
    -my smile fades a bit-
    In the past, he's warned me about people, and he was right. He's also shown me truly good people.
    He's an odd little kitty, huh?
  • "So... You're basing your opinion of me on your cat's reactions?"
    the half-demon did not notice said cat pawing at his hand at first. Once he did, however, he began lightly patting the kitten's head.
    "Heh. Not all that bad, you say? That's funny, considering my demon blood... It's not exactly secret, is it? The horns give me away every time..."