Internet isn't special anymore

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    • Internet isn't special anymore

      Some years ago, people aren't interested in internet, and only some people can use it: internet was the "land" for different people, an special site for expressing yourself... but now ALL people can have,... the bullies use it for bulling us even in this "refuge": but in internet bullies cannot be punished.
      now the special site is ruined and our life can be ruined in real and fictional life
      sorry for my english
      nom nom nom :3
    • I can hear you, but for me, the internet will be forever special, think about it, for the unrandom example, pewdiepie, if the internet would have not expand, there was no pewdiepie, and stuff like that, im happy the internet is what it is today
      Check out my new youtube gaming channel

      Subscribers count 1100/2000, see you there
    • That being said this cyber walls are the things that is keeping me intact. Mostly for entertainment purposes since i doesn't really share lotsa personal stuff here anyway. But hey, i enjoyed every seconds i spent here. And i spent a reasonable time to share and glare around here. Thousands of hour in a net full of peoples with the same passion and obsession. That's a pretty special place to me i do believe so.

      If you're angry, don't break anybody's heart, they only have one..... Break their bones, they have 206 of them
    • 1.

      Yami Sweet wrote:

      fictional life

      There is no fictional life ( that you will find in books , animes ,manga etc. ) , this is called virtual life

      2. The internet is my real " sanctuary " , where I can meet ppl like you gyus and girls very easy ;( . Even if there would be bullies , I would simple ignor them ( or if they would play online games that I would play , I would defeat them if they are weak / newcomers) .
      Inside this virtual sanctuary , you don't need to worry about bullies .... you should worry about Hackers better.

      "Oh look at the time ... IT'S ANIME TIME"