PewDiePie then and now

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    • PewDiePie then and now

      This is probably the thing all people talk about.
      Pewds used to be really funny,like his old Penumbra videos.The thing is,he didn't always try to make a joke out of everything.Now he always jokes about everything.In the past time it was funny to watch Pewds scared.Now I rarely laugh.
      It's not that it isn't nice anymore,it is still entertaining,but not very funny.
      What do ya think?
      Work it ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ harder
      Make it (ง •̀_•́)ง better
      Do it ᕦ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕤ faster
      Raise your ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ dongers
    • It's very simple : Pewds adapted himself to his growing community (= average viewer age lowering), and sadly that's why most of his older subscribers are disappointed by now.

      And if he did so, I wont call all the constant swearing a proper example for a lower average fanbase to be honest. In fact, he has been cursing more.

      --- Posted like a boss with Tapatalk ---

    • Shikieiki Yamaxanadu wrote:

      It's very simple : Pewds adapted himself to his growing community (= average viewer age lowering), and sadly that's why most of his older subscribers are disappointed by now.

      And if he did so, I wont call all the constant swearing a proper example for a lower average fanbase to be honest. In fact, he has been cursing more.

      --- Posted like a boss with Tapatalk ---

      Damn right I agree. But can he really control the amount of cursing he has been doing? Eh I'm not sure, probably
    • I watch Pewds for a short time but I have watched his older videos and I must say he really was funnier, though I feel uncomfortable when he cusses, not always though, like when he makes really funny joke...
      There are no scientific tests for race... blood is blood, and bone is bone. Race is a con game. Don't play.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Quill ().

    • The reason why Pewds change his "Type of joke" , from a less crazy to nonsenical crazy one is because he is "controlled" by his fans, his newer fans. He tried to adopt and entertain the younger fans (which is the majority of his new fans), that's why many of his older fans got annoyed.

      Well, yeah but you got a point, if the majority of his fans are teenager (well, I don't know what's the right word) he should lower the amount of cursing, he cursed too much now, for no reason, and he make fun of everything, for no reason too. That's why I prefer his older stuff.

      Formerly: Raven

      YouTube Twitter Steam
    • Yukari Yakumo wrote:

      The reason why Pewds change his "Type of joke" , from a less crazy to nonsenical crazy one is because he is "controlled" by his fans, his newer fans. He tried to adopt and entertain the younger fans (which is the majority of his new fans), that's why many of his older fans got annoyed.

      Well, yeah but you got a point, if the majority of his fans are teenager (well, I don't know what's the right word) he should lower the amount of cursing, he cursed too much now, for no reason, and he make fun of everything, for no reason too. That's why I prefer his older stuff.

      Exactly what I meant by making this thread.
      Work it ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ harder
      Make it (ง •̀_•́)ง better
      Do it ᕦ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕤ faster
      Raise your ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ dongers
    • Yukari Yakumo wrote:

      The reason why Pewds change his "Type of joke" , from a less crazy to nonsenical crazy one is because he is "controlled" by his fans, his newer fans. He tried to adopt and entertain the younger fans (which is the majority of his new fans), that's why many of his older fans got annoyed.

      Well, yeah but you got a point, if the majority of his fans are teenager (well, I don't know what's the right word) he should lower the amount of cursing, he cursed too much now, for no reason, and he make fun of everything, for no reason too. That's why I prefer his older stuff.
      Respect, i can indentify with the cursing thing, i think he is cursing too much and for no reason. And when he says F*** ten times in a row it's not funny, plus i don't want to be a moralist, but it does affect the kids, I mean, they curse without him and when i go at the school hall and 1st grader calles me c*nt, it is not normal...
      There are no scientific tests for race... blood is blood, and bone is bone. Race is a con game. Don't play.

    • I love his videos but I can agree with this thread. Firstly, he doesn't need to make a joke out of everything, it gets old fast now. Secondly, sometimes I feel like I'm too old for some of hide videos and jokes. I'm 18 and I don't giggle every time I hear the word "vagina" or "fuck" anymore or really any that kind of words and I also don't find it entertaining or funny to see him dancing with a shoe on his head.

      Don't get me wrong, I still love him and his videos but I used to like him so much more when I didn't feel too old for this.
      You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos.
    • Yukari Yakumo wrote:

      Well, yeah but you got a point, if the majority of his fans are teenager (well, I don't know what's the right word) he should lower the amount of cursing, he cursed too much now, for no reason, and he make fun of everything, for no reason too.

      Pre-teens? :p
      Btw, i don't think that decreasing curses would work too much, specially if IN CASE the kids' education is influenced mainly and/or mostly by their parents themselves..
      Not saying it is, nor that Pewdie's videos could not influence them either but, however...
      People wouldn't be able to blame Pewdiepie for their kids' education if he didn't curse in his videos, anyway.
      But i still think it wouldn't be fair for Pewdiepie to change his way of making videos, even if in case the parents' methods of education and/or irresponsability is the main fault..
      Wouldn't it be considered "being controlled by the 'public'" as well, even if IN CASE it was not Pewdiepie's fault at all?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by NuMetalWolf ().

    • As true as all of this very well may be, think about it from his perspective. Besides the growing community target and all that, he probably feels a lot of pressure to stay funny. If you're doing things on random and people like it, you're likely to start doing those things on purpose to make sure people laugh again and again.

      It can't be easy. :<

    • Shikieiki Yamaxanadu wrote:

      You took the words out of my mouth, his jokes are no more generated by random impulses (scared etc.), but moreso 'forced' jokes where he searches actively for something to make fun of.

      It doesn't work pretty much, though..
      He should be more natural than that. Well, that's what i think.

      vixenVIPER wrote:

      If you're doing things on random and people like it, you're likely to start doing those things on purpose to make sure people laugh again and again.
      It can't be easy. :<

      Not at all..
      People's got different tastes. It's never easy to satisfy ALL of them at once. And even if it wasn't a priority at all, it sounds like he's being a bit too carried away by his fans. :p

      The post was edited 2 times, last by NuMetalWolf ().

    • It's not a happy-fun-time activity for him anymore like it used to be when he didn't have much subs. It's a fulltime job now and he HAS to entertain his fans, otherwise no bling. And if he makes a clown of himself to entertain these young, naive fans of his, I don't mind. It doesn't concern me.
    • Ninja wrote:

      It's not a happy-fun-time activity for him anymore like it used to be when he didn't have much subs. It's a fulltime job now and he HAS to entertain his fans, otherwise no bling. And if he makes a clown of himself to entertain these young, naive fans of his, I don't mind. It doesn't concern me.

      It's his life after all, who are we to judge?