Can You Survive...

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    • "I'm pretty late" i looked at my phone's clock. "Or maybe my clock is wrong?"
      The way will approve is knocking the door. I take my breath. i must keep my girlishness. Don't make them mistaken me as boy. I remembered my luck in zodiac. My luck isn't good today.
      Slowly i knock the door and go in, with my quite step and shyness behind my tomboyish look.

      Nice, i like sleeping
    • fishy, fishy, fishy...nothing here is fisky my dear friend...maybe you have a craving for fish which im lucky to be baking a Carp in the oven hahaha..
      "A single sweat drop runs down my face as I walked towards the door hearing a knock"
      "I open up as a girl stood in-front of me wearing a brown shirt and a hoodie"
      Come in...I know your not wearing anything...formal but thats find enjoy the place food is almost done...
      "I let her in and walk my way to the kitchen"
      hmm hmm hmm hmm....

      Symmetry is Everything ~Death the Kid
    • Name: Night owl
      Personality:Dark,but good person.Strong and preety.Mystical. Can read minds.
      Host or Invited: Host
      Appearance: Girl. Vampire white skin . A black mask owl shape,black (long) hair with red highlights. Bloody red mini skirt ,short blouse black colored.Hign heels black color :D necklase owl shape ;) BIG BOOBS! and ass :D
      OOC : Im here,this is a realy creepy place!
      ,,One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain..."
      -Bob Marley
    • "...." i just stay silent. That man, who i assumed the host of this party is just, almost creeps me out. The mansion is creepy too, but fancy and luxurious too in same place...
      I look to myself.

      I noticed. This place is very quite, with few people in here. I think it will be so many people.
      'Nice zodiac's luck.' i thought in my head. I take a seat and look to the table.

      'There is no fresh water, almost wine and juice. Crap.'

      Nice, i like sleeping
    • *I look at the girl i believe in the corner and feel its a good idea to introduce myself**i walk slowly towards her and look around her with keen eyes looking to see if anything else is fishy**stop in front of her and gives her a worried face*Hello there, you seem to be worried about something.So, you have noticed the weird feel of this place too.Don't try the wine it doesn't look good.
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´
      BROFIST .................

      By: Pewdiepie
    • "Popping up between the two girls giving a frightful look"
      You this place was where I was dad was a scientist and I found out one day that he killed my mother...I ran away on the streets and had help through guidance...losing my mind I felt like a murderer...I found this place and wooped it back up into shape,..hahaha...
      "Holds his head drinking the wine"
      You know im about t-t-to...bleh...pass out so please be a dear and hold this..wake me up if needing help...oh im seeing things oh look theres a dancing frog on the biscuits...yaaaaaaaaayyy....
      "Falls on the ground passed out"

      Symmetry is Everything ~Death the Kid
    • I'm surprised when one of the guest and the host collapsed.
      Something is really-really not right!
      I looked to their faces, really pale.

      DRRT. My phone rang, almost gave me a heart attack.
      I open the flap of the phone and check it.
      My face turned to pale, but no headache.
      I want to puke...

      I ran to the toilet, or wherever i could puke.

      Nice, i like sleeping
    • It was the wine im sure of it!*stands over the host and the guest that i was talking to and check there pulses*Their still alive just passed out.* i take the unconscious man on top and drag him to a small couch near a fireplace**I lift him**grunting from the weight but gets him onto the couch*There*puts his head up with a pillow and moves the other man doing to same thing but on the other couch near the fireplace*Now that thats done i need to go see if that lady is okay*i walk to the bathroom determined to see if i can help.*
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´
      BROFIST .................

      By: Pewdiepie
    • I puke all of my early dinner (Before went to the party) in the bathroom. Man, father sent me mail and this situation don't support me to stand horror. And my wallpaper is perfectly gore. So, yeah, easy to puke.

      "Shit just go to real," i murmured while sitting on the bathroom's floor which isn't wet. "I don't want him..."

      I don't need this. I wash my face quickly, trying to refresh my mind. "I must help those collapsed guest and host."

      Nice, i like sleeping
    • *whispers* Does anyone think that the host is... evil? Because he can not be evil with those eyes and the teeth... Gives me the creeps. Maybe we should find some fire and burn him?
    • *notices the woman walk out and sighs with relief* good im happy your okay* i walk back to the fire place to check on the two men**hears the rain and the thunderstorm loudly squeals and Sits on the ground while covering my ears*Why must there be lighting why must there be lightning....*looks up at the two unconscious men laying on the couches smiles to know i cant hear the thunder when i cover my ears*
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´
      BROFIST .................

      By: Pewdiepie
    • *i stand up and looks at her with a smile**uncovers my ears* Yes it seems you did.But good job remembering my name.So what is your name?*looks at her trying to seem as friendly as i can without showing that im scared still*
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´
      BROFIST .................

      By: Pewdiepie
    • Nice to meet you Eru*notices the one man wake up and wabble to get up**races to him* don't get up to fast.Do you know where you are?
      ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
      ..........''...\.......... _.·´
      BROFIST .................

      By: Pewdiepie