Relationship help.

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    • The posts above me are pretty much spot on.
      It always starts somewhere. and the best way to live it and learn it is to be honest about it. Yourself. You will have more fun that way.

      There are people out in this world, who fall in love and live life with that 1 person. Although not so much now, and I know its a hard thing to think about, but considering you saying this is your first real relationship, I am imagining you are somewhat young. Just keep in mind, most relationships starting out, don't last forever.

      But yeah. Games and movies on Netflix dates, and no Instagram. Stay away from preps too! :p
    • If you both are interested in the same things and you like each other, then there's no problem! :) Any human relationship is different - there are no "norms" of how to act and what to do. It's for you to decide how your realtionship will look like. Do what you are comfortable with doing - no need to force on youselves PDA's and other acts of affection shown in films or acts which you observed from other couples. What I think is that both of you should talk a lot about this subject and discuss what is it you are ok with doing or not. Especially in the beginning of your relationship. It's important to speak about things that annoy you - don't ignore it, because with time it will get worse and it may be impossible to change.
      Just have fun and learn about yourselves. Other things will come with time. ;)
    • My friend, my best advice is to just be yourselves around each other and have as much fun as you possibly can. There will be trouble along the line, with everyone relationship but you gotta keep on going. Keep your head up, and always keep your significant other smiling. That's the best advice I can give.
    • I'm not sure how old you are, but you and your girlfriend sounds a lot like me and my girlfriend. We are both huge gaming/animation geeks, and I noticed that she had some kickass Pokemon toys when I first met her, so I asked her out. We dated in grade 6 and ultimately started to drift away from each other since we were so shy and awkward.

      In high school, we dated again and are still together almost 9 years later.

      My thoughts? Well.... the shy awkwardness is tough to get past, but ultimately it's worth the effort. Always be yourself, and be considerate of her feelings. The rest of the story should write itself.