Your favorite game console, and why.

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    • lilwisher93 wrote:

      Nintendo 64 because I love haow the graphics look and the game play on it was awsome pluse i have so many great memories playing with my friends on it. The funny thing is I still have it today and it still works. :thumbup:

      I love my 64 and still use it on a regular basis, including just yesterday. It was hard not picking it as my #1 console. It regularly gets played when company is over for multiplayer greats like Conker's BFD, Mario Tennis, Smash Bros, Mario Party (all 3), Bomberman 64, Worms Armageddon, Perfect Dark, Mario Kart 64, and Pokemon Puzzle League.

      I would have to say that Nintendo 64 is still the king of Couch gaming with your friends. We just look at our library of games that we could play when company is over... and we always gravitate back to the 64.
    • Gamecube. My mother did the forbidden and went with my aunt to wait from midnight to opening at the Wal-Mart parking lot on Black Friday to get it with the special edition collectors pack of The Legend of Zelda, which contained the first two impossible Zelda titles originally for the NES plus Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask found previously on the N64, and included 20 minute demos for the then upcoming Windwaker. She nearly lost an eye with all of the shoppers trying to catch a deal. Zelda or not, I can't not say it's my favorite when my mom nearly died getting it for me and my siblings!
      *For the countries who don't have Black Friday, it's the day after the Thanksgiving holiday, a month before Christmas, where all of the stores open extra early with ridiculous deals on usually expensive products as a business tactic. This was the only time my mom participated, and I myself will not participate. Never has a year gone by that someone hasn't been reported trampled to death somewhere. I wish I was joking.*
      All the same, adding Windwaker, Super Smash Bros, Melee!, Soul Caliber II, plus many others, not to mention the featured add-on where you can play your game-boy games on your t.v., it's definitely my favorite.
      "When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and let the world wonder how you did it."
    • I was gonna say PC cos of Half Life and Black Mesa Source but PC pretty much covers all gaming developments so i guess i'd say Xbox 360 seems it's the only machine i have capable of playing the Orange Box games and i'm a massive Half Life fan and a bit of a Halo fan plus i find xbox controllers so much more comfortable to play with then playstation controllers.
      We used to wrestle Hunters to the ground with our bare hands! I used to kill ten, twenty a day, just using my fists!
    • PS2. So many great games that it is too hard to count. My terrible high school grades are all because of the PS2 and I don't regret it ONE GOD DAMN BIT! NOT ONE BIT YOU HEAR?!

      Notable games that I loved were: Ratchet and Clank, Gungrave, Silent Hill 2, Def Jam Vendetta, Viewtiful Joe, Shin Megami Tensei, Devil May Cry, Onimusha, Zone of the Enders. It goes on and on and on. I even think most of my PS2 game collection went into the 80s until I traded it all in for PS3 stuff. I still kept a few rare gems though just incase.
      There is always time for muffins.
    • even though I've technically never played a real one. I'm gonna say NES.
      Basically cos of it's collection of amazing games and its sheer simplistic stylishness. They look so badass, like a retro look at what people thought the future would look like. It's amazing.

      It's so good that I've an idea for a game about killing people to get a NES which I'm working on at the moment
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    • I just love SNES, even though I'm only 13, the only console I ever really played when I was little was SNES.

      I played all the FInal Fantasies (When I was littler I had no idea what I was doing, but heck, my first (read) word was Equip. Litterly, the SNES tought me how to read.), and Sim Ant was and still is, a favorite.

      I played it on the PC, either using the keyboard or a small gaming controller.

      Nowadays I carry an Emulator on my phone, and I will often hook up a bluetooth keyboard, get Video-Out to my monitor in my room (I have no PC, just a monitor), hook up some speakers, and have some fum with emulators.
    • For me personally i've never got the chance to play with any of the older generation of consoles like the N64 or SNES so i can't say they're my favourite console.

      The one for me would be the PS3 since it provided features to me that i really liked like the Blu-ray player so the console acted like a media center at the same time. It had wifi so i could stream movies and stuff from my PC to the PS3 when i was in the mood to watch things on the TV screen rather than a monitor. The wireless controllers were also a nice addition over the PS2 i had, the wires on those got a little annoying at one point for me so the wireless option was great not to mention the PS3 controller itself to me felt really comfortable and i liked the triggers for the L2 and R2 buttons. Of course the games themselves looked stunning compared to my previous PS2 thanks to the greater technology that's pretty much a given for that.
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    • Nintendo 64

      I pick this one mainly because it has some of my favorite games. I am a huge Zelda fan so you can guess I was playing Zelda: Ocarina Of Time alot, along with Zelda Majora's Mask. Though I could say another system for having zelda but I just liked the Nintendo zelda more. Also Super Mario 64 was fun to play and it took forever to beat lol Though super smash bros was my favorite co op game during that time, I use to have tournaments with friends to see who was better. I have alot of good memories of the Nintendo 64, so it will be my number one for a long time, possibly forever :)
    • Well my is Gaming PC i builded my laptop and pc to be beasts so i can record i like PC i played once in friends house Xbox shit and it sucks i will rather buy one more gaming pc but not for 1500$ witch i did i will rather buy one more gaming pc but not beast for that 300$ ;)
    • Pc. It's the only "console" where you're sure there's competiton. The other consoles are only for fun. Who thinks a console is more competitive than a pc he wrongs. The mouse is perfect for aim, the controller is uncomify, seems the fusion of 2 boomerangs sent into a cock butt.