Guide Against Bullying. (SHARE YOUR TIPS! )

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    • Woah that's my life experiences but I wont say it.
      If anyone bullies you just ignore them and try, try to be friend them like what Kemerd said. Don't tell your parents, or teachers they might make the bully stress which means he will just bully you more. Try asking, "Why are you bullying me?" it will help 70 percent.

      Kemerd wrote:

      No. Don't outsmart him.

      Don't insult him back with smarter comments.

      DO NOT tell an adult.

      Don't ignore them.

      You need to befriend them. It's the only true way. (What if the bully is with you elementary through high school?)

      You lose haters, and gain friends.

      Fight hate with kindness.

      It might seem like your kindness is to no prevail... but, after a while... it works.

      Trust me.

      Credits goes to : Oneiros1987, watch her in dA or look at her awesome works.
    • just become yourself,let them bullied you,because what ever they do to you,god will always be with you,like int he crooked man final part

      "no matter if you are suffered in your whole life,but the most important thing,you can smile at the end"
    • Just ignore them, and if they become annoying, too much to bear, just slap them and call them shit.
      you don't have to be pretty to be perfect.
      you don't have to be smart to be perfect.
      you just have to be you
      and no matter what,
      you are perfect.
    • Depends what you mean by bullying.

      If it's name calling/verbal abuse, then it's pretty hard to do a whole lot about it. Teachers might not even consider it to be bullying. You have to act like it doesn't bother you, you have to not react to it so it's boring for the people harassing you. For me, it was usually slacker morons who made fun of me, so I didn't care to much.

      If you're getting hit, or beaten up; if they're physically attacking you, then that is assualt. If they are over the age of criminal responsibility (it's around 12 in the UK), you can go to the police. It's assault and a hate crime, and it's illegal. I would probably advise go to the school first, but if they won't do anything, go to the police. Take photos of injuries, get witnesses of the assault, and more importantly get other people who are harassed by this bully to report it too. Make it clear to the police that you have already gone to the school. Document and record all the attacks.

      It's a scary prospect but the idea that reporting a crime is bad is stupid. The problem with bullies is that they don't have reasonable consequences to their actions. They'll keep doing it and escalating it until they get into really big trouble. You could almost think of it as helping them long term to be punished before they go and kill somebody in bar fight as an adult.

      Edit: (Not that every bad kid in school turns into a criminal, but you can't tell which ones are which when you're in school)
      In Memory - Alpha test stage

      Coming up: Pilot's Story, Caroline's Fall

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Kerrima: Edit: fixed weird half sentance ().

    • Well... Don't give up and don't change to have friends. When someone scares you, don't show it. Personally, I learned to challenge the bullies. But don't challenge them in a primitive kind of a way, like insults. Be proud, don't let them lower you to their level. Prove that you are wiser and more mature than they'll ever be.
    • Well... Don't give up and don't change to have friends. When someone scares you, don't show it. Personally, I learned to challenge the bullies. But don't challenge them in a primitive kind of a way, like insults. Be proud, don't let them lower you to their level. Prove that you are wiser and more mature than they'll ever be.

      So much this actually.

      --+ Sent with my phone with Tapatalk cuz can +--

    • This may not be politically correct but... I believe the best way to shut a bully is to kick his ass.
      They gain power because you let them, you don't wanna fight them, so they continue.
      If you tell your parents, teachers etc you look like a wuss, so you give them more to bully you for.
      If you try to ignore them you still look weak because you don't confront them and let them ridicule you, which is bad for your name.

      I had a "bully" once, he always tried to ridicule me and I let him, now looking back I really wish I could have left some pain in his face.
      These guys don't know how to fight you, it's a bluff, use that to your advantage.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Myrmidonios ().

    • You don't "make yourself a target" for a bully by "looking wussy". They are 100% responsible for their actions, not you. They choose to make you a target, not you. Don't ever forget that. Don't diminish their responsibility by saying telling someone about it is the wrong thing to do. Suffering alone then lashing out won't solve anything, it will just get you in more trouble.
      In Memory - Alpha test stage

      Coming up: Pilot's Story, Caroline's Fall
    • Yes Leviathan... bullying is that bad... it is ridiculously common and needs to be stopped. It continues to go on because people look at it as "kids will be kids", and what happens is some people become so overwhelmed that it significantly impacts their development, or in extreme cases results in suicide. It is much more serious than people realize, and the whole "if you tell, you're a wuss" mentality that comes with it is a prime example. That mentality is a tool that bullies use in an effort to stay in power. You remove that power from them if you remove that mentality from yourself.

      Myrmidonios gave some of the worst advice in this thread. Do not respond with physical violence, the concept that a bully is really scared to fight is a misconception held by a lot of people, but bullies are bullies because they have physical dominance and a willingness to use it. Standing up to a bully will result in a violent altercation more often than not (and one with someone generally larger and stronger), and increased amounts of bullying as the bully attempts to assert his/her dominance over you. What's more, is because you have now questioned the bully's resolve, he/she is going to have to make an example of you, and things will just continue to get worse. Also, you now become a bad guy in the scenario because you engaged in violent activity willingly.

      The only things you can do are 1) TELL SOMEONE!!!!!!! (IT REALLY WORKS), 2) Be proud of who you are and try your best not to let them bother you, 3) Always be the better person. If you get down to their level, they have won.

      Why perpetuate an endless cycle of bullying when you can stand up and be one of the people who changes the system. Stop this destructive mentality that by "tattling" you are "bad", or "weak", and that this will result in even more bullying. Look at it this way. Bullies don't just bully 1 kid... if they did, they'd just be a dick, and not a bully... by standing up and talking to someone about this, your actions are saving others that are in your situation. Stand up and do what is right for them, as well as what is right for yourself. Be the champion they need, the revolutionary who helps change the system, and removes the power from the bully.
    • Look at it from a prison standpoint. You tell on someone for messing with you, you're going to be considered a "nark" and probably get the shit beat out of you more. However, if you find the biggest guy there and show him you're not going to take shit, noone is going to mess with you. Same thing applies in real life. Doesn't matter how big they are.

    • Exactly, even though the example is kinda weird, what people here don't realize and are stuck with the politically "correct" way of thinking is that real lessons are learned with the hard way.

      Do you really believe afterwards in real life things will be still the same? No! This is not a world full of unicorns and rainbows.
      You have to prove yourself if you want to get high in life and don't expect others to do your bidding.
      You might get hurt, but you'll still have your self-respect. If you believe you have no chance against you bully, well, learn some martial arts. They will give you a boost in self-confidence and when the bully learns your plans... well I guess he knows what comes to him so he'll let you be, no need for violence then.

      And AmazingSully, they have just mass, that gives them the confidence they need, they only push you around.
      They are not scared, they just don't expect it from you, that will shock their self-confidence, at least for a moment.
      Unless of course if there is a gang of bullies, with knives or if they are too violent, who you better avoid at all costs.

      By the way, do you have any experience to back up your claims?

      (I don't say go berserk or super saiyan, and beat the living crap out of the bully, sometimes a simple punch, not even a strong one, followed by some intimidation is enough)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Myrmidonios ().

    • Yeah, I do... My brother was repeatedly almost thrown out of school for fighting against people picking on him. It was so hard to convince the school that he was just trying to stop the bullying. The more he fought back the more they would pick on him because they knew they could get him in trouble. What worked A LOT better was getting my brother enrolled in Air Cadets. It gave him the self discipline to be able to ignore the bullies, and the self respect he needed to have some confidence. He stopped getting into trouble, and now he's doing great on his degree.
      In Memory - Alpha test stage

      Coming up: Pilot's Story, Caroline's Fall
    • Leviathan... first off, real life isn't prison. Secondly, if you are in prison and someone is assaulting you, YES, TELL THE GUARDS/WARDEN!!!. You know what they do? They put you in protective custody and it fucking stops. If you keep it to yourself, it continues to happen.

      Myrmidonios, I have no idea what you mean when you say "Do you really believe afterwards in real life things will be still the same?" No, I don't think things will be the same, things will be better. Why? Because something will have been done. If it continues to happen after speaking to someone, you tell someone again. The only way to enact change is to make your voice heard. If your voice isn't heard when you speak up... SPEAK LOUDER! Violent action against a bully is not the answer, and like kerrima said, it made things worse for their brother. You do not need to "prove" yourself physically to get somewhere in life, you can prove yourself morally and intellectually, and standing up to bullying and having a voice is the way to do that. You say, "you might get hurt, but you'll still have your self-respect"... but the thing is, you won't have your self respect, and the odds of getting hurt are quite high. Instead all you have done is antagonized someone who is almost always ready to exert their physical dominance over you, and you've resorted to their level, diminishing your self-respect.

      Also, your suggestion to learn martial arts if you don't think you can win in a fight is SOOOOOO wrong. The core principles of martial arts are that they are NOT to be used. Learning martial arts so that you can attack a bully is such a violation of those principles it isn't sound. Martial arts is a great way to learn confidence, that is true, but don't learn them because you are looking for a fight, that is wrong.

      To say that they just have mass is wrong. They are physically dominant. While it is true that SOME (not all, or even most) bullies will back off when confronted, the VAST majority want you to engage them. Bullies become the alphas because they have demonstrated that they can and will use their physical advantages over others. To engage someone like this head on in a physical altercation is stupid. It will not shock their self-confidence to fight back, because more times than not they are going to be able to crush you.

      To answer your question, yes, I most certainly have experience with this. Junior high (middle school for you americans) for me was a nightmare, and I am so glad to say because of the actions I took, the bullying stopped, and I didn't have a single incident in high school. Also, I am an advocate against bullying locally. Here are some fun stats for you:

      Bullying stops in less than 10 seconds, 57% of the time when someone intervenes on behalf of the victim - (Craig & Pepler, 1997)
      Less than 10% of bullied children tell someone
      282,000 students are physically attacked in secondary schools each month
      10% of students who drop out of school do so because of repeated bullying (Weinhold & Weinhold, 1998)
      5,000,000 = Number of elementary and junior high school students, affected by bullying in the US
      85% of bullying takes place in front of others.
      (All data courtesy of the Family Resource Facilitation Program of Canada)
    • Well then I'll have to admit defeat in this debate.

      BUT, I said learn Martial Arts for just that reason, you don't have to fight him then, it will give you self-confidence (if you lack it that period) and help your DEFENSE, but most of all, if you have to confront him one day, the meter will lean in your favor. But, if he learns you go to a martial arts class I doubt he'll risk it. If he changes victim, then go and tell right away.