Illness/Diseases You Have?

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    • PhaZe wrote:

      Holy shit, so many people with depression ._.

      it's quite common to find people with depression on the internet, it's easier to talk about it when you don't have people directly looking at you as it feels like they're judging you and can feel awkward and difficult talking about stuff.
      I have depression, but i've never really talked about it face to face to people, they just never understand, they always think we're being over-dramatic or attention seeking. They simply have no idea what it's like to think about yourself in such a negative way and in some cases to think about ending everything.

      To anyone here who suffers from depression, it doesn't matter how low you ever feel, how hopeless everything may seem, and how little worth you may think of yourself. You are wrong, you may not see it now but it gets better, don't ever try to give up, there are millions of people out there who do understand and know exactly how you feel and what you're going through. You may feel alone, but you actually have millions around the world who are with you, you just have to find them. People may judge us, but that's cos they don't understand, but we do understand, we've been through it or are going through it right now, we can help one-another.
      We used to wrestle Hunters to the ground with our bare hands! I used to kill ten, twenty a day, just using my fists!
    • Scoliosis
      Scoliosis (from Ancient Greek: σκολίωσις skoliosis "obliquity, bending")[1] is a medical condition in which a person's spine is curved from side to side. Although it is a complex three-dimensional deformity, on an X-ray, viewed from the rear, the spine of an individual with scoliosis may look more like an "S" or a "C", rather than a straight line.
      Scoliosis is typically classified as either congenital (caused by vertebral anomalies present at birth), idiopathic (cause unknown, subclassified as infantile, juvenile, adolescent, or adult, according to when onset occurred), or secondary to another primary condition.
      Secondary scoliosis may be the result a neuromuscular condition (spina bifida, cerebral palsy, spinal muscular atrophy, or physical trauma), or syndromes such as Chiari malformation.
      Recent longitudinal studies reveal that the most common form of the condition, late-onset idiopathic scoliosis, is physiologically harmless and self-limiting.[2][3] The rarer forms of scoliosis pose risks of complications.
    • I'm not sure this counts, but I hear voices in my head. I've heard them for about 4 years. they are always telling me to kill myself and or others. It all started when my Mom died four years ago. I blamed it on myself and sat in a corner and cried for hours, not letting anyone touch me. I never told anyone until recently, and I only went to therapy for a few weeks because my family is poor and can't afford it. I also get depressed easily and have my period only about 3 times a year. My dad still hasn't brought me to the doctor, but always says he will. I have insurance, so I'm covered. I guess he just forgets. :/
      " Human-kind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law, of equivalent exchange." - Edward Elric
    • I've never been to a doctor about these things n I have NO CLUE what some of them are called (good job Emily >.<) buuttt.....

      I've been having alot of joint pain in my legs the past couple years, especially when I'm marching (okay, you can just stfu, marching band is cool as fuck, so go in a corner and cry <33333) and swimming. Like, just for no reason, they'll be like "oh, emily's doing something important that'll get her in trouble if she does one thing wrong, lets just make her fall right in the middle of the field...yea, there we go, all done, GOOD WORK TEAM!" >.<. It's gotten better this year, but i still get some in my knees, usually my left one.

      I forget everything. Like fucking everything. It's really annoying when I test cause I forget everything for the 5 minutes I'm testing and I remember it right after I'm done.

      I see things. Like monsters and things...well I don't really see them as much as I feel that they're there. I know, I'm about to sound like a little kid right now, but i feel like there's things under my bed and in my closet (stfu xDD). The only one I see if my grandmother which is really weird because she didn't live down here at all, I don't even think she came over to that house, I think she died right before we moved in.

      I used to have slight depression for a few months right after a breakup with an ex. I don't want to go into full detail what he did, but it was pretty bad. I've gotten better since Shane, but it does come and go every once and a while.

      Also asthma lol forgot about that one. It flares when I've been swimming for a while, marching for a while, or just got done screaming for like 5 minutes straight

      The post was edited 1 time, last by may837 ().

    • A.D.D: (attention deficit disorder) I don't have a severe case, but I find it extremely hard in school to focus on lectures that last 25 or more minutes

      Scoliosis: It's a spinal problem where your spine is curved instead of straight. I have a somewhat bad case of it, since I had to wear a backbrace from the age of 4 to 6.

      Anorexia: I assume most people know what it is.. I mentioned how I had a backbrace through kindergarten to first grade? I was made fun of and call fat and ugly, so as a child I thought "Oh, okay I'll just not eat anything anymore!" it affects how much I can eat currently and makes it hard to eat.

      Social Anxiety Disorder: It can make you feel sick, nervous , or worse at the thought of social encounters. I found out I had this after I had told my mom that I didn't like anyone around me including my self. I do have to do things to treat it such as talking to people who I have not spoken to for awhile or by trying to meet people at public places like a mall or pool.

      So yeah that's me :)
      When some one says magic isn't real #mce_temp_url#
    • Well, I have like.
      -Social Anxiety Disorder
      -Bipolar(its like a disorder where you can't control your emotions[basically])
      -Terrible self-confidence/shyness
      -Anxiety(like just the normal kind, worried over nothing. Getting really shaking etc etc)
      --I fair thee well,

      Have a good day.
    • Whitetrash233 wrote:

      Well I do not have any sort of physical or mental disorder. But I have something that I can not figure out what it is. My face is constantly red. Most annoying thing ever. I have never seen my face with normal skin tone. And when I ask a question in public or talk to someone they will constantly think that I am embarrassed. It really gets annoying and when I am embarrassed my face turns about 2 shades of brighter red which seems almost un-human like.
      Ah yeah, I have this. Im pretty sure its called high blood pressure. Its annoying hey?
      --I fair thee well,

      Have a good day.
    • ADHD: Well, yep. Doing homework then all of a sudden OH MY FREAKING GOSH A BUTTERFLY
      Oh, and running around the house uncontrollably is soooooo funnnn /sarcasm
      My case of ADHD is extremely severe. I'm ALWAYS hyper, unless I'm medicated. Everything distracts me, it sucks.

      Migraines: Get an aura that basically blinds me for an hour, then a very minor headache that lasts for 20 mins.

      Abnormally tight Achilles Tendon: If I get surgery on it (both legs), I'll be in crutches for 6 straight months, each half of those 6 months with a different foot casted
    • For me i've always had mutiple disorder's my main one's today are ADHD, ADD, OCD,And polytheistic ovarian syndrome.
      For The Last thing i listed that basicaly gives me like say a 2% or 8% chance of having kid's one day. Which sucks cause i want kids. I have been taking med's for my ADHD every since i can remember. I'm sure i was taking med's for it before i was even born (that is meant to be funny not offensive,rube,or mean)
    • I had cancer as a 3 year old, and I have a problem with my blood vessels in my hands. When it is very cold my hands would turn into lizzard skin/veryy dry skin. The doctor said it was a natural change, hope it wont get worse at least...
      My issues/disease are probably not much compared to many other diseases i read in this post, I wish ya all best of luck!! <3
      Smile More, !
    • Well i dont know where to begin, ok lets start by saying when i get born my (3rd time my mom have given birth) she said to the doctors that she really dont want to feel the pain like in other birth so she told them she want to do it while asleep, the doctors told her that if she would give birth while asleep there is a big chance that she won't wake up,in the end she woke up, but yhea it seems like everbody is ok, well exept from the baby, it means me, i had some serious problems with breating and almost died, because i slept and no one knew that i have breating problems, the doctors said ive been saved by miricel, but since then i passed few surgerys in the ears and in the nose, till then i had zero problems, then when i was like 10 years old i got sick by Pneumonia and had alot of troble breathing again, then after 4-5 months that i didnt go to school ive felt good but then when we went to the doctor after i healed up the doctor told me that the Pneumonia left Asthma , thats only one problem, (all the problems comes from the birth) other problem that i have till this day is that my sholders are almost disconnected meaning that when people that learnd special martial art and tried to grab me, they couldnt do a thing because grabs didnt effect me, they take my hand, then i dont know they go round, and when they finish fighting with my hand, im standing in the same postition,and another thing that i have is an extra bone in my chest, lets see i have more problems,i also have Flatfoot wich mean that the foot is totaly Straight and every time when i move my fingers in my foot my Muscles they starts to hurt really bad, and the last problem that i have is in my nose, after the surgery that i was yound they removed only half of the problems, the thing is that im aelergic to MYSELF, yhea you saw it right Myself, and there is something that is groing inside my nose tunnles (luckly not cancer) but if i will not take a surgery its going to get really worse(im 16.9 years old now btw) but in overall, im really handsome and im really Athletic and healthy, and i have managed all of it.
      Oh yhea there is one more little problem, i swet alot, alot, when its cold im dripping water like a horse, but also just a little surgery for it the doctor said and it will be fine.
      Thank you for your time reading all of this i appreciate your interest
      Check out my new youtube gaming channel

      Subscribers count 1100/2000, see you there
    • Wow, I was surprised to see such a thread in this discussion board.. But here we go.

      Iron Deficiency Anaemia :
      Because having enough iron is overrated.

      Ichthyosis Vulgaris :
      It's that dry, scaly skin that makes you feel like you're gonna be leather some time soon. I only have a minor case though, and it's only on my lower legs. It's nearly gone now though. Guess it does improve over time.

      Depression :
      Yes, I do have it, and no, it's not just me being sad. I didn't go to school for months many years ago because I thought it was pointless, and I wasn't bothered. I just stay in my room like, forever, and I still do now but it's becoming less and less. I just slept throughout the day, I stopped seeing my friends and other things. I actually have to take medication for this, and for my other issue which is..

      Social Anxiety Disorder :
      No matter how much people think I'm fairly outgoing, and I go on Facebook a lot and things like that, little do they know that every time I go outside I just freak out about being watched or looked at, or even talked about. It's terrible. I can't even go to the shop on my own because I don't want attention or acknowledgement. I've missed a lot of gatherings, celebrations, important events just 'cause. I failed an exam years back because it involved an oration/declamation and I broke down on the stage. Anyways, have to take medication for this as well, but nope, not taking any. I believe I can improve on my own without popping pills, and I am.
    • Social Anxiety:
      I have a hard time doing things people do on a daily basis. This includes going to the store or ordering food in person, taking the bus(I can't do this), going to parties, going to the city, dressing up differently(I get very self-conscious the minute I walk outside), going to large schools(my school has 100-150 students) and so on. I think a few people have a misunderstanding of what social anxiety actually is. It is not the same as being an introvert or anti-social, it is more of a fear of being in social situations. For example, the last time I took a bus the only thing I could think of was what other people were thinking about me.. I ended up crying and having a panic attack- most dreadful experience in my life. I've learned to cope by avoiding situations like these, although more than anything I'd love to deal with this problem because not being able to do common things really brings me down.
    • FlareonPL wrote:

      Social Anxiety:
      I have a hard time doing things people do on a daily basis. This includes going to the store or ordering food in person, taking the bus(I can't do this), going to parties, going to the city, dressing up differently(I get very self-conscious the minute I walk outside), going to large schools(my school has 100-150 students) and so on. I think a few people have a misunderstanding of what social anxiety actually is. It is not the same as being an introvert or anti-social, it is more of a fear of being in social situations. For example, the last time I took a bus the only thing I could think of was what other people were thinking about me.. I ended up crying and having a panic attack- most dreadful experience in my life. I've learned to cope by avoiding situations like these, although more than anything I'd love to deal with this problem because not being able to do common things really brings me down.

      That's happens too
      I can't buy things, when I walk I always think people watch me .... I think I always bother, I have panic... but at least I can take the bus, or go to school, but when is so much people around me I start crying ..." :Social Anxiety" ?
      nom nom nom :3